What Child Is This? {a Christmas Story}

Hello, dears!

Last year I wrote a little Christmas story for you guys, and this year I wanted to continue the tradition – only this time, from Mary’s perspective.

As a disclaimer, this is obviously NOT to be taken as gospel truth. Although I’ve collected as many insights as I could from the Bible (duh), advent devotionals, articles, sermons, etc., this is just me imagining what it would be like to be a part of the first Christmas story, as the mother of a Messiah. It’s hard to fathom what overwhelming joy and what terrible shame Mary would have dealt with. But I shall give it a try. 🙂

Find yourself a warm drink and a cozy spot, and please enjoy. ❤

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Christmas Wonder

Hello, dears!

AHHHH. Christmas is ONE. WEEK. AWAY. *loud gasp* Now that I’ve told you a fact you already knew… today I’m going to show you guys how we’ve decorated our house for Christmas! This year we went easy on the small trinket decorations and instead used fresh greenery, which looks AMAZING. Hopefully this post will give you some decorating inspiration and spread a little Christmas spirit. 😉

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Christmas Light Photoshoot + Traditions

MERRY ALMOST CHRISTMAS, GUYS! 😀 I thought this would be a good opportunity for the Christmas Traditions post I asked you guys about recently, as well as some photos from a little photoshoot Megan and I did a while ago. Megan already had the lights out so I thought we might as well take some pictures. 😉 The lighting was a bit difficult, but I think some of the pictures turned out pretty neat! So here’s a sampling.

Megan took all the pictures of me and I took all the ones of her. I believe the random bokeh/light pictures are mine as well.

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This is one of my favorites of the ones of me. 🙂

#1. December is practically a season of traditions for us because we have so many. At the beginning of December we start listening to Christmas music (NOT BEFORE, AHEM), and put up the Christmas decorations. Nativity scenes, snowmen candle holders, poinsettia table runners, handmade “stick” people… all sorts of things. I especially love to gently unwrap the ceramic Nativity pieces from their fragile brown paper wrappings and stand them up on top of the desk. I can see them if I look up right now.

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#2. We usually get our Christmas tree the first or second weekend in December. We always cut down a live one, and wouldn’t have it any other way. 😉 It’s a great adventure and we usually end up searching the entire tree farm before we find the perfect one. XD But I think the best part is decorating the tree – pulling out each ornament and hearing its story, and sitting back to enjoy the magical end result when we’re done.


#3. Our grandparents take my siblings and cousins and I to their church play every year. It’s quite fun. This year they had more of a Nativity scene thingy with a choir, which was different but beautiful. And the wise men’s costumes were SO funny – the camel was attached to the suit, and had two little wise men legs sticking out the sides so it looked like they were riding the camels… Ah, it’s hard to explain, but trust me, it was super funny. The audience all laughed. XD

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#4. Most every year we decorate sugar and gingerbread cookies with our friends. I, of course, love to make mine artistic and take a long time on each one, so I’m not very helpful in getting them all decorated. XD We don’t make that many cookies compared to some people, although we still have plenty of Christmas treats at celebrations and such.

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#5. The Sunday evening before Christmas, our church always has a Lessons and Carols service where different men from church take turns reading parts of the Christmas story in between the congregation singing Christmas hymns together. And we have a little party with refreshments afterward. It’s beautiful and I can’t wait to go to it again this year. ♥

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#6. On Christmas Eve we have a fancy, delicious dinner by candlelight, and then open our Christmas pajamas for that year. 😉 We all grab some popcorn and hot chocolate and drive around looking at Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music. Sometimes we find a house that has a light show synchronized to music and other times we just drive around neighborhoods and random roads, exploring.

