Third Trimester Pregnancy Update

I am officially in my third trimester now! Yay for being almost 30 weeks along! I thought this would be a good time to make a little “scrapbook entry” of how my pregnancy is going so I can look back on it in the future.

I personally love hearing details about random people’s pregnancies, but please feel free to scroll on past if that’s not your jam. No judgement. 😉 Otherwise, enjoy!

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We’re Expecting! + More Announcements

Hello friends!

YOU GUYS, I’M PREGNANT, AHH! *beams* I’ve been keeping this a secret for a few months, but since everything is going well and we found out the gender + got pictures, I’m finally ready to make this post. I am SO excited to share my pregnancy journey thus far.

I also have some blog-related announcements at the end of the post, so basically, this is an important post to read. 🙂 Let’s get into it!

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