Birthday Harvest {2019}

Hello, dears!

Yayyyyy, it’s here – my annual birthday gift post! 😀 Before we begin, the obligatory disclaimer: I’m not posting this to brag in the least; I’m posting it because I like to read these posts and you guys seem to as well… also because I wanted another chance to say thank you once again to my dear friends and siblings and parents who nearly overwhelmed by your generosity this year. I’m so, so grateful to have people like you, who are far more precious than even the amazing gifts you gave me. 🙂 ❤

Alright, let’s begin! I tried to randomize the gifts a little bit, so I won’t be going in any particular order. Sit back and relax, because this might get a little long. 😛

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Let’s start with some music! My brother, Logan, bought me the song of my choice, which was “Bluebird” by Alexis Ffrench. It’s such a pretty song, and really easy to play too! I’m actually listening to it on Spotify as I type. P


My friend, Clara, gave me a gorgeous flower-themed package, which included a pressed-flower-print card, pressed flower bookmark, and floral Hobby Lobby gift card! 😀


She also gave me stunning pendant necklace with real flowers inside. O.o Isn’t it absolutely beautiful?


Okay, the washi tape wasn’t floral, but AHHH IT IS SO PRETTY. I absolutely love the watercolor texture and soft colors!


My parents gave me this beautiful, dainty mountain necklace. *heart eyes* I miss the mountain view at our old farm, but at least I can wear this now. 🙂 I adore the simplicity of it.


My parents also gave me these super neat ceramic flower pots (which are hard to photograph, heh heh). They’re made to mount on your wall sort of like indoor window boxes! Isn’t that such a great idea? I can’t wait to get a pretty, vining plant to fill them. 😀


My dear friend, Aria, also gave me the mountain necklace. 😛 Yay, now I don’t have to worry about losing or breaking one! I just had to take a picture of it too because I love this box.


She also gave me some nice fine-tip pens, which I had been wanting! And more washi tape. ❤ IT’S PURPLE. And too beautiful to use, help.


Hee hee, this is a fun one! A ceramic giraffe flower pot! (It will go splendidly with the wall-mounted ones.) I think I’m going to put some succulents in it. Ahh, it’s so cute! ❤


I was very pleased about the snacks since dried fruit is my absolute favorite. And yay, more music for my car, by one of my favorite artists! We’ve listened to all the CDs in there about a million times, so both my siblings and I were ready for some fresh songs. 😛


I actually saw the art prompt book a long time ago and thought it looked fun. 🙂 Would you guys like to see a post on how I fill it? The other book is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s autobiography – more expanded and true-to-life than her wonderful Little House books.


This is the last gift from Aria, and it’s definitely one of my favorites. The wildflower print is totally my aesthetic and just makes me so happy every time I see it. 😀 It came with several recipe cards and divider tabs, which Aria supplemented with a bunch of her family’s favorite recipes. Such a thoughtful gift. ❤


Next up we have this little photographer figurine that my brother, Jeff, welded! Ha ha, isn’t it so cute? He’s a pro at welding and building and fixing things, and these welded people are his signature gifts. I’m pleased to have one myself now. 🙂


My friend Annie sent me a lovely package which included two bath bombs and some excellent lip balm. 😀


She also gave me some fun glittery stickers and a lace headband-tie thing which I really like! I don’t really do much with my hair usually, but I discovered that the stretchy headband works very well to keep it out of my face.


She sent me a beautiful magazine and some delicious looking tea as well. ❤


My friend Laura sent me probably the most creative card I’ve ever received. Look, it’s a pop-up of my art studio! :O Isn’t it amazing??


She also sent me two of the absolute best brush pens. Seriously, guys, these are INCREDIBLE!


And last but not least, she gave me more washi tape! YAYYYY! My friends know me well. :’D


My youngest sister, Carmen, painted this flowerpot for me. Isn’t it so cute? I shall have to transplant one of our badly-potted plants into this nice one. 😉


My friend Livy sent me a super fun package with lots of artsy supplies. The mechanical pencils are wonderful, and aren’t those notecards the cutest?


That coloring book is so pretty. ❤ I LOVE the wood bookmark, and look at that huge stack of stationery! :O


My other sister, Megan, gave me some more music for my car. Yay! 😀 I like this album – it seems comfortable and kinda summery. 🙂 (Ha ha, I just realized how ironic that was since there’s snow on the cover. :’D)


Last but not least, we have another amazing package from my friend Amie. On the left we have two fun keychains, and on the right we have some more cute notecards! I love these too, as well as the square envelopes. ❤


Amie also gave me the Tombow pens, which is great because now I don’t have to worry about the ink running out! And she actually made those earrings for me! Ahh, so pretty. ❤


We shall end with a super fun gift – BRUSH MARKERS! I was ecstatic to get these because my old ones were… not the best. These colors are so gorgeous and I’ve really enjoyed using them so far.


