Natural Disasters-ish

Okay, the title is kind of strange. This post is going to be about a thunderstorm and wildfire, which are sort of natural disasters, but… not really (at least thunderstorms aren’t exactly natural disasters). XD Does that clear things up? Good. 🙂

Yep, there was recently a really big wildfire on the mountains near where I live.We could see the glow at night from one of our fields.  I think the fire grew to over 9,000 acres! (Which is really big for around here, but not nearly as big as the Canadian wildfire raging right now. I hope that wildfire is put out soon! 😦 )

This picture is about how our wildfire looked like:

-Allison(arboretum, forest fire) 002 (1024x768)

Yeah, pretty boring. But I also got some more dramatic (and unrealistic) photos:

Much more interesting. 😛

And now for the thunderstorm…

-Allison(lady slippers, doll, thunderstorm) 025 (1024x768)-Allison(lady slippers, doll, thunderstorm) 023 (1024x768)-Allison(lady slippers, doll, thunderstorm) 019 (1024x768)-Allison(lady slippers, doll, thunderstorm) 017 (1024x196)-Allison(lady slippers, doll, thunderstorm) 015 (1024x768)


P. S. Thank you all so much for your sweet Happy Birthday wishes! And yes, I did have a great birthday. 😀 I don’t normally do this, but would you like to see a post with pictures of some of the lovely presents I got with reviews on a few of the things?

33 thoughts on “Natural Disasters-ish

  1. WOW! Quite the great pictures and QUITE THE THUNDERSTORM!! :O Gotta go, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! 🙂 I’d love to see a post! 😉


    1. Aww, thanks so much, Clara! Yep, the thunderclouds were pretty impressive – of course, more impressive in real life. 😉 Ooh, I’m so glad you want to see them! I’ll probably do that post, then, since several other people want to see it too.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Grace! Yeah, I really like thunderstorms too as long as they’re not dangerous or super windy. Thankfully I think everyone (or else at least almost everyone) was okay after the fire. 🙂 Ooh, great!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’d love to see what you got! That wildfire looks so… scary and cool at the same time! I hate thunderstorms (but I love the smell of rain) but those clouds look really cool! 🙂


    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Anika! Yep, the wildfire did look like that! And the clouds looked really neat too! Yep, I think I will do the birthday-present post. 🙂


  3. Wow. Those pictures look really scary! Is it the Alberta wildfire? I live in Manitoba area (I’m not going to say where I live :P) , and we also have a fire going on. I sure hope it will rain a lot their. Well good thing your safe!
    kaitlynrh1 😀 😀


    1. Yeah, it would have been kind of scary if it was closer to us. But nope, it wasn’t the Alberta wildfire. (I’m not supposed to say where we live, though, either. 😉 ) Yes!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow…those pics are very dramatic! In a good way, though!
    I’d love to see some presents! I like those posts a lot. 🙂


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