Birthday Harvest

HA HA do you like my title? XD I don’t really like the term “birthday haul” because it seems kind of greedy or something, but that’s just my weird opinion. So anyway, I looked up synonyms for “haul” and found “harvest.” 😛 And there you have the story of my title.

Ahem. Let’s move on, shall we? Oh wait, before we start, I must say that I just really wanted to brag about my presents and how many I got and how great they were and… I’M JUST KIDDING I’M JUST KIDDING! Goodness, don’t look so shocked. XD Heh heh, but no, I am not trying to do the aforementioned, just in case you were wondering. I’m posting this because I personally like reading birthday posts myself and because I thought you guys might enjoy one too. 🙂

Okay, now we can start! 😀 By the way, these gifts are in no particular order. I just put them all on the table and grabbed what was handy first. XD

Ooh look! It’s a bullet journal! My mom and dad gave me this and it’s so pretty! I’ve actually only heard about them recently, but I thought a BuJo would be quite helpful. I’m still getting the hang of it, but I really like it so far! I think it’s more of a system than a thing, which is nice because you can customize it pretty much however you want. Do you think I should do a bullet journal post sometime?

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My friend (who has a blog here) gave me a bag of luscious chocolate truffles. OHHHH YUMMINESS! Enough said. XD

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My cousins gave me these lovely watercolor brush pens. They’re so neat! They’re kind of like a marker but with a paintbrush tip. They actually color more like ink than watercolor, but if you use the waterbrush that comes with it (see it there on the right side?) you can get a more watercolor-y effect. What I really like about these is how fine the tips are.

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I thought maybe I should show you an example of how they work…

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My Grammy and Grandaddy gave me this wonderful sketchbook. I love it! It has 128 nice, thick pages. I used the watercolor brush pens on it and they didn’t bleed through, although you could kind of see the drawing on the other side. I can’t wait to fill it up! 😀

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Another thing I really like about the sketchbook is how flat it is when I open it. Some sketchbooks are always wanting to close up on you, but this one doesn’t!

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This thingy came along with the sketchbook. It’s rather neat and pretty, but I have no clue what it is. XD It’s obviously a ruler, but it looks like it’s meant to be something else too. I thought maybe a letter opener, but Dad says it’s too blunt on the end. Guesses, anyone?

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My sister Megan and my grandparents both got me several skeins (is it skeins? balls? fluffy squishy things?) of beautiful felting wool. Have you heard of needle felting? You should look it up online or on Etsy. People make absolutely amazing things from felting wool! A sweet lady at church recently gave me a felting kit and I’m having fun experimenting. I’m sure felted things will show up in a later post. 😉

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Two of my friends gave me Hobby Lobby gift cards. YAYAYAY I LOVE HOBBY LOBBY! *Happy sigh* I think I’ll buy a tri-fold poster board so I have a better photo background for things like this. Heh heh. And I can’t wait to see what other fun things I find!

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Awww! My littlest sister Carmen gave me a rock she had found and quite a few coupons for setting the table. ♥ It was so funny, but so sweet! (Don’t you just love little kids’ spelling and handwriting?)

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AHHHHH YAY! My parents got me a pack of 72 Prismacolor colored pencils! I am SO excited because I only had 24 before and I absolutely love Prismacolor brand colored pencils. They color so smoothly and with such rich, brilliant pigment. I’ll definitely show you some of the drawings I’ve made with them in my next art post. 😀

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Okay, I spent WAY too long arranging the pencils in rainbow order and then trying to get a good overhead shot of them all lined up. XD But it was worth it, right? Ahhh, they look so pretty. 🙂

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My grandparents gave me these helpful little colorless blender pencils. They’re for blending the Prismacolor colored pencils, and they work brilliantly!

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My Grandpa and Grandma gave me these gorgeous ferns. ♥ Ohhhh I love plants in general and ferns especially!

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And last but not least, Grammy and Grandaddy gave me a renewal of PicMonkey Royale. (Which I don’t have a picture of – sorry!) I really love the PicMonkey photo editor and Royale gives you access to tons of extra features, so I’m quite happy about that!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this fun little post. 🙂 Do you like Birthday Haul *ahem* Birthday Harvest posts?

As always, thanks for reading, my dears, and have a lovely day!


101 thoughts on “Birthday Harvest

  1. Cool gifts! Happy Birthday! That’s a coincidence, because guess what? I have the exact same Prismacolor set!


      1. Ooh, looks like fun! Happy late bday!! My bday was recently celebrated too. I’m planning on doing a post soon! I love those colored pencils!


  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALLISON!!! Looks like you got some pretty neat stuff! I ❤ art supplies 😛 I thought the tool-thingy looked like a bookmark, too.


