Amelia Island Part 2

Hello hello! I’m back with part two of my pictures from our vacation with friends. 😀 (See part one here.) I love these photos, and I hope you do too!

Let’s start with the crabbing photos. We went out to a marsh to catch blue crabs with some crab traps, chicken pieces for bait, and some coolers. It was SO much fun and we ended up catching quite a few crabs – around 8! They didn’t amount to much once we cooked them, but the few crumbs we had tasted good. XD

We drove around everywhere in golf carts, which allowed you to take in all the beautiful scenery. ♥ Isn’t it gorgeous?

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A tree where we parked the golf cart. I love all the Spanish moss! It looks so mysterious.

Besides crabs, we also caught some various other water creatures like fish and shrimp. (But we didn’t keep them.)

We caught two of these fish, I believe, and the second made a weird grunting/clicking sound. O.o It was so odd and funny!

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Doesn’t this look like a tropical angelfish or something? We were all amazed to catch it.

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Shrimp look hilarious with their long antennae. XD

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And of course, the crabs. Look how blue they are underneath – so pretty!

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We put the crabs on ice to calm them down. 😉 Some of the little guys were quite feisty!

Now for more beach pictures. 🙂

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Whoa, I LOVE this photo! Isn’t abstract design of the sand neat?
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What do you know. I only took one shell photo this time.

Shore birds…

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I really like this one!
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Heh heh, he looks a bit ruffled at being on camera.
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I couldn’t decide whether to delete this picture or not… it’s kind of neat, but sort of not. 😛

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I absolutely LOVE these pictures of my little sister Carmen! (I seem to be saying “I love this picture” to almost every picture, huh? XD)

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The sunset over the beach was gorgeous! Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures of it at the peak, but I did get these.

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Lastly, I took a bunch of pictures on the way home, especially of the enormously, voluminously puffy clouds (wow that was fun to say).

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Such a pretty drive!

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I love the fog. ♥

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The birds look like specks of pepper.

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And that’s about it! I hope you enjoyed the huge conglomeration of photos, dears. 🙂 Do you have a favorite(s) or is it too overwhelming to pick?

Also, HAPPY (late) BIRTHDAY to my sister Megan! If you haven’t already done so, hop on over to her blog and send her a belated birthday note. 🙂 (By the way, she also posted the pictures that I took of her on the sister’s photoshoot here.)


40 thoughts on “Amelia Island Part 2

  1. Oh my goodness!!! All those pictures are sooo pretty! I love the beach ones. Yup! I sent her a design saying, “Have a Ridonkeylously Amazing Birthday” XD. I captured my first lensflare on camera today! I know that that sounds like a really small deal, but I’m a really new photographer with a simple camera so I was really excited although it probably isn’t a big deal to pros like you. XD I love the shell picture and the picture of the abstract sand!! ❤


    1. Thank youuuu! HA HA! Oh yeah, Megan told us about that – it’s pretty funny. XD Ooh, good for you, Enni! Lens flares are really neat. Ha ha, well thanks so much, but really I’m not a pro – yet. 😉
      Thanks Enni! I love those too!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Allison, there are waaay to many gorgeous photos here. How could I ever pick a favorite?
    That fish you caught which looks like an angel fish is so cool!
    One of my favorite photos is the vertical one of the bird–the one you liked a lot, too. And the two pictures of the sunset you took on your way home are stunning! I love the lighting. 🙂


  3. Those are some amazing pictures! I really like the beach ones. Makes me wanna pack my bags and hit the beach XD The shore birds were so cute! Crabbing looked like so much fun. I like crab meat, did you end up eating the crabs?


  4. Wow, beautiful photos, Allison! It was SO beautiful where you stayed, and at the beach! I think my favorite photo was the abstract one of the beach sand! 😀 I can’t wait to go to the beach, we leave in only 3 days!!! EEEEK! O.o


    1. Thanks, Livy! Yes, it really was! Ooh yeah, I like that one a lot.
      YAYAYAY! Make sure to take pictures. 😉 Ooh, maybe you could make a little blurb about it in your magazine this month!


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