Random Farm Photography


Hola, mis amigos! 😀

I hope you are having a lovely weekend. Tonight is family movie night for us, yippee! And we didn’t have to gather eggs today… yippee again! XD Anyway, today I wanted to show you a collection of photos from around our farm. It’s so beautiful here, even in winter. ♥ 😀 Enjoy!


We call this the Island because it’s an island of trees in the middle of the field. XD


Golden hour. ♥




Mini nature study/farm lesson: all the green stuff in these fields is triticale (pronounced trit-ih-KAY-lee).
So pretty! ♥




There’s a cute little picturesque white church just over the hill from us. I wish it was our church – we could just walk right over on Sundays! 😀 But sadly, it isn’t.
The rest of these pictures are from a hidden, rather muddy pond in one of the fields. 😀
It is quite hard to get into because it’s surrounded by brush and thorns and cedar trees. But it’s so secluded and neat once you get in.





I have no idea what these are, but they’re so cute!



I also found this weird gall on a cedar tree. Mini nature study lesson again: galls are made by certain insects that secrete a sort of chemical or irritant that makes the branch or leaf puff up into a gall. This protects the larva or insect inside. Doesn’t this one look kind of like a brain? XD


Ahhh, I love moss so much!



The boys were throwing rocks in the pond, and I had fun getting pictures of the splashes. XD



And thus we come to the end. 🙂 Which picture was your favorite? I hope you enjoyed them! 😀

P. S. The girls and I over at The Art Lab decided to put on a little contest for you guys. 🙂 Your goal is to create an imaginary creature named the “Wuzzing,” and whoever’s Wuzzing gets the most votes becomes Art Lab’s official mascot! 😀 Click here for more details. I can’t wait to see all your wonderful Wuzzings, and show you mine too. XD

40 thoughts on “Random Farm Photography

        1. Me toooo! Isn’t Chip hilarious!
          But… oops! I forgot that Mom and Dad were going out to eat with some friends, so the kids are just having movie night by themselves, and I don’t know what we’ll watch… hmm.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Your photography is top-notch as usual!! 😀 😀 😀 I ❤ ❤ ❤ it!! My favorite was the one of the moss, but I loved them all! That gall looked really creepily like a brain! Ew! ;P


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