
Hello, my friends!

I’m Allison, and I’m so happy to see you here! Let me start by telling you a bit about my blog, and then I’ll introduce myself more properly. πŸ™‚

About this Blog

I started this blog in May of 2014, mainly because my sister Megan had to start a blog for school, and it looked so fun that I made one too.Β  Blogging has been a big part of my life for 7 years now. I love this community – that means you guys! ❀

As you can probably tell from its title, this is a lifestyle blog. I mainly post about photography, adventures on the farm, art, and writing, but if something else interesting pops up, I’ll probably stick that in too! I hope my blog can shine a little ray of sunshine into your inbox and your day. πŸ™‚ I write posts to bring myself and you guys joy, but most importantly, to bring God glory.

About the Blogger

I’m a 21-year-old Christian, artist, photographer, writer, and blogger. I also enjoy playing piano, exploring our farm, and just creating things in general. I live on a farm in Eastern U. S. A. with my amazing family and a collection of pets.

Here are some more facts about me, in no particular order:


We used to live on a dairy+poultry farm (shown above), but we moved to a different farm in early 2018.Β  The farm we live on now is about 450 acres, and we also own a 250-acre farm about five minutes down the road. We kinda live in the middle of nowhere, and that’s just how we like it. πŸ™‚


I call myself a farm girl simply because I live on a farm and love it. I love all of the wonderful space to explore, I love watching the crops grow and get harvested, I love having my dad come in for every meal and hearing what he did that day, and I love the many wonderful farm traditions that I get to participate in.

-Allison(moon, lily, Maggie) 011 (1024x768)

I have loved the color purple for practically my whole life. I also like cool colors in general… actually I JUST LOVE COLORS.

family picture final

I’m the oldest of five kids: I have two brothers, Logan and Jefferson; and two sisters, Megan and Carmen. Megan has a blog as well.

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We have a fluctuating number of pets, but currently we have one dog, two cats, five rabbits, and one miniature goat.

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Authentic, deep conversations are one of my favorite things. But also laughter.

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Some more things I love: stars and sunsets; making art; Romans and Psalms (and the whole Bible, of course); NEEEDTOBREATHE and Switchfoot’s music; handwritten letters; wildflowers and houseplants; fruit of all kinds; good books; cameras; the beach; friendly debates; and the scent of honeysuckle or lavender.

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I enjoy listening to, playing, and singing music. I can only play one instrument – the piano – but I adore playing it.


I like words in various forms – in a book, in a word game, in writing (especially poems), and also just in talking.

spring walk (8)

Capturing and creating beauty is what I strive to do through any means I can – art, photography, and writing. I find beauty everywhere I look, and I can’t wait to see the shadows of loveliness on earth fulfilled in Heaven.

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I went to private school through third grade, and was homeschooled from 4th-12th. They were both great experiences, but I prefer homeschooling. πŸ™‚ Now that I’m out of school, I spend most of my time either working on the farm for my dad or making/selling/teaching art, whether through giving private art lessons or running my Etsy shop, The Color Box Studio.

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Probably the first thing you’d notice about me is that I’m very tall: 5′ 11″. My whole family is tall, actually. My brothers are both taller than me now… *sniff*


I LOVE BOOKS. Always have, always will. A few of my favorites are The Mysterious Benedict Society series, the Anne of Green Gables series, the Narnia series, A Severe Mercy, Jane Eyre,Β and the Little House books. Classics are one of my favorite genres, if you can call it that.

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I’m an introvert, but being with my friends makes me happy, and I’d probably be quite animated and smile-y if you met me. I have kind of a two-sided personality – I’m imaginative but practical, serious but funny, and logical but still feel deeply. I see two sides to everything.

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You can often find me in my studio (picture above), making art, writing letters to pen pals, reading, or doing stuff on the computer. However, I LOVE nature, and one of my favorite things to do is explore the farm with my family.


Last but definitely not least, I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I believe we are all sinners in desperate need of God’s grace, and that we’re saved by trusting in Jesus for salvation, by faith alone. I am passionate about my faith and could talk theology for hours, but that won’t all fit into an “About Me” page. If you want to know more about what I believe, please feel free to ask!


There we go! Hopefully you enjoyed getting to know me a little better. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you’ll take off your shoes and stay a while. Have a lovely day, my friend!


