{Weathered Wood}

Hello, dears!

So, remember the old shed in this post? Well, I took a bunch more pictures of it and decided to post them today. All these photos will be in black and white because I thought it fit with with the age and structure of the subject, but don’t worry – it was foggy and dreary, so you’re not missing much color. 😉

Ready to explore with me?

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Misty Waters

Hello, dears!

We have this charming little stream on our property that for some reason I’d only explored one side of til recently. But when I did, I found it was even more beautiful than what I’d seen before, if possible!

Shortly after I explored it the first time, a foggy day came by and, imagining how beautiful the stream would look in the mist, I took my camera back down and ended up with some lovely, foggy pictures that I can’t wait to show you guys! Would you like to come explore the stream with me?

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Some Words {a Collection of Sketches}

Hello, dears!

Today I have something a little different for you. Usually when I post my writing, I post poems, but this time I’m going to show you guys four of my sketches. Not as in light pencil drawings, but as in small scenes from my life written as a cross between a long poem and a short story. I really like writing sketches, but I’ve never posted them before, so I’d love to hear your thoughts! Continue reading

Birthday Hike

Hey guys! I took gobs of pictures on the hike I went on for my birthday. Lots. Of. Pictures. I’m going to be showing you only some, but still a ginormous amount. 😀 Are you ready for this? Okay. Blastoff in 3… 2… 1… 1/2… 1/4… 1/187,990… okay, okay. XD Now!

When we went on the first trail, it was really foggy and rainy. We decided to come back to it later when it was sunny, but I got some neat pictures before we left.

hike (2) (1024x768)
Ooh, spooky. Just kidding! 😀

Doesn’t the next one seem sort of like a writing prompt? (I edited it.)

picture prompt 1

Next we went on a hike that was lovely and beautiful on the way down, but exhausting on the way up.

Flower pictures. 🙂

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I love this dewdrop picture:

hike (11) (1024x768)

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I have no idea what these weird corncobby fungi things are, but they’re neat looking!

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One tree had all kinds of different fungi on it.

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The next trail was really rocky and mossy. I love rocks and moss! 😀

hike (65) (1024x768)

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This looks like an action shot even though it isn’t.

Sometimes you had to climb over boulders like this:

hike (74) (1024x768)

I made collages of the many pictures of moss and fungus I took, because otherwise you would be here all day. XD

collage 1 (930x1024)

collage 2 (1024x1024)

Aren’t they so pretty? (And sometimes weird?)

Views from an overlook beside the path:

hike (57) (1024x768)

I really like the rocky ones.hike (58) (1024x768)hike (59) (1024x768)

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At the top it was kind of scary because there were drop-offs on every side of you, and the path was really narrow. You had to climb over boulders that were less than two feet away from the edge to get to the top! *Shiver* 😛 But the view was amazing!

hike (78) (1024x768)hike (86) (1024x768)hike (85) (1024x768)hike (82) (1024x768)

On the way down we made a little fairy house, or rather fairy bedroom.

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My friend spotted these perfect, tiny spiderwebs. She got way better pictures than me. 😉

hike (93) (1024x768)hike (92) (1024x768)

Are you photo-weary yet? XD Did you have a favorite picture?



Sunny with a Chance of Fog

It was a beautiful foggy evening yesternight (I know that isn’t a word, but it should be. XD), and when the sun set, it was even more gorgeous! The fog reflected the sunlight and made the sky all bright and glowing. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look as pretty or as foggy in pictures as it did in real life, but oh well… I’m still going to show you the pictures. 😀

These first pictures are more about the sun than the fog. I especially like this picture↓. (But don’t stare at it too hard or you might see sun-spots everywhere. 😀 ) It’s like the sun is a glowing bead threaded on the branches, and the twigs touching it are rimmed with white fire.

fog sunset (6) (1280x960)

A few more similar pictures…

sun collage 1 (1280x1280)

Now we get to the fog.

sun collage 2 (1280x794)

(Click on any photo to enlarge it and the rest of the photos in the collages below.)

fog sunset (20) (1280x960)fog sunset (7) (1280x960)fog sunset (18) (1280x960)

Whew! That was a bunch of pictures.

Thanks for reading!


P. S. I’m learning Spanish for school on Duolingo, and I somewhat recently I learned that “smile” is “sonrisa” in Spanish. I think that’s beautiful. It sounds like “sunrise,” as if a sunrise comes over your face every time you smile. I hope your day is full of “sonrisas!”