Etcetera #3

Hello, dears!

I’ve been half dreading this post and half eagerly anticipating it, because it is SO much work to sort through over six months of photographs and edit and organize the best ones for a post. O.o But it’s always so satisfying to know I’m “up to date” once I finish Etcetera posts, so yay! πŸ™‚

Anyway, today I have for you quite a lot of pictures about quite a lot of things. I’ll attempt to organize this post a bit more than I have previously so it’s not overwhelming. XD I hope you enjoy browsing through the sunsets, farm landscapes, portraits, etc!

~ Skies ~

When it hasn’t been raining (which is rarely XD), there have been someΒ beautiful sunsets, clouds, and other skyscapes recently.

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Ahhh, big, fluffy cumulus clouds just make me happy when I see them. πŸ˜€

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Isn’t this gorgeous? Sun rays through clouds also make me happy. πŸ™‚

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We’ve gotten so many rainbows recently (and so much rain too)! I don’t think I even noticed this one was a double rainbow until I edited the picture. O.o XD What a beautiful promise a rainbow is. ❀

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I love how calm and soft this picture is!


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The moon looks HUGE beside the miniscule airplane and tiny cloud, doesn’t it?

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Does this count as “skies”? I don’t know. But this strange, neat limb broke off one day and it was sad. 😦 Now there’s just a stump left.

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I actually combined a couple of pictures to make this one, because I wanted more birds in it. πŸ˜›

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I thought it was so neat how you can faintly see the entire moon!

Sunsets + reflections? OH YES!

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A e s t h e t i c. ❀

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~ Pets ~

This spring there were buttercups EVERYWHERE! It was so pretty! One day Maggie was conveniently laying in a highly-concentrated area of flowers which went perfectly with her sunny, buttercup personality. πŸ˜€

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BUNNIESSSS! My brothers built new rabbit pens for them, and the next two pictures are when we first put them in. I love how Basil’s ears are always one up and one down. XD

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And here’s Lavender! SHE IS ADORABLE. And she’s also grown since I took this picture.

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Well this isn’t exactly a pet, but… WARNING, SNAKE AHEAD! We found this black snake one morning while we were cleaning out the raised beds. I don’t particularly like snakes, but it was so neat to get such close-up photographs! It didn’t slither away for quite a while; it just posed. πŸ˜› I got a bunch of good pictures, but I’ll be considerate and only show you guys two. XD

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~ Flowers ~

This was a looong time ago, but here’s a pretty picture of blossoms on our what we thought was an apple tree but is actually a pear tree.

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In early spring, there were violets EVERYWHERE! There was one row beside a small, white shed in our backyard that was overflowing with blooms. ❀

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Such a cute, tiny flower! (Actually it’s a weed, but it’s still cute.)

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Ahh, this is so creamy and gorgeous!

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~ Farm Landscapes ~

We always pass this on the way to my grandparents’ house and I always want to get a picture of it. This time Mom kindly stopped to let me take some, and I’m SO glad she did! I just love the scenery here, and the rolling hills that seem almost too perfect to be natural. The tractor baling hay adds a nice touch too. πŸ˜‰

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Dad planted corn or soybeans in most of the pastures this year, and it looks GREAT! He got the crops in a little late because of the immense amount of rain we got, but now that they’re in they’re looking gorgeous. I took this picture a while ago; the corn is a lot bigger now.

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The cows are gone now. *sniff*

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~ People ~

Carmen got absolutely SOAKED (on purpose) one day when it was raining, which made for some pretty neat pictures.

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Carmen wondered if I wanted to take a picture of her glasses, and I said, “Sure!”

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I took this picture after we finished unloading the tractor-trailer load of our house belongings, and I was all sweaty and dusty. And then I had heaps of fun editing it later. XD I don’t know why I like taking pictures of eyes so much, but I DO!

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Carmen wanted me to take a picture of her swinging. πŸ™‚

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It was a BIT scary to balance my camera on a fence post on a windy day, which is maybe why I have a slightly strange expression… XD

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Oh look, it’s me leaning up agains the fence again! What do you know. XD Carmen took this picture for me, because a friend wanted a photo of the dress I got.

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~ Etcetera ~

Okay, this is really random, but… did you know you can use a mixture of about half coconut oil and half baking soda toΒ repair worn wood? If you scrub the mixture into scratches or places where the varnish doesn’t look good, it will magically look like new after you wipe it away with soap and water! Trust me, it is amazing. O.o I don’t know exactly how it works, but I think the oil stains and darkens the wood and the baking soda kind of sands it down a little. However it does it, IT WORKS. We’ve used this a lot to “refinish” worn furniture, floors, and trim lately.

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We don’t have a huge garden this year, but we are growing a few things in the raised beds behind the big house. One of those things are (or were) radishes! I thought these baby radishes that we thinned out were so cute, hee hee.

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GUYS. I FOUND A FIVE LEAF CLOVER. AND MEGAN FOUND A SIX LEAF ONE. We found a lot of mutant clovers around the Cedar House, actually. XD And no, I did not photoshop an extra leaf on. Promise.

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This almost looks abstract if you unfocus your eyes.

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I love photographing water drops. πŸ˜€ Don’t they look like crystal?

