Ahhhhhhhhhh!! I’m SO excited! Finally, finally Willow had babies! It was a few days past her “due date” and we had pretty much given up hope when my brother Jeff was cleaning out the cage and he saw something buried in the straw. You guessed it – it was tiny baby bunnies that Willow had hidden from us! There were six of them under a mound of straw and rabbit fur, but one was dead *sniff*. So now we have five teensy weensy little bunnies! Two are black, two are spotted, and one is white (although they may change color as they get older.)

They seem to be doing pretty well. Since we didn’t see when Willow had them, we’re not sure how old they are, but we think about 4 days old? Does anyone know? (By the way, here’s a neat video that shows baby bunnies growing up.)

Anyway, here are the pictures. Since they’re so tiny, they’re cute and ugly at the same time. 😛 They’re just starting to grow some velvety fuzz. ♥

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 050 (1280x960)

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 052 (1280x960)
Their mini ears are so funny!

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 053 (1280x960)-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 056 (1280x960)

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 057 (1280x960)
Look at that lil’ nose!

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 058 (1280x960)

-Allison(BABY BUNNIES!) 059 (1280x960)


What do you think? Are they cute or ugly? Sometimes I think they’re adorable, and sometimes I think, “Why am I even holding this tiny ugly thing?” XD Have you ever had baby bunnies?


P. S. Megan did a post about the baby bunnies too. Check it out here!

53 thoughts on “BABY BUNNIES!!!

  1. They actually look kind of ugly. XD Like a little rat. But I’m sure they will be VERY cute when they get a little older, like all bunnies! 🙂



    1. I know! The spotted ones look kind of like piglets. XD Yeah, I sometimes think they’re ugly and then they’re cute again… XD Yes, I’m sure they’re going to be adorable when they grow up!


  2. Ugly? No, they’re nothing but cute! XD When we had baby bunnies I used to watch them in their nests.. THE TINY EARS AND TAILS! Ah! :O

    – Clara ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Awww!
    That’s funny, they are kinda ugly and cute at the same time! But they are CUTE! (if that made any sense) The little pink/white spotted ones look kinda like little pigs… XD in a cute way.
    Oh, and I think you mighta forgotten the link for the video?
    ~Gracie 😉


  4. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE!!!! LOL! Ah, I want to hold one (I was going to say squish one, but they look to delicate for that!) . I can’t wait to see them when they’re older and even more cute! We had baby bunnies a long time ago I think (I’m not sure) but I don’t remember it, I was really little! 😀


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