Beautiful Things {Part 2}

I’m really excited to show you guys this edition of “Beautiful Things”!” 🙂 Today I have a bunch of pictures of little beauties, like spring flowers and grass. Little things are probably my favorite photography subjects.

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Yes, I know henbit is a weed, but I still think it’s pretty when it’s all crowded together in a sea of purple!
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Side note: we were studying weeds today for Nature Study, and we found and identified eighteen different kinds on our short walk! O.o



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OOH I LOVE THIS ONE! I like how dark and dramatic it is. The manual settings on my camera were a bit off, but it turned out neat that way.
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I found a lot of these next flowers at the arboretum.
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I love these purple flowers! Purple is a wonderful color, don’t you agree? 😀
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Sooo pretty!
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I always like seeing bees up close in photographs like this.

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Such a lovely sunny picture!

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One of our friends found this extremely odd-looking dandelion when we were on our Nature Walk today. Yes, all of those dandelion heads are on that one huge stem! (Although the stem got kind of split and smushed…)
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Warning: I may hyperventilate about these next few photos just a bit…
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Ohhh this one might be my favorite. I took these pictures just after a rain when we were walking down to our pond to try to find the muskrat that lives there. (Unfortunately, we only caught a glimpse of him. 😦 )
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The phlox in our flowerbed and everyone else’s is simply breathtaking! They’re so brilliant and colorful!



 That’s all for now, folks! At least I’ve made a dent in my pictures… but only a dent. It’s spring, so of course I can’t keep up! Whenever I post 10 pictures I take 20 more. XD

What do you think of my “Beautiful Things” series so far? Which was your favorite picture? DO YOU LOVE DEW DROPS TOO?! (*Ahem,* sorry.)


34 thoughts on “Beautiful Things {Part 2}

  1. I’ve alway believed a weed to be any plant growing not where someone wants it to. Case in point, a dandilion looks ugly if growing through the cracks in a patio, but lovely when growing with others in the wild.


  2. I love these photos! The colors are so vibrant!. Sadly, we don’t have as many flowers where I live as I would like😕.


    1. Yes! I drew several pictures of weeds in my Nature Study book yesterday. 🙂 And yes, I did know that! I love finding out what wild plants you can eat, don’t you? I especially like eating sourgrass, and of course wild berries like blackberries and raspberries. 🙂 Once I made dandelion salad with hardboiled eggs and bacon and such, and it was actually pretty good! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful beautiful photos, Allison! The weather is FINALLY starting to stay “stabilized” and I’m loving the warm weather. 🙂
    ~Grace ❤
    P.S. Your letter arrived today! I LOVE it! The envelope, the mandala, the letter itself, EVERYTHING! XD (And thanks for the lovely birthday gift. 🐰 ❤ 🐰 ❤ 🐰) My sister loved Carmen's picture. 🙂


  4. I love your “Beautiful Things” posts, but I couldn’t possibly pick a favorite in all of the epicness! Haha! 😉 Yes!! I love dewdrops too, I need to try taking some pictures of them! I have an up-close bee photo that I think you’d like, since you like up-close bee photos. 😉 Keep up the professional photography! 😀


      1. I know! I remember I tried to contact you, but you weren’t able to reply because it wouldn’t work… Hmmm, you could use my contact form on my magazine columnists feature page! What do you think? 😉


  5. Beautiful photos, Allison! Yes, dew drops are very pretty. I don’t usually capture them in photos, though, but I like when I do. 🙂 Lately I’ve been taking a ton of photos of flowers, too. There are so many pretty things in the Spring! 🙂


  6. The photos were amazing! The close up photo of the bee was pretty. ( I am scared of bees but ever since you took a picture, I am not) The dew drops are very beautiful and have a magical vibe. Maybe that’s why they look so calm, soothing and pretty. Amazing how simple little things calm us so much or can be described in so many words. Thanks for reading my long comment. ( Hope you weren’t bored)


    1. Thank you so much! (Aww, ha ha!) I love the dewdrops as well. YES, I agree with you. And oh no, I love long comments and I wasn’t bored in the least! Thank you for reading. ❤ ❤


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