Sisters Photoshoot

The other day Megan and I packed up our cameras and my bunny Lily and drove up to an alfalfa field to do a little photoshoot of each other. It was so much fun – but rather chilly. XD I hope you enjoy the pictures! (And you can see Megan’s pictures of me here.)


I ♥ this one! Megan decided to use it for her blog profile picture. 🙂 I might use one of hers for my profile picture eventually.


Megan experimented with no glasses… she couldn’t see me so it’s a good thing I could see her. XD


I had fun playing around with the next two pictures. 🙂



I love this picture too!

HA HA HA! Lily looks rather taken aback at Megan’s wild shrieks. XD XD Poor, poor bunny.


And now for a few bonus bunny pictures…

Lily is trying to camouflage herself. Sorry Lily, your fur doesn’t really match the alfalfa. XD


Aww, Lily dear!
Lily is not impressed with photoshoots.


Which picture was your favorite? Thanks for reading, my friends! 🙂


P. S. Thank you all for your sweet comments and prayers, and I’m happy to say I passed the driver’s test! HIP HIP HOORAY! 😀 😀 😀

P. P. S. The Story of Why I Didn’t Post This Sooner: I dropped my camera’s memory card and it pretty much vanished only it didn’t because it got wedged under the computer desk for a long time and  I was bewildered and sad and frightened (not really) and then Dad lifted up the desk and at long last I found my beloved memory card and… The End. (Note: That was NOT a good example of a grammatically correct sentence. Just in case you were wondering.)

102 thoughts on “Sisters Photoshoot

  1. These pictures came out beautifully, Allison! You did a great job! 😀
    Also, CONGRATULATIONS!!! Passing your driver’s test is a huge thing!! I’m so excited for you!! 😀 I’m 17 and still too scared to try driving… Maybe next year… Maybe…. If not, there’s always the rest of my life…. XD


    1. Aww, thank you so much, Jaclynn!
      THANK YOU! Ha ha, honestly I wasn’t that excited to get it either but my family was like, “WHAT?! YOU DON’T WANT TO GET YOUR DRIVER’S LICENSE?” XD Heh heh.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LOL! I know the feeling! My dad and brothers have already been saying things to me about learning to drive and I’m like – no. I don’t wanna. XD I know I’ll have to eventually, but I am in no hurry! 😉


  2. Wow, these pictures are so pretty! You did an awesome job with taking pictures of people! It’s kind of difficult! I know how it is to be the one taking the pictures and posing for the pictures, and it can sometimes be awkward! 😉 Even with people I know! LOL! Once again, great photos! 🙂


  3. These photos are great, Allison! One of my favorites is the sixth one.
    And Megan, if you’re reading this, I love your hair! I guess I just think curly/wavy hair is cool, because my hair is so straight, I just don’t know how anyone can get hair like that. XP
    ~Christian Homeschooler

    Liked by 1 person

  4. These are really fun! Great job! Perhaps I should see if a friend is up for a photoshoot like this sometime… 🙂
    Congratulations on getting your license!


  5. Lovely photos, Allison! Lily is so adorable. Haha, I feel for Megan . . . I can hardly see a thing without my glasses! 🙂 And congrats on getting your license!


  6. Oooh! So pretty! I think my favorite is the first one… they’re all beautiful, though!! Haha, the one of Megan and Lily is really funny. XD
    CONGRATS! 🚘 😀

    -Clara ❤


  7. Aww, these are beautiful pictures! Megan is so pretty. 🙂 Will she be posting the ones she took of you on her blog? 😀
    ~Grace ❤
    P.S. Congrats on passing your driver's test! That's AWESOME!
    P.P.S. Haha, that is one funny story! That happened with me too, except with my flashdrive with all my stories, photos, and EVERYTHING. O_o It was stuck down in the couch cushions. 😉 XD 😛


    1. Thank you twice! 😀
      Heh heh, I’m glad you liked it but actually it wasn’t very good lighting. I had to edit a lot of the photos because it got kind of dark later in the photoshoot. But the lighting WAS really nice in real life, just not so much on my camera. XD

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved all the pictures, but I think my favorite was the one where Megan has no glasses and she’s looking at the camera and it’s different colors because of the sun! So awesome and professional!! You did a great job! Is Megan doing a post of your pictures? 🙂


    1. Aww, thanks, Livy! It’s funny because that was probably Megan’s least favorite. XD But I like that one too! Yep, she’s going to do a post of my pictures soon.


  9. Love the view and the bunny. Oh my these things happen with the memory card thing. Thanks for posting!


        1. Oh, I’m so sorry! I was looking at the post that you reposted from Olivia’s Sylvanian stuff and I saw “Olivia” at the bottom of the post and I was thinking it was YOUR name! Oops!


    1. Thanks! Yep, she did – she’s going to post them soon, I think. (Although that’s what I’ve been saying ever since I published this post. XD ) Aww, thank you so much! Aww, you don’t look crazy at all! I love your eyes. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh cool! 😉 Haha! Aww, thanks so much! 😀 You like them even though they have red spots on them! XD Haha! Well…just one of them.. 😛 🙂 Thanks, Allison! 🙂


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