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#7. We’ve always had a ton of different family Christmas celebrations with different parts of our family. On Christmas morning we have a delicious special breakfast, and then open presents youngest to oldest, beside the tree. Christmas is obviously not about presents, but I do think it’s a lovely tradition, though it can easily get overdone. It’s so fun to see the expressions and smiles on your family’s faces when they open your presents and see what they picked out for you. 🙂

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#8. We always like to drive up the hill to our grandparents’ house on Christmas Day too, after we finish our own Christmas celebration. Our cousins come up the road too and we all have a wondrous time. My grandparents are so, so generous and thoughtful with their gifts and their love, and we have so much fun giving them and each other gifts too. After the floor is covered in wrapping paper, we stop for a scrumptious lunch which always includes crab legs for special. We hardly ever have seafood, plus crab is one of my favorite foods, so ’tis extra delicious. 😛 The rest of the day we try out our new gifts and relax and talk and eat leftovers.

Ahh, Christmas Day is probably my favorite (or pretty close to my favorite) day of the year. 🙂

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#9. My mom’s side of the family also has a Christmas get together which begins with a delectable feast of a brunch. Then Grandpa reads the Christmas story from his Bible and we exchange gifts. 🙂 After that we (at least the older kids and adults) play all sorts of games together for pretty much the rest of the day – it’s so much fun!

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BAHAHAHA Megan has such random ideas. XD XD XD


#10. We ALSO have two Christmas get-togethers with extended family. For my Great Grandma’s Christmas we, again, exchange gifts and have a delicious meal together. They’re all starting to sound rather similar, huh? But there’s always something different and special about each celebration – I guess that’s why we have so many. 😉 And lastly (well it’s first this year, but last in this post) we have an extended family get-together which in which we surprisingly do not exchange gifts (which is probably a good thing, heh heh O.o). But we DO continue the theme of amazing food with fried oysters and steamed shrimp that everyone gathers ’round and eats hot off the trays until we barely have room for the rest of the meal. I… prefer the shrimp. XD Once you take a look at the inside of a oyster, it’s a little hard not to think about it. 😛 Which do you prefer?

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Megan was frustrated with the lighter, I believe. O.o


Phew, so there you are. I don’t think I wrote down all of our Christmas traditions, but most of them anyway. 🙂 Traditions are great in general, but I think there’s something extra special about Christmas traditions, don’t you?

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I love this one too. ♥


I hope you enjoyed this post, dears, and hopefully it put you in the Christmas mood. 🙂 Which of these pictures was your favorites? The traditions? Which of YOUR Christmas traditions are your favorite?

IT’S ONLY FIVE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS, GUYS. We can do this. *determined look* XD


Light Shine Bright

Guys, if you like Christmas (or Christmas lights), bokeh, light painting, or all of the above… go look them up on Pinterest. I’M KIDDING. That’s what this post is about, of course. (Lights, not Pinterest.)

Ahem. The other day Megan and I took some light painting pictures, and I think they turned out great! Well… most of them. Okay, actually most of them look neat, but failed. XD

We took turns “drawing” in the air with a flashlight, while the other person used my DSLR to take a picture with a very long exposure, ranging from maybe 15 seconds to 30 seconds to capture all the movement. I love how you can also see the stars in the background in some of the pictures.

The first Megan tried the classic smiley face, but it was harder than it seemed. XD This one is more like a smirk…

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Aha, much better. His vision is probably a bit lopsided, but hey, at least his eyes twinkle. 😛

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Speaking of eyes, I tried (and mostly failed) to do an eye painting. IT IS SO CREEPY. Also you can see my tennis shoe underneath if you look closely. XD

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BAHAHAHA THIS IS SO FUNNY. I think Megan was trying to draw a stick person on ground or something?? It looks like it’s skiing down the hill. XD

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ALSO REALLY STRANGE. Those hipbones look a bit… disjointed, shall we say?

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My squiggly city skyline.

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Heh. It is REALLY hard to light paint a lot of letters in thirty seconds. Try to guess what this says, and I’ll tell you below the picture:

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It was supposed to be “light shine bright.” XD Oh dear…

OOH. This is one of the funniest fails: Megan was trying to draw a tree here. But doesn’t it look exactly like a fist punching the sky? SO. FUNNY.