    1. THANK YOU, LAINEY! Yeah, I’m so excited to use it! YES ME TOO! Hmm, well that seems to be the consensus, so maybe I’ll try using it like that. 🙂 Heh heh, leave it to you guys to figure it out. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Maybe it’s for tracing small circles at the end?!? 😂 I loooooove the colored pencils! I just got paid for watching my neighbors cats and will probably spend the money on art supplies! 😳😋


  4. YAY I LOVE posts like this! Oooo, Primacolors! My sister got a 72 pack for her birthday last year, and I borrow them all the time. I have no idea what that thing is, but it’s really nice! Happy Birthday!


  5. Ooh SO PRETTY. The art supplies eep! *flails* And the journal is so cute — I’ve been hunting all over for a grid journal, but no luck, so I’m just using a regular old lined journal for my BuJo. Sigh. XD



  6. Fun, I looved reading this! The name birthday harvest does sound a lot better than haul, I’m with you! XD Your featured image is lovely. ❤ I want watercolor pens so much! Are they pretty easy to use? I have no clue why, but the first thing I thought of when I saw your ruler is, er, a chainsaw. I dunno, I just think it sorta looks like a mini one… XD Aw, your little sister's gift was so cute. XD
    -Sara ❤


    1. Yes, I’m so glad you did! Ha ha, I know, right? XD Aww thanks! I rather liked how it turned out myself. Yeah, the watercolor pens are quite easy to use, although sometimes it’s hard to make a straight line when you press really lightly. But yeah, they’re great! HA HA, well who knows, maybe it really is a mini chainsaw in disguise. XD And I know, right?
      Thanks for commenting, Sara!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Indeed! XD You did do great job! Hmm, maybe I should buy myself some. 😉 Hehe, yeah, maybe it is… XD You’re very welcome! ❤


  7. Happy Birthday! My parents got me some Prismacolor Premium pencils for my last birthday, and I love them too! I only have the forty-two pack, so there is a little less variety, but I love thermal the same! I love Hobby Lobby, but ours is like forever away!


    1. Thank you! Oh I know, aren’t they great? Yeah, I didn’t know I would get seventy two! Aww, that’s too bad. We only recently got a Hobby Lobby here.


    Those watercolor pens look amazing!!!!! So does that lie-flat sketch book! And the pencils!!! ALL the colors! I have a set of Prismacolor scholar pencils, and they are soooo nice!
    ENJOY your gifts! 🙂


    1. I KNOW THEY ARE AMAZING! 😀 And so are the sketchbook and the pencils! AHHH I just want to sit down and make art for a whole day. 😛 Oh, neat! So do you know what the difference is between scholar pencils and premier pencils? I was wondering about that.
      THANK YOU!


      1. Hm, well, PrismaColor FAQs says “The Prismacolor Premier Colored Pencils were not designed for use on fabric. … The soft wax used in the Scholar pencils is the same as used in the Premier Soft Core pencils but a harder wax is also added, making the Scholar pencils a little harder and less prone to breakage.”

        So…. I can use mine one fabric??? I don’t quite get this, but I think mine have more hard wax.


  9. Hehe, I like your title! 😉 It looks like you got a lot of fun gifts. The Hobby Lobby gift cards are really cool! Will you just go there and look around for things you want, or will you look online first?
    I have received JoAnn’s gift cards in the past, and I found that it takes a while to figure out what I want.
    ~Christian Homeschooler
    P.S. I sent you a couple of emails just now, and I just wanted to make sure you received them-my email was being weird when I was trying to send them. Thanks! 🙂


    1. Hee hee, thanks. 😉 Yeah! I know, they’re so fun! I’ll probably just go there and look around. 🙂 Ha ha, it usually takes me a while to figure out what I want too…. but that’s part of the fun, right? 😛
      P. S. YAY! Great, I checked and they worked! 😀 Thanks!


            1. YAY IT WORKED! For some reason I think our computer was blocking it, but I got it to work now. Phew! Now I’m going to actually go look at the pictures… 🙂


                    1. Oh yeah, I can see how that would be. Okay, so you’re allowed to use flash? In a lot of museums you’re not allowed to, so it’s great that you can (if you can)!


