The Summer Bored Games, Week 3

Hello, dears!

Are you excited for the next round of SBG? I AM! WOOHOO! Thank you all for your participation so far, and for making it so fun to host. 😀

In case you’d like to review the basic rules of the game, you can check out my introduction post right here. Shall we begin? (That was a rhetorical question, by the way. I’m going to start whether you answered yes or no. *nods*) Ahem.


You have until the end of this week to complete however many of the 35 challenges below you wish to do. This is the only week that you’ll be able to complete these challenges.

When you’ve completed all the challenges you’d like to for the week, submit your points using the survey included in this post (see it below). Please try to submit your results just once per week. I suggest waiting until the end of the week to submit the survey.

Okay, guys, NOW FOR THE CHALLENGES. Are you ready for this? *drum roll*

SBG this weeks challenges

  1. Microwave Ivory soap. (Learn how to here.) 2
  2. Write a haiku about lonely earthworms. 2
  3. Attempt to yodel at an animal. 1
  4. Hit a potato with a baseball bat. We encourage you to actually play baseball with said potato. 2
  5. Give someone a Christmas card. 3
  6. Come up with a 7 word tongue twister and challenge 3 people (outside of your family) to say it. 4
  7. Put at least seven socks on one foot. Earn one point for every sock you put on past number seven. 4
  8. Make supper for your family. 10 (megapoints)
  9. Come up with an odd fantasy creature (example: a dragon with a unicorn horn and a mermaid tail) and draw a picture of it. 2
  10. Buy something for exactly $1.99. 3
  11. Put a thank-you note and a treat in your mailbox for your mail deliverer. 3
  12. Bake cookies for (and give them to) your neighbor. 4
  13. Organize a treasure hunt for your siblings or friends. 10 (megapoints)
  14. Make an ATC. (Learn how to here.) 2
  15. Spend at least 5 minutes blowing bubbles. 1
  16. Make a mug cake for someone else as a surprise. 4
  17. Go on a walk and find the following: a piece of trash, a forked stick or twig, something round, something blue, and a colorful rock. 4
  18. Get a notebook and a pencil/pen, set a timer for 20 minutes, and draw non-stop until your time is up. It doesn’t matter what you draw, as long as your pencil doesn’t stop moving. 4
  19. Give your mom $15 toward groceries. 10 (megapoints)
  20. Learn to whistle with a blade of grass. You can use the internet to learn how. 3
  21. Find a rock, paint it, and give it a name. 2
  22. Put up a birthday banner (a happy birthday sign) in your house…when it’s not anyone’s birthday. XD 2
  23. Learn how to tie a reef knot. 3
  24. Make a blog post including the words “Crazy”, “Frosty”, “Abominable” , “Frank” and “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. 2
  25. Sing a song while washing a window. 2
  26. Send a letter to your favorite living author. 3
  27. Read a book (or part of a book) out loud to your entire family. 4
  28. Try a new fruit, vegetable, or meat. 4
  29. Find five new blogs and leave each blogger at least one kind, sincere comment. 4
  30. Give someone a message you wrote in Morse Code. 3
  31. Pick and listen to three songs, and draw what they sound like. 3
  32. Play “shark Attack” in a pool. (How to play: 2
  33. Organize something in your house that’s messy. (Examples: Your desk, under your bed, etc.) 3
  34. Wear mismatching shoes in public and see if anyone notices. 3
  35. Learn the sign language alphabet. 10 (megapoints)gray-border

What do you think? Which of those challenges are you most excited to complete? My favorites are #1 (THAT IS SO FUN TO DO, GUYS), #11, and #31.

If you have any questions about the challenges, the game, or anything else, don’t hesitate to contact us at summerboredgames(at)gmail(dot)com. We’re happy to help! Read on for a few more important details:

If you’d like to print off a checklist to help you keep track of the challenges for this week, CLICK HERE

If you take any photos of your completed challenges (or your funniest challenge fails!), we would LOVE to see them! Send your pictures to us at summerboredgames(at)gmail(dot)com, and we’ll pick our favorites to include in the final post! (If you’re just completing the challenges just for fun and haven’t signed up, we’d still love to see your photos!)