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The second attempt at a tree. *blinks* Well, it’s certainly the most… interesting tree I’ve seen.

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ANOTHER FAILED WORD THINGY BY ME. You might be able to read it, though.

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Yep, it’s hello. I actually really like the next one, by Megan. It’s not perfect, but it’s cute. 😉

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And that’s the end of the flashlight painting! I also took a few night lights pictures, because you can get some super neat effects with long exposure. Like these starbursts on the chicken houses.

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OH I LOVE THIS ONE. It’s a long-exposure picture of a car driving by, hee hee.

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MEGAN IS A GHOST. To make this picture, all you need to do is set your camera to a long exposure, and have someone stand in one place for a few seconds, quickly move to another spot, stand there, and so on.

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Okay, so much for that stuff. Now we move on to the Christmas bokeh! Woop woop! First up are some artistic bokeh-picture of our Christmas tree (which I posted about previously).


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I got the idea from Pinterest, and it’s way easier than it might seem: simply cut a circle of paper to fit your camera lens, cut or punch a design out of the middle, tape it on and voila! You can make the bokeh whatever shape you like.

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I like this one because the colored lights from outside showed through the screen and gave the bokeh a strange but neat texture.

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And lastly, some beautiful bokeh from the colored (and partially colored) lights that Megan put up on the front porch. I love how they look through the glass door!

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Look at all that gorgeous light! ♥

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Phew, that was a lot of light. O.o Which was your favorite: the light painting or the Christmasy bokeh? ISN’T BOKEH AMAZING?

Also, would you guys like to see a Christmas traditions post or not ‘specially? Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a Merry almost-Christmas! 🙂


O Christmas Tree…

We got our Christmas tree Saturday! YAYYYYY! I actually almost forgot my camera, but Mom brought it for me because she wanted me to document this year especially (for a reason I will post about later). Anyway, what I’m trying to say is, I got pictures. Unfortunately most of them are “content over quality,” but hey, the content is good. 😉 Enjoy your virtual trip to the Christmas tree farm!


On the way there I finally and triumphantly closed a debate my siblings and I have had for a long time: whether this strange white statue thingy you can barely see from the road is a dinosaur or a swan. Take a guess.

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My camera will tell no lies (although things do get blurry sometimes). IT IS A DINOSAUR. JUST AS I SUSPECTED. I know this is an terribly awful and horrible picture (I cropped it a lot) BUT IT IS PROOF.

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Ahem. Let’s move along now… the first thing I took a picture of at the tree farm was a chicken. Because I have never seen a chicken before. Or something. (The 27,000 chickens a few hundred feet from our house clearly don’t count…?) But in my defense, I don’t think I’ve seen a grown chicken without a comb. O.o

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Wait, why am I talking about chickens and dinosaurs in a Christmas tree post? I suppose I just missed the trees for the forest… SORRY THAT WAS BAD, I KNOW. Okay, Allison, settle down. Trees. Show the people the tree pictures. Ahem.

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This tree farm has a special “candy cane tree” for kids. Let me tell you now, it is LOADED.

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After meandering around practically the whole place, as usual, we finally picked out pretty much the tallest one there was. Which unfortunately wasn’t very tall. We usually like to get a 7-8 foot one, but this was barely 6 once we cut it down. :/ Oh well. There didn’t seem to be many tall trees at the other Christmas tree farms either, from what I heard, so I guess we’ll just have to settle with the one we have. 😉

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Some people used sleds to carry their trees back, but eh, we have boys. 😉

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Me: “WHAT ON EARTH is Megan doing in this picture?! Ah yes, she’s sucking a candy cane.”

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The poor little tree was so… well, little, that we had to prop up the stand with thick blocks of wood. XD It really helped, though. It looked a bit sketchy at first, but much better after we put the lights and ornaments on.

