Pebbles the Puppy

Hello, dears!

I hope you all had a wonderful, joyous Easter – I sure did! We spent the weekend at my grandparents’ house, where I took a bunch of photos of their adorable new St. Bernard puppy, Pebbles. She’s so happy and cute and rambunctious.

I think you guys are going to love these pictures! Puppies are hard to resist, and St. Bernard puppies are certainly no exception. ❤

So, ready to meet Pebbles?

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A Year in Rabbits {Bunny Calendar Photos}

Hello, dears!

If you’re in need of cheering up, I have just the thing: thirty adorable pictures of bunnies! Megan and I took these photos months ago, for a custom calendar we gave as a gift. (See some of our previous calendar pictures here.) Now I’m finally able to post some of the best photos – and bloopers! 😉

Enjoy a year in rabbits!

Continue reading

Puppy Love

Hello, dears!

I trust you guys will like the post for today because it involves MUCH CUTENESS. And fluff. And… puppies!

My cousins and sister and I recently went to a place called “Puppy City,” which houses a bunch of adorable puppies that you can hold and pet and take pictures of. You can buy them too, of course, but they’re, like, thousands of dollars. O.o So we left them there, although it was hard. XD

Anyway, are you ready for cuteness overload? You’ll probably REALLY want a puppy after this, so please be warned and proceed with proper caution. *nods gravely* 

Continue reading

Cuteness Overload + A Mysterious Tale

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Hello, dears!

Before reading this post, BEWARE. Extreme cuteness ahead. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Heh heh, anyway, these little fuzzballs grew SO much since my last baby bunny post, and as anticipated, THEY GOT EVEN MORE ADORABLE.

Megan and I did a photoshoot of the bunnies a while ago and it turned out ADORABLE.

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We were going to put them on grass, but they started eating it and baby rabbits aren’t supposed to eat greens for a few weeks. Just to be safe, we took them to a gravelly spot in front of the big house. I LOVE THIS PICTURE.

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The siblings behaved very well around each other, heh heh.

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OKAY I LOVE THIS PICTURE. I can’t believe I got a photo of one of them yawning! AHHHH IT’S SO CUTE.

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This little one was always sleepy. You could pretty much put her anywhere and she’d just start falling asleep on the spot. XD ❤

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Since they insisted on finding weeds even in the pebbles and nibbling them, we decided to go inside. And we lined them up on the floor and AHHHH I’M MELTING.

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I couldn’t decide which version is better, so here are both. 🙂 Which one is your favorite?

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They are just so sleepy and cuddly! ❤

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I love all the variety of colors!

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The peonies were blooming and this one made a great prop… until the bunnies started eating it. XD

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They love licking each other… and you. ❤ It’s adorable.

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GUYS. Look at that pile of sleeping fluff. LOOK AT IT!

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But now that the photoshoot is over, I have a story to tell you. *deep breath*

A Mysterious Tragedy

One afternoon Megan came in from feeding the rabbits and said, “I can’t find the baby bunnies. They’re not in their cage, and I saw a black snake go into the garage [where we kept the bunnies].” We tried not to panic and decided maybe they had just hopped out of the cage (Megan said it had a hole) and were hiding. So we went to look, in the rain.

We all kind of held our breath and tiptoed through the door, hoping we wouldn’t see a snake eating… well anyway, we opened the door and saw nothing. No snake, no bunnies. The cage was empty except for Willow, who appeared calm enough. The top had been skewed so there was a hole just big enough for baby bunnies to squeeze through.

We swept the flashlight under the shelves and stuff in the dimness until HURRAH! I FOUND A BABY BUNNY! The little silver one! We caught her and continued our search, much cheered.

Well, we opened cabinets and peered in holes and generally went over the whole garage about three times. No baby bunnies. No black snake. They disappeared without a trace. Except… then Logan remembered that the door to the garage had been open a little while ago and our dog was around. Maggie is a hunter, and the cage was right in plain sight.

