In Which We Set Up a Flower Truck

Hello, my friends!

Ah, I think you guys are really going to enjoy the pictures today. Remember Dad’s aesthetic mint green truck from my birthday post? Turns out it makes a wonderfully eye-catching flower truck! Mom has been growing so many flowers this year that we have too many to display ourselves, so she started a little flower stand at the end of our road!

One day we hope to sell flowers at a farmer’s market or in a better location since we’re kinda in the middle of nowhere, but it’s been fun letting people pick up the lovely flower bouquets Mom makes for now. Enjoy some cheerful, summery pictures!

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Introducing… the flower truck! I feel like it needs a name. Isn’t it cute?


But before I get ahead of myself, here are some behind-the-scenes shots. First, Mom pucks a bunch of flowers from the garden and arranges the bouquets inside. She references a lot of Floret Farm’s videos/books/tutorials for flower growing and arranging. Check out their website here if you like beautiful things.


She picks the flowers early and lets them open up in buckets of water usually one day ahead of time.


Once everything’s arranged, we load it up and drive the green truck out to the end of our lane. Mom has a couple buckets for the tailgate, like so:


She used to have the flowers in wooden crates but, heh, someone took a crate along with a bouquet. (They actually brought it back later, though, so that was nice!) Now she ties buckets to the truck so no one takes them.


Mom had me paint these signs for the road. I think they turned out pretty cute!


These are “market bouquets” – flowers wrapped in a square of kraft paper and stuck in buckets of water.


Something about the brown paper makes them seem so much more official, you know? πŸ˜›


Here’s a cute little sign with instructions, plus some water and paper towels beneath it.


Mom originally priced the bouquets at $10 but then decided to just ask for donations since it’s not really an official stand. So that’s the way we do it now. She attached a safe box thingy to the truck (it’s in the photo before the “flowers for sale” sign picture). It seems to serve its purpose well.


Mom is getting to be a pro at bouquet-making. It’s so fun to see the different colors and combinations she comes up with! She’s enjoying the practice and experience the stand gives her.


Plus, if the bouquets don’t sell, we get to display them in our house!


My favorite part of the flower truck is the sunflowers on the side, picked from the sunflower field along our lane. (More on that in another post.) They’re more for decoration than for sale, but I suppose people could purchase them if they wanted.


Ha, it was funny how quickly the flowers attracted bees. It was like a portable garden!


Look how plump and fuzzy this guy is. πŸ˜€ Anyone else think bees are cute?


Mom found some cheap plastic wastebaskets at Walmart and turned them into cute flower containers by tying them to the side of the truck.


I just love the way it looks. We always lament how few flowers we have; it’d be even cuter overflowing with bouquets, but it takes a bunch of blooms and foliage to make this many bouquets as it is.


I know this is picture is pretty much the same as the last, but… I like it. So here you go. πŸ™‚


We’ll end with some more sunflower pictures because AHH SO AESTHETIC.


The bright yellow and pretty mint green are… the epitome of summer, but with a vintage twist.


Mom just ordered a black and white striped umbrella to shade the flowers, so I’ll have to do an update post sometime after we set it up. But for now, enjoy one last cheerful sunflower photo.


Did those pictures make you happy too? Something about the colors just makes me smile. I’m looking forward to seeing where this truck takes us in the future, hehe. But for now we’re just enjoying sharing our flowers with neighbors and passersby – and I’m so glad I could (virtually) share them with you guys too!

Have you ever seen a flower truck before? What do you think we should name ours? πŸ˜›

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400 and a 35mm + 50 mm lens. Edited with Lightroom.

77 thoughts on “In Which We Set Up a Flower Truck

  1. Speechless 😢 😯 If I was in your neighborhood I’d be over there first thing in the morning for a bundle of this joy!!!! Gorgeous. The birthday-transformed-to-flower-display truck was definitely not outdone. Thanks for sharing πŸ™πŸ½

    Liked by 5 people

  2. This is AMAZING, I love way too much!! I mean, teal trucks and sunflowers?? Ahh! *cries happy tears * LOL. but really, it’s beautiful, and your photography is amazing!! Thanks for sharing these!! ❀ ❀ ❀

    Liked by 4 people

  3. AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! Allison . . . . . . these are SO PRETTY!!!!!!!
    My mind is whirling with a thousand ideas. What beautiful color combos, neat ideas, and just so totally CUTEness over all!! Wow. Just wow. Thank you for sharing!! ❀ ❀

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Ahh Allison this photoshoot is just so aesthetic ahh, I love all the vibes and the sunflowers are adorable and so is the truck and also the bouquettes and yes I am rambling but whatever.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. It’s so lovely. It would make me feel better just driving by & seeing the beauty.
    My only question…how does she keep the paper dry? Does she only wrap the top of the bouquets?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. It makes me happy driving by too!
      Good question. Yes, she only wraps the top part of the bouquet so the stems stick out past the paper and into the water. Like when you get bouquets at the store and the stems stick out past the plastic wrapping.


  6. The bouquets are gorgeous!! I love the pictures with the brown paper.
    All your photos make me feel happy ….like I wish I driving down a country road and found your cute little truck stand!! I’m sure you ladies made someone day!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. These are all beautiful! And I love the flower truck idea–that’s so fun! Have the flowers been selling/getting donations well? (And it’s neat that your mom references Floret Farm! It’s actually just a couple hours away from where I live, and I want to visit there someday!)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! Yes, it’s really fun! Nah, we haven’t been getting all that many sales or donations as our location is super out-of-the-way, but over the past couple weeks the small donations have actually added up nicely!
      WHOA, how neat that Floret Farm is only four hours away from you! Mom would be thrilled to visit it someday too. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Everything looks good as usualπŸ’•
    The signs are pretty cute🀭
    The brown paper does make it look officialπŸ˜‚
    The sunflowers in the buckets look cute😁
    Sorry Alison, I ain’t no bee lover – I only like them when it comes to honey (I’m a bad guy, I knowπŸ˜…πŸ˜›)
    Very aesthetic indeed😁
    The colors and pictures really made me smile😁.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Aw, thanks!
      HAHA. Well I don’t blame you too much for not liking bees as they can be pretty painful.
      I’m so glad these pictures made you smile! Your comment made *me* smile. πŸ™‚


  9. Oh my goodness!!! If I lived close to you, I’d be buying flowers every week AND snapping pics with my camera too. Ha, ha. These pictures made me SO happy. I am in awe of the bouquets, and your mom is so talented. And that truck is just perfection. Love this!!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. If I lived anywhere near you, you’d see me at your truck every morning…the sunflowers are just so lovely…and I love this flower truck concept…🀩😍🀩😍

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Seeing the photos brings so much joy! I’d only recently heard about the Floret Farm’s. When I saw your post in the reader, your photos so reminded me of it. I don’t remember seeing a flower truck before. The first thing that comes to mind is chocolate chip mint. Minty? Minty Green Flower Truck? Have ya’ll come up with names? 🌻

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I love Floret Farms! Mom would be pleased that my post reminded you of it. πŸ™‚ Ooh yeah, something on the mint or mint chocolate chip theme is a great idea! Nope, we haven’t tried to find a name for it yet, but that would be fun. πŸ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

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