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It was so much fun to listen to Christmas music and take out the ornaments one by one, telling their stories or making jokes about them, especially the terrible foam kindergarten ornaments. XD Three angels in particular induced a lot of laughter…

#1: The Terror-Inducing Angel: In the sermon on Sunday, our pastor was discussing angels and how they are probably not blonde-haired, blue-eyed, effeminate-looking men wearing long dresses  like they are on Christmas cards (BAHAHAHA), because they’re always terrifying and awe-inspiring to people in the Bible. Anyway, Logan thought this angel he made a while ago was a terror-inducing angel because of his rather pronounced humpback and scraggly appearance (a little hard to see in the photo). HA HA IT WAS SO FUNNY.

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#2: The Ninja Angel: UGH why is this picture out of focus in just the wrong place?? *Sigh* Anyway, we thought this angel looked like she was karate-chopping something. XD

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#3: The Gift Angel: This one wasn’t so much funny as neat. Dad said they stopped and helped a lady fix a flat tire or some such thing on their anniversary trip, and she got their address and sent them this ornament later to the “angels” who helped her. Isn’t that so sweet?

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Behind the scenes: Jeff reading a random book which happens to be The Daring Book for Girls. HA HA. Also, strangely enough, we somehow have Santa hats even though we don’t do anything else Santa-related? *shrugs* Hey, it goes great with oversized rocket pajamas, right? 😛

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Another Santa hat? Actually, though, I really like this picture. 🙂

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HA HA. Megan (referring to our cats): “Who votes that Jinx is better than Tom? ME!” Carmen, in a scandalized voice: “WHAT?!”

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After the decorating was finished, Carmen and Mom made us some hot chocolate and we sat around the tree drinking it and talking and listening to Christmas music. It was lovely.

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Well, mostly lovely… For some reason Megan and Jeff were compiling a list of synonyms for… let us say, “to toss one’s cookies.” *rolls eyes* That was gross. Oh dear, that’s siblings for you. 😛

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Heh heh, so that’s the story of our Christmas tree this year! I hope you enjoyed it, despite the strange detours. 😉 Getting a Christmas tree and decorating it is one of my favorite holiday traditions. What’s yours?


P. S. Oh, and guys! My blogging friend (and fellow farm girl), Hayley, has started a YouTube channel! Her photography and videography are beautiful, and I always love her posts. ♥ So definitely check out her blog and channel and maybe even follow them both. 🙂


Merry Christmas to All! :D


I hope you guys had a great Christmas Eve! We sure did. 😀 We went to a Christmas celebration at my grandparent’s house where we ate tons of delicious food and played so many fun games. Then we visited my great grandma who sadly is in the hospital right now (nothing life-threatening though, thankfully). And after that we went home where we put on our new pajamas, made some popcorn and hot cocoa, and drove around looking at Christmas lights. So fun!

Well, I thought I’d post a little Christmas photoshoot to get you extra much in the Christmas mood. 🙂 And also because I LOVE these colored Christmas lights! Enjoy!


Ohhh I love Christmas bokeh so much. ♥♥♥ 😀 Did you have a favorite picture? My favorites were the 7th and 8th and the last two . 😀

WAIT. Before you go, I really want to show you this amazing, inspiring video Dad found last night. This girl is ten years old, and she has autism and ADHD. She also has a beautiful, beautiful voice. The article said she started singing to build her confidence at school. She sings the song “Broken Hallelujah”, but it’s a Christian version with different lyrics. I think it might be my new favorite Christmas song. ♥ Oh it’s sooo pretty! Listen for yourself:

Wasn’t that gorgeous? *Happy sigh*

Did you have a good Christmas Eve? Are you excited for Christmas? (Or did you have a good Christmas, if you’re reading this post after Sunday?)


P. S. My aunt who is a professional photographer came over the other day to give us our family pictures, and she helped me figure out my camera a bit more. It turns out my camera was on manual focus instead of auto focus, which was really annoying – it takes forever to focus using the focus ring, and for some reason it came that way when I bought it! Boy am I glad she fixed that for me. XD It’s weird because I knew my way around my old camera really, really well, and now I feel like a beginner again with my new dSLR. XD Oh well, it’s exciting!