Maybe she nosed the cage and enough for the bunnies to get out, and came back later… then again, maybe she made the hole and the bunnies got out and escaped outside through a space by the garage door! So we looked outside, a bit half-heartedly through the drizzling rain, and then, just as we were about to give up hope…

Nothing happened. *sigh* They were just nowhere to be found. And it was still raining.

We went back, and decided to take Willow and Lavender (the silver one) into our basement so nothing would happen to them. And we still don’t know what happened to the rest. Was it the snake? Was it Maggie? Did the babies escape and someday we’ll see an spotted rabbit hopping out of the woods? Who knows. Only God, I suppose.

And that, my friends, is that mysterious, tragic end of all but one of the remaining baby bunnies. *bows head sadly*


Since that’s kind of an awful note to end on, let me give you some good news. Carmen is keeping Lavender, the one bunny left! She’s getting so big and is SO cute and tame and sweet. Since she’s the only baby for us to handle now, she is extra well-loved and I think she’ll be a wonderful pet even when she grows up. And now, let me end this post with a hilarious picture of our one and only baby bunny:


ISN’T THAT ADORABLE?! She just stayed there quietly, for quite a few minutes. XD

Well I hope you enjoyed the photoshoot, if not the story. :/ At least we had enough time to get a good dose of cuteness before they disappeared… Which photo was your favorite?OH, and before you go, I have two announcements.

#1: I FINISHED SCHOOL! FOREVER! I AM SO EXCITED. It feels kind of unreal, actually. O.o I feel like I learned a lot, especially in my last year, but it’s so good to be done. And so, so STRANGE. When are you guys getting done for the year (or forever)?

#2: This will probably be the last post for a couple of weeks because we’re moving into the big house! YAAAY! It’s going to be a considerable process to clean basically the whole big house (it is a BIG house), go up and pack and load up our old house in a week or less, and then come down and move in, amongst other (exciting!) plans, but I CAN’T WAIT.

Anyway, I just wanted to tell you so my disappearance online and on email won’t be as mysterious as the baby bunnies’. Even though I’m done with school, I’m still keeping busy, don’t you worry. And get ready for some exciting stuff when I come back!

NOW, you are finally released from this post. XD Thank you ever so much for reading, dears, and please have a lovely day!


Bunny News {A Fuzzy Announcement}

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My rabbit had EIGHT babies, in fact! Well, she had eight babies but then one died. 😦 Anyway, the remaining fuzzballs are absolutely adorable, and getting cuter every day. 😀

I will show you picture in a moment, don’t worry, but before we meet them I wanted to show you guys this pretty mini-photoshoot of Willow, the fluffy mother.



I think this shot looks quite glamorous. 😛 It looks like she has white eyeliner on, doesn’t it?


Awwww she’s just so adorable and FLUZZY.

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I think she needs brushing, though…

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Hee hee, gotta love those ear tufts, right? Also she kind of looks fierce in this one.

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❤ ❤ ❤

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Alright. HERE WE GO. This is all eight of them the day they were born. Pretty pink. 😛

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Okay, I guess they aren’t QUITE as cute when they’re first born, but still… I love seeing all the different patterns and how many there are and EEP, it’s so exciting!

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Their fur grows super fast, though! This is just a few days after they were born.

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This is about how they looked last time I saw them (which was yesterday). LOOK AT THAT CUTE LITTLE NOSE.

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They always snuggle together and it’s just adorable. ❤

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This is one of my favorite babies. 🙂 I think it’s going to get grayer as it grows up, because we had another one like this in a past litter.

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We haven’t named them all yet, but we named this one Bo because Carmen thought he looked like a cow (he did more when he was little), and of course bovine means cow. 😛

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This one is also ADORABLE, and really uniquely colored!

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I think this guy might be the biggest, though he doesn’t look like it here.

