Of Kittens and Cuteness

Calm down, calm down, guys. I can’t type when you’re squealing like that. XD All right, all right, I’ll show you the pictures.

(Note: most of these pictures are edited because kittens are just a teensy bit hard to photograph sometimes. 😉 )

Ahem. We shall start with our own dearest Casey. SHE IS SO CUTE! If she’s cute in pictures, she’s even more adorable in real life! (See more pictures of her here.)

casey 1 (1024x768)
-Allison(doll, mystery pictures, bunnies) 011 (1024x768)
Casey taking a nap beside some (rather dusty) mice. Hey, you’re not supposed to like mice, remember?
-Allison(doll, mystery pictures, bunnies) 037 (1024x768)
Casey (1280x960)
Casey can be quite the deep sleeper. Mom picked her up like this and Casey didn’t bat an eyelash. Well, she doesn’t have eyelashes, but still…
Casey 1 (1024x768)
“How ya’ doin’, folks? Shake a paw.”
Casey 2 (1024x768)
And off she goes.

Now for some really tiny, just-born kittens! Megan found them in the cow barn. The lighting was really bad so my pictures aren’t anything gorgeous, but at least you can see their little selves! There were five kittens in this litter.

kitten 1 (1024x768)

kitten 2 (1024x768)
This little guy is all white!

And last but not least, an adorable VERY FLUFFY black and white kitten! My siblings say there were other kittens, but this is the only one that I have seen. Maybe I can get more pictures of this guy’s brothers and sister if we can ever find them.

edit 2 (1280x960)
He looks relaxed here, but he normally wasn’t. XD
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IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST FACE? Sorry Casey. 😛 Casey definitely has a sweeter personality than this kitten, but just look at his FACE! Those eyes! 😀 (By the way, this is one of the photos that I edited.)


That was a lot of kittens! We know of at least three litters of barn kittens on our farm currently, and then we have Casey and Jinx, our kitten and cat.

Did you survive the cuteness tidal wave? If you’re still in good health, what was your favorite picture(s)?


94 thoughts on “Of Kittens and Cuteness

  1. *dies* Wow, it’s been a while since I ‘dies’ 😛 XD It’s actually (believe it or not) quite exhausting to *dies* all the time! 😐 🙂 XD heheh!!! xD That was…SO cheesy.. 😛 yeah…
    I LOVED the pictures!!!! ADORABLENESS!!!!! FLUZZY FLUZZY THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


          1. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! *totally TOTALLY freaks out* I..I …I’m f-further u-uhh..up on the-the the the LIST!!!! :O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! I’m SO scared/excited/happy/freaked out/CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD hahaha!!! 😀 EEK! On the wordcrafters list I’m moved up so that there is only ONE MORE BEFORE ME!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HEEEEEELP!!!!!!!!!!! :O 😮 :O :O :O :O 😮 😮 😮 :O :O :O :O 😛 😀 XXXXXXDDDDDDDD!!! XD XD XD XD:P xD xD 😛 🙂 XD HEHEHEHE!!!! AAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As long as I don’t have to do it tomorrow cause I’ll be busy…


            1. Oh K. A., you make me smile. 😀 I’m so wonderfully happy that you’re so wonderfully excited! But hey, your chapter had better be good for all of this excitement-ing. *Glares at you* XD Juuuuust kidding! Well actually, I’m not. I mean I am. I mean I want your chapter to be good, but… oh well. XD

              Liked by 1 person

  2. NOOOO
    GAAHHH this is too much. I can’t. I just can’t
    There’s actually a few strays by my house that we found. We’re going to get them soon and gentle them so we can take them to our local shelter. But meanwhile, I’ve been feeding them and THEY ARE THE CUTEST THINGS IN EXISTENCE.
    LOVE the pics, Allison. 🙂
    ~ Suzy


  3. Sooooooo CUTE!!!!! They’re too cute I can’t pick a favorite picture I like them all!
    Today’s I turned 13 it’s my Birthday! (That was random)


            1. Heh. Heh. Oh, Lily… tsk, tsk. XD
              Here’s something really funny though: last night at a restaurant bathroom, the “C” of the baby changing station was scraped off, so it looked like “Baby hanging Station.” Oh dear, how could they? XD Hee hee!


      1. That’s what our friends give me a hard time about! 😛 I’ll say ‘Just kidding’ and they’ll say: “You’re KIDDING?!” As if it’s horrible! 😛 Like a goat… 😛


            1. Ahem. We went to a restaurant last night, and in the bathroom the “C” of the “Baby Changing Station” was scraped off, so it looked like “Baby hanging Station.” XD XD O.o How COULD they?

              Liked by 1 person

                    1. 😀 No.. :/ 😥 😀 It’s Berny’s…wait..have I not told you about Berny’s PUPPIES?????!!!!! They’re one week old!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😛 😀 :O :O 😀


  4. These kittens are so cute – thanks for sharing! Thanks for sharing.We have just lost our beautiful black cat Lenny and home isn’t the same without him. I have just started a poetry channel here on WordPress in case you have time to have a look which includes several tributes to Lenny. Have a good day, Sam 🙂


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