We’ve really (REALLY REALLY) enjoyed the photos you guys have sent us so far, and we can’t wait to show you guys at the end of July! Keep the pictures coming, hee hee! 😀

Have you completed all the challenges you’d like to do for this week? Hooray! Just click the image below to submit your points:

sbg submit your points

Click that graphic and it should take you right to the form!

Please be honest – the game is no fun if you aren’t playing fair. Please follow the rules and make it fair for everyone!

And now… *drum roll again* the participants who got the most total points (points from the last two weeks).

10: Aria: 102

9: Enni: 107

8: Anna P. and Christina (tied with same number of points): 131

7: Ava: 148

6: Mandalynn: 161

5: Julia Rose: 167

4: Sophie: 187

3: Jo: 195

2: Chloë: 216

1: Laura: 259


Way to go, girls! 😀 Also can we just take a moment to appreciate the fact that Laura did EVERY SINGLE ONE of the challenges so far, minus one! *awed look* XD WOW, LAURA. I AM IMPRESSED.


You have until 11:59 PM EST on July 21st to complete as many challenges as you can and submit your points. Have fun busting that boredom! 😀

Thanks for reading, dears, and have a lovely (and non-boring) day. 🙂


57 thoughts on “The Summer Bored Games, Week 3

    1. YIKES, I JUST REALIZED THAT LIKE A MINUTE AGO. Megan is getting that and the form sent out – we totally forgot about it! I’ll update the page in just a few minutes when she finishes it.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh wow. I pulled up to third! Yay! This week’s challenges sound like fun!
    Thank you so much gals for hosting this. Remind me to send you pictures of the challenges!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. CONGRATULATIONS, JO! And yay, I’m glad they do!
      Why certainly, dear – we’re glad to do it. And okay, I shall remind you.
      P. S. Hey Jo, remember to send us pictures of the challenges. *nods*

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh! Right! *nods* Did you get my last pictures? Just so I know I sent it to the right email.


  2. Yaaayy!! I’m so excited! (I kept saying “Yes Yes Yes” when I saw this post so that my brother eventually wandered in wondering if I had won something)
    I’ve had fun so far and will hopefully do a lot of these–they look like a lot of fun! We are going to the store today so hopefully I can get some ivory soap, perhaps a new fruit, and contribute $15 toward the groceries…
    One question, what if you already know the sign language alphabet? Would you automatically get the points? Technically I know the ASL alphabet, but I don’t know the BSL(British) one…

    Liked by 1 person

      I’m so glad you have had fun so far, and I hope you can do a bunch too! Sounds like a great plan. 😉 Hmm, that’s a good question… I talked to Megan and we thought you should still get the points. Good for you for knowing it! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. WHOOP. (Though I’m afraid I’m getting busy and won’t be able to do very many again, but I’m amazed I’m still on the top ten list!)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ooh!!! So FUN! I think it’s awesome you put the sign language alphabet. That is really good to learn! (I am learning sign language now, and love it.) Anyway, sooo excited!! 😊😂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahhh, I’m so excited! These challenges look like so much fun! I completely forgot to submit last weeks points (-_-) but I’ll make up for it this week. 🙂

    Oh, I have a question. *nods* For the last challenge (learn the sign language alphabet)… what if you’ve already learned the sign language alphabet? :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YAYYY! Aww, that’s too bad. :/ I hope you have fun this week!
      Good question. If you already know the sign language alphabet, good for you! You can still collect the points. 🙂


    1. Aww, yeah. We tried to make the challenges mostly do-able for everyone, but some won’t be possible for everyone. :/ I’m sorry about that! You’ll probably be able to do some that others can’t do, though! 🙂


  6. Argh, Allison, I’m sorry but I think I’ll have to drop out. 😦 I’ve been really busy lately, so I don’t think that I can do this anymore. It was so much fun, though – it’s been a blast! 😀


    1. Aww, we’ll miss you. ❤ That’s okay, though – it’s really no pressure since you’re not on a team or anything. If you’re busy, then yay, you’re not bored! If you’re bored later, feel free to join in again. 🙂 I’m glad you enjoyed it, though!

      Liked by 1 person

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