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Kind of blurry but too cuddly to delete. ❤

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It’s hard to get a picture where you can see all of them clearly, but you can MOSTLY tell who’s who in this one. There’s a lovely variety of patterns!

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 AHHH, I absolutely LOVE having baby bunnies, especially when they get a few weeks older. ❤ My little sister Carmen is going to keep one to replace Diamond, her previous rabbit, but she hasn’t chosen which one for sure. She’s thinking either the solid brown-gray rabbit or the black/silver one.

Which one do YOU think she should keep? Don’t you think the babies have an extremely squishable mother? XD And if you have any baby bunny name suggestions, I’d love to hear them!

Thanks for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Ugh, I AM SO ANNOYED AT MYSELF. A little more than a month ago (*facepalm* ) Bekah from Questionable Tortoise Couture interviewed me, which was extremely fun, and I didn’t remember to link it UNTIL NOW. -_- But NO MORE. Click here to read the post! Once again, Bekah, I am incredibly sorry I haven’t linked it before – I kept remembering in between posts and then forgetting once I actually made them. :/ Anyway, I’ll stop apologizing now and let you guys get on with your day. XD I hope it’s a great one!

Bunnies in Autumn

EXTREME CUTENESS ALERT: If you are not able to cope with impossibly adorable animals, perhaps you should skip this post.

Okay, everyone’s still here. Good. BECAUSE THEY ARE TOO CUTE TO MISS, EEP! This is definitely my favorite bunny photoshoot I’ve ever done and it turned out gorgeous, if I do say so myself! 😀 Special thanks to my sister Megan who posed and calmed the bunnies throughout this traumatizing time of sitting on white foamboard and being bombarded by flowers and shot by cameras.

And now let’s just get to the pictures. I CAN’T WAIT ANY LONGER. (Actually I can wait long enough to give you a warning that there will probably be a lot of caps in this post. Obviously.)

Let’s start with the one and only Olaf. Olaf’s prop was a rosebud from our bush, and it was perfect! Also sorry for all the weird different shades of white in the backgrounds. The original pictures were rather bluish and they were hard to adjust properly since Olaf’s a different color of white. :/ Anyway, just ignore that part and hopefully enjoy them anyway.

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Wait. That… wasn’t a rabbit. Oh well.

I dub thee, Princess Olaf. (Yes, Olaf is a girl. We thought she was a boy and had already named her by the time we figured out that the seller had given us the wrong one. XD)

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BWAHAHAHA isn’t this picture hilarious? Olaf kept winking for some reason.

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Ugh the white is so off on this one but I love it otherwise! Isn’t it so pretty?

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And now for my dear fluffy Willow. She actually had recently gotten a trim when I took these pictures so she’s not as fluffy as normal. Also Willow gets more pictures because I didn’t need to edit them as much, heh heh. AND BECAUSE SHE’S FLUFFY.

Here we have a behind-the-scenes picture. My little sister Carmen also wanted to help (but just briefly), and poor Willow was a bit befuddled with all the chaos, I think. We chose marigolds because they’re pretty, but I think they may actually be poisonous to rabbits? I’m not sure. Anyway, we made sure she didn’t so much as nibble one, and she’s still alive to tell the story.

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I’m pretty sure that’s an orange teardrop of stress on her cheek.

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Good JOB, Willow! You stayed!

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HA HA. I don’t even know what her expression is but it’s funny.

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THIS. IS. HILARIOUS. It looks like she’s directing a plane coming in for landing or helping someone try to parallel park. “Okay a little to the right. Nope, your other right. There, you got it. Keep on a-coming, beep, beep, beep.”

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We actually did get some good photos in the midst of all the funny ones, though! While it may look like she sat there innocently staring at me, she did not. She took every chance to meander away from where she was supposed to be in hopes of greener grass. (But this grass is pretty green, so…)

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Ha ha, she looks like a scared little fluffy pancake. But a cute one. ♥

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Aww, so sweet! That’s it, your getting the hang of it now, Willow!