435 thoughts on “About

  1. I loved reading your “about me” page! We like, have a lot in common!!! πŸ™‚ Country living is the best! I love reading, writing, artsy things, etc. Can’t wait to read more of your blog!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi, I’m Maddison/Maddi from over at stickynotesandicecream.wordpress.com.πŸ˜‰ I just discovered your blog, and after reading your “about me” page, I found I related to about 99% of what you said! I look forward to reading future posts!😁

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am a country girl through and through, one of 5 kids, class of 2018, enjoy hand-lettering, am a Christian, was homeschooled, completely agree with #6, am an introvert, etc. Need I say more?😜 It’s nice to “meet” you, as well! I love getting to know fellow bloggers.πŸ˜‰

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Good question. Um… I don’t remember all of them, but I usually get IN something… XD Maybe INTJ and INFJ, but then Mom looked and thought I was something like ISFJ or… I HAVE NO CLUE. XD XD Honestly the letters just kind of go over my head and I forget what they were since I don’t think they’re that accurate. XD Wow, you got TONS of different results! Hee hee, me too!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Wow! I am a cross between INTJ and INFJ, as well! Split personalities are real, haha! No wonder we have so much in common… 😜 I got ISFJ once, but I didn’t feel it was accurate.πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ I have posts on INFJs- you should check them out and see if you can relate at all!πŸ˜‰


  3. OOOOO!!! What an amazing ‘About’ page, Allison! You incorporated facts and pictures about yourself, all the while making it simple and fun. Great job! (P.s I’ve followed your blog for HOW LONG and I JUST NOW visited your ‘About’ page. That’s pathetic…. XD)


  4. Hi! I just found your blog. This is BEAUTIFUL!!! Thank you for the work you put into this and how you honor God while doing it. I also live on a farm and can relate with what you do! This is such a fun place!


  5. Love your blog! I am tall and love books too.
    And I love the last bit where you stand for Christ and honestly profess it as part of your identity! That’s amazing πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Allison! πŸ™‚ I’ve been following your blog for a while, and I love it! You are so talented at writing and photography! ❀ You inspired me to save up for and buy a Nikon d3500 in November (originally I was planning on a d3400, but the d3500 was on sale at the time πŸ˜‰ ).Thank you for sharing your photos and writing! I do enjoy them! πŸ˜€


    1. Hello there, Sara! I am SO happy to hear that I inspired you to get a DSLR! That’s super exciting and I hope you have fun using it! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the sweet comment. ❀ ❀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hehe, yep, I am having fun with it. πŸ™‚ Of course! ❀
        I was watching your behind the scenes video of the Color Box Studio, and I noticed that you hold your pen in a similar way as I do! I just thought that was neat, because I don't think I know anyone who writes with their thumb across their pencil (but I don't really look around at how people write, hehe). I've tried writing the "real" way, but it's uncomfortable for me. πŸ˜€


  7. Awesome picture of the moon!!

    Why do introverts blog? Lol!

    Piano is awesome! It makes no sense to me. I’m oblivious to middle c (or whatever y’all call it lol!)

    I love farm life! I’d do small scale farming but my wife doesn’t care a thing about it…


    1. Why thank you!
      HAHA, good question. XD Maybe because we like to process things in writing rather than out loud? I dunno.
      Yes, I love piano! Ha ha, well middle c is the middle key on the piano. πŸ™‚
      Me too! Heh heh, well that’s too bad.
      Thanks for visiting!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. hey Allison! just found your blog- I’ve been following Megan but I didn’t know her sister blogged?? that’s super weird, but I’m here to correct that mistake! your about page is perfect- I love books and I DEFINITELY have a two-sided personality. maybe even three sides? four? I don’t know lol. however, I’m crazy short while you’re crazy tall- ’tis all good I’m not salty at all XD


  9. Wanted to say hi, as I was browsing around wordpress, looking for blogs that would hopefully give me inspiration seeing other peoples work and writing; visiting yours here I see that we share similar interests and wanted to tell you I’ve enjoyed looking over your blog and through your pictures.


    1. Why hello there! I’m from Eastern U. S. A. and yep, I really do live on a farm! πŸ˜€ It IS different, but I love it. Do you live in a city? That would be a totally different life!


  10. Hello, just wanted to throw a little positivity in the blogging community and say that I love your site! I stumbled on it coincidentally; I was looking for inspiration on how to write the “about me” page for my own blog (because I’m new at this) and yours was the first blog that popped up when I was searching just now, and I LOVE it. Very artsy and aesthetic! πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing your lovely spirit and I love how you’re a Christian as well, that is something we have in common. I’m excited to be following you on your journey and I know you’ll do great! If you ever wanna chat/have advice for an “about me” page that you’d like to share, feel free to message me. Hope you have a great day and God bless you!


    1. Well hi there, Daelynn! For some reason I never replied to this comment and it got lost, but YAY, I’m so glad I found it again! Thank you so much for such a sweet comment and I’m so glad you liked my about page! It’s lovely to meet a fellow Christian. πŸ™‚ Thank you again, and best wishes for your new blog! ❀


  11. I am the oldest of five children too and I am an introvert too . We have so many things in common. ( High five)! I have a question I am starting a blog but for some reason WordPress isn’t working for me. It won’t let me log in. Do you know why??? And also they keep taking my site away.


    1. Really? That’s so neat! Oh dear, I’m so sorry to hear that! Unfortunately I don’t know what that’s happening, but I recommend going to WordPress’s help section or contacting the customer service which is really good. πŸ™‚


  12. I noticed you and a few other bloggers have words at the place where you comment. Like:
    How do you add that to your blog?