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Phew, that was a TON of pictures! Not nearly all the good ones, though. *sniff* This post was a great (but hard) exercise in only keeping the best of the best, or else the most interesting. Hopefully I succeeded. πŸ™‚

So, which category was your favorite? Have you ever found a more-than-four-leaf clover? Have you tried the coconut oil trick?

Thank you so much for reading this lengthy epistle, dears, and please have a lovely day!


77 thoughts on “Etcetera #3

  1. What beautiful pictures! My favorite was the one with the curved tree branch in the night sky. I totally could picture a beautiful fairy sitting there in the moonlight.


  2. This post was awesome. Thank you so much for the time and hard work that went into putting it together. I really loved the rain drops. ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The water drops! Carmen! Ahhhhh!!!
    Ooh! Thanks for the coconut oil trick, we’re gonna need that for our renovations soon. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. OOH, LOTS OF PRETTY PICTURES! I love them ALLL. They were so gorgeous! Especially the flower ones, and wow, the snake ones were NEAT. I’ve never heard of the coconut oil trick, that’s quite interesting! I’m sure it IS helpful. And I LOVE baby radishes.
    I think my favorites were this one (for some reason, it reminds me of The Wizard of Oz farm…either that or Sarah, Plain and Tall, or Laura and Almanzo’s house when they were first married.)

    this one

    and this one!


    1. THANK YOUUU! And I know, right? It was such a neat opportunity! Yeah, Mom found it on Pinterest a while ago. I used it a lot in the Cedar House, although it could use about a gallon more. O.o πŸ˜› And ME TOO.
      I see you have another comment with the links, so let me go check them out. πŸ˜‰


    1. Thank youuu! I love those too.
      Also thanks for the suggestions! 1) We actually just took down the log cabin yesterday! Sadly we didn’t really find much interesting stuff, mostly wood and junk. :/ I might add the few good things we found to another post, though! And YES, I can’t wait to do another post about my studio! My parents want to help me fix it up here soon, so hopefully I can do a post in July. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Amazing photos, Allison! I’ve never found a four leaf clover, or a five leaf, but a pen pal sent me a five leaf once! I love the pictures of the bunnies, and the picture of your eye. Can I have permission to draw your eye?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great job. My brother love loves loves them. His words were “they were absolutely amazing and miraculous photos.” “They leave me speahless. ” ( is that possible!? XD) “I am so inspired!” (He’s in to photography lately). He wants to know what camera you use and how good the video is.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Craefish! Woooowww seriously? HA HA WELL I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT. Tell him thanks very much, I have a Nikon d3400 (it’s a DSLR), and the video is quite decent, actually. And wait, is this your oldest or youngest brother? I’m guessing the former, but.


  7. Woah more gorgeousss pictures. Love them all!!! Ugh I have such trouble choosing and keeping the best pictures too- my Mom is always wanting me to delete more photos πŸ˜›

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thanks for the wood “refinishing” tip….I will have to try that! My favorites are the peony flowers (I think that’s what they are) and the water droplets. Good job!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, I love the rainbow picture! I haven’t seen a rainbow in a while, but hopefully there’ll be some this Summer (it wouldn’t be surprising with all this rain…). I really like this picture:
    It’s so mysterious!
    Also, Maggie looks great in the field of buttercups! And Basil and Lavender are just simply adorable. ❀
    I love this picture, as well: The composition and lighting are great, and it has a really nice peaceful, farm-ish feel πŸ™‚
    I've never heard of that coconut oil trick, but it does sound interesting. I'll keep it in mind if I ever want to make some wood look nice. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Sassafras! Yeah, there sure was a lot of rain here too.
      Thanks! Hee hee, it IS kind of mysterious.
      YES, I think so too. πŸ˜‰ And thank you again!
      Well good, hopefully it will come in handy some day. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the comment, Sassfras!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovvvve photos of the sky. Yours are perfect. And your bunnies are too cute! We have wild bunnies living in our back yard and I just adore them. Not trying to grow any veggies at the moment thought.. Then I might change my tune about so many rabbits around haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thanks! Oh yes, we have wild bunnies too and they’re SO cute! They did keep our lettuce nicely mowed down, though, so that was… unfortunate. Other than that I do like wild rabbits, though. πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

  11. *excited gasp* AN ETCETERA POST! *scrolls through pictures* *sighs in awe* XD XD I LOVED reading this post, Allison! All of the photos were amazing! πŸ˜€ A few of my favorites were…

    Okay, so maybe that’s more than a few. XD But I really loved them all! The photo of Basil is so cute – I love her ears. πŸ˜› And the sunset reflection one is SO neat. I can’t wait for your next photography post! πŸ™‚

    -Clara ❀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. *grins* Aww, thank you so much, Clara! You are so sweet. ❀ I'm glad you liked the post! Also EEP YAY! FAVORITES! I loved seeing which ones you liked best – thanks so much for taking the time to do that! Hee hee, I love Basil's ears too. And yes, I just think reflections are so neat! Thanks again, dear. ❀

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Ahh…I always find photography posts so hard to comment on! I’m just going to say that I loved every single photo dearly – except for maybe the snake ones. πŸ˜› I. Hate. Snakes. XD

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Hi! Your photos are all beautiful and I really admire your work! I was wondering what camera and lenses you use for these shots?


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