                    2. Well, first of all, the Ark Encounter isn’t exactly a museum-it’s called a theme park attraction. But besides that, yes, I believe you are allowed to take pictures with flash-at least I’ve never seen a sign that said otherwise(they say you are welcome to take pictures, but they don’t specify whether flash is allowed or not). There is one exhibit in the Ark where you aren’t allowed to take photos, but that’s it. 🙂


  10. Happy Birthday. Your unidentified object could be a book mark to put in the page you are working on.


  11. Wow, it looks like you got some great things, Allison! I especially loved the watercolor pens. And the title is a wonderful idea! 😀 Plus, you’ll be getting a little something else in my letter! 😮 😉
    ~Grace ❤


    1. Thanks, Grace! Yeah, I’m really thankful for them! Ooh yes, they’re so much fun.
      Ha ha, thanks. 😉 OOH yay! I cannot WAIT to get your letter! I’m sure it’ll be here soon. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Do the watercolor pens ooze through regular paper, like markers do?
    (You probably don’t know if they do or not yet, but I’m looking at getting a set and I’m wondering!)


    1. Hmm… well, let me go see! 😀 Alright, here’s the verdict: if you draw really lightly, you can’t see them on the other side at all. If you draw medium hard, you can see them a bit when you turn the paper over, but it definitely wouldn’t bleed through onto another paper. If you hold the brush still for a while, unfortunately, it does bleed. But that’s only if you make the ink really dark. I hope that was helpful! (You should really get them by the way – I love them!)


  13. Oh it looks you had WONDERFUL birthday gifts! The colored pencils look soooooo aesthetiiiiiic. 😍 I’m planning on starting a BuJo as well — and I’d love to see a post on yours! The brush pens look AWESOME, and maybe the thing that came with the sketchbook is a bookmark to mark the page of the drawing you’re working on??? XD


    1. Yes, I love them and am quite thankful for all of them! 😀 I KNOW it makes me happy. XD Ooh, neat! Okay, I’ll probably do a BuJo post… sometime later when I figure it out. XD
      Yep, they’re so fun! Ooh, someone else said that too. Maybe you’re right!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This was a fun post! I agree, I like birthday haul/harvest/gift posts 🙂 . Felting looks super neat! I might have to try it sometime! And a bullet journal post would be great! I have one, too; it’s just a lined notebook, but I’ve really enjoyed using it! Grace (The Girl Upstairs) did a post on bullet journaling a while ago that helped me get ideas for mine. (it’s )


    1. Thanks, Gracie! Yeah, me too. I know, doesn’t it? It’s pretty tedious but fun. 🙂 Okay, sure! Oh yeah, I read Grace’s post a while ago, but it would be good to read it again now that I have one. 🙂 Thanks for the link!


  15. yes had no idea you create art too…well the kind that I do. No wonder we can relate! Did you create the lettering in purple. What beauties! Love the color!


    1. Hee hee! Oh, nope, I didn’t draw the lettering on the featured image – I used an online font for that and used the “Overlay” setting to make it look more hand-written. 🙂 Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Your friends and family got you some great gifts, especially your little sister. That’s too adorable lol. I would love to get Hobby Lobby gift cards and a journal!💕 happy belated☺️


  17. That’s great!!! 😀 Wow, those ferns are so cute and beautiful!! Are they little? They look little! XD 🙂 Do you ever use a smudger to draw with to blend and shade and stuff? My sister does! 😉 I’ve never used one, but they look like they work well! It’s pretty much like a little pencil shaped wrapped up piece of paper to help smudge together colors. 🙂


    1. I knooow they’re adorable! 😀 Yep, they’re only about maybe 6 or 10 inches? I don’t know… you can easily hold a pot in your hand. Oh yeah, I actually have only used a smudger once or twice because we don’t have one (or I can’t find the one that we have), but yeah, I really liked it when I used it. I do sometimes use my fingers to smudge instead.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Sooo cool!! I’m glad you got so many lovely gifts! I have no idea what the thing is… haha! Hmm, something tells me you like art. What could it be?
    You should post about the bullet journal ’cause I don’t know what they are! Hehe. 😉


    1. Thanks, Livy! HA HA I know, I kind of got that impression too. XD But it’s kind of hilarious how many art-related things I asked for this year. XD
      Oh, okay! Sure, I’ll probably do a bullet journal post sometime! 😀


  19. Ooh! Those brush pens look so fun to use. Do you think you could do a post on how to use them sometime?
    That thing looks like an old-fashioned hatpin to me. XD XD
    HOBBY LOBBY! We just recently got one near us and I LOVE it. 😀
    The Prismacolors are so pretty all lined up like that! Looks like it took you a while to set them up. 😛
    Happy Birthday again, Allison!! 🙂

    -Clara ❤


    1. Yes, they really are! Oh, sure! That’s a good idea. Hee hee, that’s pretty funny. XD
      YES. YES!
      Heh heh, it did. Actually I lined them all up when I first got them but then we had an ATC party and they got messed up so I arranged them again. XD
      Thanks again, Clara! OH! I nearly forgot… I’m going to go send you an email…

      Liked by 1 person

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