    1. Good question! Go to your WP Admin page, scroll down to “Settings” on the sidebar, select “Discussion,” and scroll allll the way down to the bottom where it will have a section called “Comment Form Prompt.” Then type what you want! πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

        1. No wait, I looked at wordpress help, and they said it is not available for wordpress users who have created an account after 2015. Sorry for all the comments.


  13. I’m a Christian teen (younger than you) and I’ve been on your email list for a few months. We have so much in common, I’m an introvert, I’m homeschooled, and I LOVE pretty much all the books you mentioned! It just makes me happy to find a Christian blogging teen who’s a lot like me πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, that makes me happy! (Especially about the books – ha! Just kidding. πŸ˜‰ ) Thank you so much for commenting, Alayna. It’s nice to “meet” you. πŸ™‚


  14. Your pictures are so beautiful and professional Allison! It seems like our blogs have a good bit in common, which is lovely!


  15. Hi! It’s nice to meet you. We sound very similar, except I live in a city with over half a million people and would rather live on a farm instead. I’m also kind of an introvert, but I become a huge chatterbox with my parents and my friends. I also love classic books, and my family is tall, too. I’m not homeschooled, but because of the pandemic I’m doing online school/distance learning. I’d keep babbling on but I want to go explore more of your blog. (:


    1. Hi there, Alyssa! Whoa, we do sound similar in a lot of ways! Oh goodness, that’s a lot of people. O.o Yes, I can relate! How is distance learning going for you? It seems like a hard way to homeschool, especially when you’re not used to it. I hope you’re doing alright! And hehe, thanks for checking out my blog! It’s lovely to meet you. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s definitely hard, but I think I’m having a much easier time than some other people might be. I know it’s been so difficult for a lot of students. (My dad is a high school math teacher, too, so I get ALL the details from both sides!) These last few weeks in between Thanksgiving break and Christmas break (plus finals) are going to be extra rough even for me though, especially since I’m taking a bunch of advanced classes. I like to think it’s good preparation for the more independent situation in college, I guess, haha. (:

        Liked by 1 person

        1. That’s such a good perspective and way to look at it! How handy that your dad is a math teacher, hehe. Ugh yes, I’m sure the last part of the year has got to be rough. Hope it goes well for you! ❀

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Hannah! It’s so nice to meet you! It’s so neat that we’re similar in those ways. ❀ Ooh, my little sister would be thrilled to know you raise goats because she LOVES her pet Nigerian dwarf goat. πŸ˜›


  16. Hey Allison,
    I just read that you were homeschooling and that your sister Megan did this for school and now, I also homeshool and I also did this for school so maybe if your sister also homeschools it can be the same thing….. https://allinonehomeschool.com/ this is the link of my homeschool app…….

    I just want to ask you some thing for my blog, can you click on my photo and tell me if you see my sites or posts ? ’cause I’m not sure if I published them……


    1. Hi there, Esther!
      Guess what? We used to use that curriculum! That’s actually why Megan started her blog, as a school assignment. We use Sonlight currently, though. πŸ™‚ (Although Megan, Logan, and I are all graduated.)
      Yes! When I click on your blog page I can see your posts. πŸ™‚ Hope that helps!


  17. What a lovely blog – came across it while googling on penpal ideas. i’d love to be your penpal and I’m going to follow your blog. I keep my own blog – VERY randomly – but it seems we do have a lot in common.


    1. Well thank you so much! I’m not accepting new pen pals at the moment because I have more than I can keep up with as it is, haha, but thank you so much for following and leaving a comment!


  18. Hello Allison!

    I discovered your blog awhile back, but for some reason I’m just now reading this post. XD Anyway, it’s so cool to find out that we have a lot in common (except I don’t live on a farm, hehe). I, too, am homeschooled and LOVE the Lord! I look forward to reading future posts from you, and hope you have a wonderful day. πŸ™‚ ❀

    – Erynn M. (16)


  19. Hi Allison! My name is Rylie. Finding your blog was an encouragement and blessing to me. I enjoy reading classics and writing books, but I also love baking for my church family. I wish I lived on a farm, but instead God has seen it fit for me to live in several small towns as I’ve grown up. I love Jesus Christ very much, and my father is the pastor of a church. I live in the eastern U.S. too! I don’t have my own blog, but like I said, I write books. I have one published on thebookpatch.com under my penname R.L. Van Meter, if you would like to read it. Anyway, thanks for being a bright light of the Lord’s in a world that desperately needs it!


    1. Hi Rylie! It’s so nice to hear from you – thanks for leaving such a sweet comment. I’m delighted my blog could be a blessing to you. It looks like we have several things in common. Right now I live in a small town too and though it’s different from the country, I love it here too. There are pros and cons to both I suppose. Ooh okay, I’ll check out The Book Patch. Thanks again for reading and commenting!


Your comments make my day! Please keep them clean and respectful so everyone can enjoy this blog. :) Thank you!