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Mmpf, maybe not. SOOOORRY.

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Aww I love this one! Isn’t it so beautiful and adorable? You are a lovely Queen of Summer, Willow.

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Next we have Diamond. I think she’s very noble-looking and handsomely beautiful, don’t you? I love the colors in these pictures!

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Whoops, I think I over-edited this one…

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Next we went to the soybean field, which is mostly featured in these pictures as a yellow glow.

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I LOVE this one!

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Ha ha, her dewlap. XD (A dewlap is the big floppy thingy around their neck that some adult female rabbits have. It’s normal, don’t worry. 😉 )

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Now for Snickers. GUYS, HIS CHUBBY CHEEKS HELP ME. Is he not the cutest?

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And lastly but not leastly, a picture of the three compadres, Diamond, Olaf, and Lily. They are similar breeds (Diamond’s a Silver Fox and the other two are New Zealands), but they’re different colors, which makes for a lovely group shot. (And again I have kind of a weird white balance thing going on. Sorry ’bout that!)

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Lily: Let me just move up a little bit so you can see me better. Is this a good angle?

Olaf: Mmph. You’re squishing me.

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In which three frightened rabbits cower under the… oh, it’s just a camera.

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And that’s about it! I took tons more photos than that but those were the best. What did you think, guys? Guys? Oh dear, perhaps that was a little too much cuteness for one post…

If anyone survived, which bunny’s shoot was your favorite?

Thanks so much for reading, my dears, and have a wonderful day!


P. S. OOPS. Nearly forgot about the Caption It contest! Here’s the photo:

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And my favorite caption was by Zielle.

Maggie: Wait, wait, I think I got it! I can wink!
Allison: That’s blinking, Maggie.

HA HA IT’S PERFECT! Thanks, Zielle, and everyone else who participated! I loved reading your captions.

Farewell, Baby Bunnies

WARNING: EXTREME CUTENESS ALERT. If you read this post, I can almost guarantee you’ll want a baby bunny… immediately. Read at your own risk. 😛

The other day we sold one of the baby bunnies (Herbert Naninger). It won’t be long till the rest of them go too, most likely. So this *might* be the last baby bunny post for a while. 😦

Anyway, I did take some pretty cute pictures of the ones we’re selling before Herbert left! Actually, “pretty cute” isn’t quite strong enough. I’d say “extremely adorable” sounds more accurate.

Care to have a look?

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Sister and brother. 🙂

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The bunnies are SO cute when they stand up and look around like this, aren’t they?

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And they’re ALSO so cute when they wash their faces. (Excuse my little sister’s leg. I was too lazy to crop it out. XD)

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AWW! Ugh, it would have been a perfect picture if Carmen’s knee hadn’t photobombed it. 😦 *Sigh* Oh well.

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Starring: Herbert Naninger. Also Starring: Allison’s hair. 😛

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AWWW doesn’t that picture just make you want to squish his (I mean her) fuzzy body? They are sooo soft. I definitely took the most pictures of Herb this time. She’s just so photogenic and sweet, not to mention that was practically the last chance I had.

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I kept putting Herb down so I could get a better picture of her but she insisted on hopping back into my lap. ♥

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My sweet little Ginger. 😀

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As I’ve said before, it’s kind of hard to get good pictures of Mulberry because she’s so dark. That’s why the exposure is kind of off in this photo. But she’s still cute. 🙂

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Heh heh, Herb eating grass. XD

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Bwahahahaha is this photo not hilarious? I think he was twisting his head just as I snapped the picture. XD

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Bunny paws… ♥

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Poor Mulberry. Almost all her photos are either too dark or too light. 😦

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And we’re done. Which photo was your favorite, if you had one? Did you survive the cuteness overdose? I certainly hope so! Where would this blog be without all my dear readers?


