Dewy Garden in Macro

My garden is soldiering on despite constant attacks from deer, groundhogs, rabbits, and slugs. I’m doing my best to help it along and surprisingly, the plants are still growing! I went out to do some weeding one morning, found each leaf dripping with perfect dewdrops, and immediately went back inside for my camera.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much I love photographing tiny waterdrops. I used my macro lens (aff. link) this time for extra refreshing sparkly goodness. Enjoy!

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Crystal Frost {a Photoshoot}

Hello friends!

I’m back with a nature photoshoot after a short Thanksgiving break. I hope your holidays were great! Mine were a lot of fun but quite jam-packed. Four different Thanksgiving dinners filled me right up. :O

Anyway, I took advantage of the recent frosty weather to play around with my macro lens (aff. link). It’s amazing what beautiful details you can find in an ordinary town yard with a close-up camera and some focused observation.

Enjoy these shots of some beautiful ice crystals!

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