A huge thank you once again to all the lovely people who gave me gifts, including any I forgot to mention or take pictures of. It was a wonderful start to my 19th year. 🙂 I love you guys!

What was one of the best gifts you’ve been given? Which of these were your favorite? Do you prefer making gifts or buying gifts?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400, mostly using the 50mm lens.

69 thoughts on “Birthday Harvest {2019}

  1. Ahh, all these gifts are awesome! Sounds like your friends and family know you so well! I love those Tombow brush pens too!!! And I like those necklaces you got! Happy belated birthday again! (I’ll turn 19 at the end of this year…) XD

    Have a wonderful day! ❤


    1. They sure do! ❤ YES, I love those brush pens. *heart eyes* And same here! Thanks again, Brooklyne. 🙂 (Yay, so we'll both be 19 for a few months! :D)
      You too, dear. ❤


  2. I’d love to see how you fill the art prompt book! So many wonderful gifts 😀 Laura, your little studio is amazing!


  3. Happy belated birthday, Allison! 😀 I remember your last Birthday Harvest post, seems like a long time ago. XD And *dies* these are all lovely, ‘specially Laura’s card!


  4. Thank You for showing all the gifts. You will not be without writing material. I love receiving writing things. Enjoy.


  5. So fun! Thanks for showing us your gifts! I have those Tombow brush pens too! They are so fun to use, and a great step up from the faux calligraphy trick. 😉


  6. Aww, so many gorgeous prezzies!! 😍 Wow, that’s funny getting the same necklace twice XD. Ahh, The Heat is one of my fav needtobreathe albums…you have good tastes! And that pop-up card is so impressive, a really good idea. Ooh, the brush markers look great! You are so lucky ❤️


  7. HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!! ❤ I'm glad it was a good one! You got such cool gifts!
    I love that flower necklace! It looks very you! 😀 And the mountain ones are so cool! And all that washi tape!! ❤ ❤ Pretty washi tape is the best! I wish I could get more, but I think I have enough already. XD
    And oh my goodness that little photographer figurine is adorable!!! You have such a great brother!
    And WOW that pop up of your mini art studio is amazing!!!!!!!!! It's SO cute and looks just like it!
    And oh I love scented hand sanitizer, what flavor is it?
    And those earrings are so pretty! You have such creative friends and family! XD


    1. THANK YOUUU! It sure was. ❤
      Ha ha, right? Yessss!
      I know… I always think that, but then I'm like, "How could you have too much washi tape?" XD Besides, I do use a lot for my Etsy packages and letters.
      I knoooow, isn't it cute? And I agree 100%. 😉
      DOESN'T IT THOUGH? I was so impressed by the card!
      You know what… I can't recall the flavor of the hand sanitizer. I think it was either vanilla or apple. Mmm. 🙂
      Ahh, I do!
      Thanks for the lovely comment, dear!



    You got so many fun gifts! I have those Tombow Fudenosuke pens as well, and they are indeed the best.

    Such a fun post!


  9. This was such a lovely read! I loved seeing everything!!❤️ And you photographed everything so beautifully 😍


  10. I like how you called it “Birthday Harvest” instead of “Birthday Haul”… 😛

    So cool! My personal favorite gift would be the little photographer figurine… although store bought things are always great, I love the thought and time that goes into a homemade gift.

    One of my favorite gifts wasn’t for my birthday and it wasn’t even a tangible item. It was getting to spend a day hanging out with one of my siblings right before they moved.

    Just a question, do you scrapbook? You are a photographer and do a lot of creative stuff, so I wondered if you’d tried it.


    1. Hee hee, thanks! I really dislike the term “haul,” so I decided to call it something else. 😉

      Aww, yes! Jeff’s figurine was great. ❤

      What a lovely gift! That sounds so fun.

      Hmm, I sort of do?? I've worked on scrapbooks in the past, but now I more do art journally scrapbook things, if that makes sense. 🙂


  11. Wow — last of the teens 💃🏻
    A very happy and joyous birthday Allison. May God fulfil all your worthwhile dreams and desires.
    Have a great year
    Love and hugs 🤗


  12. I loved seeing your birthday haul—these posts are such fun to read! Aria was so thoughtful to give you the recipe box, Clara was very creative with the theme (and wow on that card!) Laura was also very creative—I love her card as well! Amie and Livy know you well, haha! 😉 Your siblings seem so thoughtful with their gifts! And I am so glad you enjoyed my gifts! 🙂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLISON!!! ❤


  13. YAY A BIRTHDAY HARVEST! 😀 I loooove the background you used for these photos. *heart eyes* I’m so very glad you liked my gifts, and wow, you got so many thoughtful presents! Seems like a wonderful birthday indeed. 😀

    -Clara ❤


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