P. S. I’ve been meaning to do these shoutouts for a long time but I keep forgetting!

Anyway, guys, you should really check out Livy’s magazine, Christ’s Light. It is SO good and encouraging and interesting! Click here to see the first issue and here to see the second, and be sure to subscribe for more. (Psst, I also sometimes contribute some art or articles to the magazine. 😉 )

Also, while you’re clicking links, you should check out Olivia’s blog! She blogs about music, with a sprinkling of gorgeous photography, her faith, and lifestyle too. 🙂

P. P. S. I’m also participating in Loren’s CWWC writing challenge (yes, I know I that meant “Writing Challenge writing challenge” XD). Instead of posting each thing I write as a post, I’m putting them all on this page. I hope you’re in the mood for links today. XD Which story is your favorite so far?

Phew that was a lot of links!

The Fluffballs Return!

The baby bunnies are growing SO fast – they’re almost ready to sell! Anyone want to come pick up a fluffball or two? 😉 I got some more adorable pictures, so of course I must share them with you guys. 😉


Okay, you have been warned. I am not responsible for any melting-into-puddles or *dies* or *faints* now. 😉


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We put a couple of cinderblocks in their cage for the bunnies to play with, and it’s so cute when they squeeze inside!

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Airplane ears. XD

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Ginger was helping Megan with Math. 😛

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I LOVE it when they hold their ears like this!

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 Ahem. Well, there you have it, folks, your cuteness overload for the day. 🙂 Which was your favorite picture? Thanks for reading, dears!


Baby Bunnies – HELP ME I’M MELTING

***EXTREME CUTENESS ALERT! If you read this post, you will most likely want a bunny afterward. AHH THEY ARE SO CUTE!***

Ahem. Deep breaths, Allison, deep breaths. Okay. Today I’m going to show you ADORABLE BABY BUNNIES AHHHH! *hyperventilates* LET’S JUST GET ON TO THE PICTURES NOW.

Since I’ve last made a bunny post, they have grown so incredibly much – but don’t worry, they’ve only gotten cuter! Let’s start back when they were small…

Here’s Basil:

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And Mulberry:

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And Herbert Naninger:


AND GINGER! (Ginger’s “mine” even though we’re not actually keeping him.) Oh, by the way, we found out that they’re all girls except Ginger… so some of the names are a bit weird now. XD

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I love this picture!

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We like to bring the bunnies inside because how can we not resist holding them as much as possible? Look, Ginger’s eyes are starting to open!

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Here’s the proud (and very fluffy) mom, my rabbit Willow.

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HA HA this is such an adorable pose. XD

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This picture of her feeding her babies just cracks me up…

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I took these pictures of Ginger right before we left for vacation. SO SOFT.

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AWW I love his little nose!

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And just the yesterday I took these pictures with Megan’s camera, because I still haven’t gotten mine to work properly. 😦

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I know this picture is super blurry but it was too funny not to post! My little sister Carmen put Mulberry in a “nest” she made. XD

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They can barely fit in my hand now!

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It is SO cute when they clean themselves. ♥

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BWAHAHA! XD Mulberry squeezed through my flip flop all by himself.

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Brother and sister. 🙂

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*collapses into laughter* THAT TINY WITTLE TONGUE.

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Jeff put poor Herb in his cowboy boot. XD

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Heh heh, this looks like a bunny selfie.

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They were snuggling up to me. ♥

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Ahhh, relaxing.

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Jeff’s expression… XD

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Carmen took these last two pictures for me. 🙂

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It’s VERY hard not to smile with three balls of fluff are sitting on you. 😀

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PLEASE HELP ME, ALL THAT CUTENESS HAS MELTED ME INTO A PUDDLE. And the fact is, they’re practically 50 times cuter in real life, when you can hold them and squish them and pet them. ♥

Did you melt? Do you want a bunny now? And which baby bunny is your favorite? (Hint: the answer is Ginger. XD I’m just kidding.)
