Pebbles the Puppy

Hello, dears!

I hope you all had a wonderful, joyous Easter – I sure did! We spent the weekend at my grandparents’ house, where I took a bunch of photos of their adorable new St. Bernard puppy, Pebbles. She’s so happy and cute and rambunctious.

I think you guys are going to love these pictures! Puppies are hard to resist, and St. Bernard puppies are certainly no exception. ❤

So, ready to meet Pebbles?

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Let me introduce you to Pebbles the St. Bernard puppy. AHHH HER FACE. Just pause a moment and look at that grin.


Are you smiling yet? When she actually held still (or was held still), Pebbles was quite photogenic.


When she didn’t hold still (which was most of the time), she was still pretty cute. For some reason she loves diving between your legs like she’s playing London Bridges or something.


Puppies are just so happy, aren’t they? I love this picture. ❤


Well okay, she looks a bit dejected in this photo. Doesn’t this just make you want to squeeze her? SO FUZZY.


Ooh, I love getting action shots


My youngest sister, Carmen, tried to get Pebbles to jump onto a boulder in this flowerbed, but she didn’t cooperate, so Carmen helped her out. Pebbles looks less than grateful. :’D


Once she was up on a rock, Pebbles didn’t mind to stay for a spell as long as someone kept her company.


Megan seems distracted by Pebbles’ cuteness.


Heh, Pebbles was trying to lick Carmen’s face, I think.


Next, Carmen and Pebbles ventured into the field. If you zoom up, you can see her ears flying. 😀 (Also that white farmhouse in the background is where we lived before we moved.)


Pebbles looks very St. Bernard-like here, don’t you think?


OH MY. She looks like a slightly terrifying dog-rabbit in this photo. O.o


Ah, I love this one! The setting just makes the picture. ❤


“Well, human, those leaves were okay, but do you have something a little more tasty?”


Aww, she looks like such a good puppy model here. 😀


HAHA, “What? What am I doing wrong? I just found this great water bowl!”


I don’t know how my grandmother’s flowerbeds are still intact since Pebbles loves to romp all over them and through them…


Pebbles had a lot of energy, but even she needs a break sometimes. We shall end with one of my favorite photos in this post. *melts*


And there’s your cup of cuteness, full to overflowing. 🙂 I hope this post brightened your day, my friends!

Which picture was your favorite? Do you like big dogs or small dogs better? Would you like to see more photos of Pebbles when she grows up?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


77 thoughts on “Pebbles the Puppy

  1. Aww, these were cute! Though personally, I think I prefer bunnies. XD They were great though, I enjoyed them! And wow, your grandmother’s redbud trees are still in bloom?! Ours are all leafed out now.


    1. Heh heh, bunnies are pretty stiff competition to EVERYTHING. XD XD But I’m glad you still liked them! Yep – they’re a little behind up there. Same!


  2. OH MY WORD THIS IS THE MOST ADORABLE PHOTO SHOOT YOU HAVE EVER DONE. YES, I MEAN IT. PEBBLES IS THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST AND MOST PRECIOUS. <3333 I love what you said about that one picture… "OH MY. She looks like a slightly terrifying dog-rabbit in this photo. O.o" XD That was perfect. I can't possibly choose a favorite. I loved them all. My dad LOVES St. Bernards, so I might have to show him this post. 🙂


  3. This was one of the cutest photo shoots ever! Thanks for sharing. ❤ I'm not sure which one was my favorite. I like the one where she looks crazy while running, haha, and when she is looking up at your sister. That's such a cute name, too!


  4. OH MY WORD, PEBBLES IS THE CUTEST THING EVERR!! 😍😍 It seems like she is seriously so adorable squishy and sweet from just seeing those photos. 😂 How old is she? I love that breed, and think they are the cutest!! Although, I am quite partial to Portuguese Water Dogs, as we have one. Can’t wait to see this puppy grow up (which meand, YES please more photos!!! ❤️ 🐶 So cute! 🙈😱😂)


    1. AHHHH I KNOOOOW. I’m not sure how old she is, although my grandparents got her a couple weeks ago, about as her about as soon as she was old enough to take away from her mom. I love the St. Bernard breed too! We’ve had many in the past. Aww, yay! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So. Cute. *squishes pebbles’ cheeks” These pictures are incredible!! ❤ I LOVE them! 😀 Awesome post!! 🙂

    -Laura ❤ 😉


  6. Super cute. I have seen few grown-up St. Bernards, while camping somewhere in cosy US towns. They love icecreams it seems. This big guy was lapping up on a BIG ice cream cone and drooling all over.. 🙂


    1. Grown up St. Bernard are gorgeous dogs if well cared for! Ha ha, that’s such a great story. XD Yep, the one downside to St. Bernards is that they drool a LOT.


  7. *squeels* Pebbles is SO cute!!
    I love the “slightly terrifying dog-rabbit” photo😆
    So adorable!


  8. Aah, so cute!! My favorite picture is the one where Carmen is petting him in the field.
    I like mostly all dogs, so I don’t mind if they’re big or small–I just don’t like annoying or mean dogs. 😉
    Also, the redbud trees in the background of a few of the photos are so pretty! We have many around here, as well. and I love taking up-close pictures of them. They make great backgrounds, as well, so maybe you could do a photoshoot with Megan or Carmen in front of a tree. 🙂


    1. Ahh, thanks! I love that one too. ❤
      Ha ha, good point. Yesss, Gram's redbud WAS gorgeous! I wish I could do that photoshoot, but our redbud already dropped its blossoms in exchange for leaves… BUT I'm working on another sisters photoshoot right now with some pretty blossoms! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  9. AWWWWW-wait*gasps and staggers back in shock* how can I choose a favorite photo???? UMM…How about…all of them?? Oh, yes! That definitely works! 😂


  10. HELP ME, ALLISON. THAT LAST PICTURE… *wipes away a tear* SHE’S SO CUTE. :’D
    I’m quite late commenting, but when you first posted this, Laura read it out loud to all of my siblings and they were all crowded around her laptop gasping at the cuteness. XD
    To answer your questions at the end of the post – I loved the last photo and the one where Pebbles is looking up at Carmen with leaves in her mouth. I love all dogs, big or small, floofy or fluffy (there is a difference). *nod* And YES KEEP PHOTOGRAPHING PEBBLES. Pretty please. *hopeful smile* XD

    -Clara ❤


      AWWWW, really? It always makes me happy to hear that a reader shared my post with their family or friends. 😀 I’m so glad you guys liked it!
      Those are two of my favorites too! Hee hee. OKAY, I SHALL DO MY BEST!
      Thanks for the excellent comment, dear!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Also, I would love to see more pics of Pebbles as she grows up, and usually I like to see photos of medium sized dogs. But occasionally I like pictures of puppies. But I love all dogs no matter their size!


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