Bujos, Bags, & Bunnies {ft. Notebook Therapy}

Hello, dears!

HOORAY, I’ve been looking forward to making this post for a long time and now it’s finally here! I think you guys will enjoy this one, because… aesthetic photography! Beautiful bujos! Cute bags! BUNNIES!

I’m thrilled to be collaborating with Notebook Therapy today to bring you some aesthetic gift inspiration for yourself or friends and family this Christmas. πŸ™‚

Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go unbox some fun stuff!

So, I came across this company called Notebook Therapy a few months ago and kinda wanted to buy everything. XD Their products are so aesthetic, the site is beautifully designed, and just… ahh. If you like stationery, notebooks, washi tape/stickers, stuffed animals, backpacks… basically if you like cute things, please go check out their site! (If for nothing else than to appreciate the Instagram-worthy photos. πŸ˜› )

notebook therapy

I contacted them to ask if they’d like to collaborate because I really wanted to show you guys the wonderfulness, and they kindly agreed! (**NT sent me these products free in exchange for a review, but I will never make a review without telling you guys my honest thoughts about it – the good and the bad! πŸ™‚ ❀ **) They sent me…


AHH! A gorgeous corduroy tote bag and possibly the prettiest bullet journal ever. *heart eyes*


Plus two extra gifts! I just love when companies do that, don’t you? This sweet heart necklace came with the tote bag. Unfortunately the heart pendant is attached in such a way that it kinda twists downward when you wear it… shucks. It was still a fun surprise. πŸ™‚


I’ll talk about the second bonus gift when we get to the bullet journal, but let’s start with the tote bag review (WITH A BUNNY) first, shall we?


(Thanks to my sister Megan for assisting me with these photos. πŸ˜‰ ) This medium-sized tote bag is made from sturdy corduroy fabric, which you can get in several cute colors. I chose beige because it goes with everything, heh heh.


I’m not really a bag or purse collector (that’s an understatement XD), but I was super excited to get this tote bag because it’s so versatile. You can use it for a purse, a tote bag, an overnight bag, etc. I hate carrying my purse around because it’s so uncomfortable, but this tote actually felt really nice, probably because the material is sturdy but also lightweight.


You can carry a lot of stuff in a tote bag, but one thing I carried was… A BUNNNYYY! Megan brought her rabbit, Basil, up to our room and I recruited her to be a model bunny for me and AHHH. HELP.


Basil must have found the tote quite comfortable because she just stayed put like this for a long time. I AM MELTING.


HELP ME. Oh my goodness I love this photo so much.


Ahem.Β So, here’s the bag filled with books instead of bunnies. πŸ˜› The bottom isn’t stiff like a gift bag, (which makes it much nicer to hold) but it does expand. allowing you to fit in more stuff.


I’m not too crazy about this little detail. I mean, I like that itΒ has a cute little detail to break up the front, I could just do without the “take me with you.” You know how sometimes Chinese or Japanese stuff has random English words on their products just for kicks sometimes? Maybe that’s what this is, I dunno. ANYWAY. Otherwise, this little label is super cute!


One last pro and con. The pro is the snaps at the top! There’s a standard snap on the right and on the to help the bag keep its shape, and then a REALLY nice magnetic snap in the middle. I love magnetic snaps. XD

The con is the lining: it’s aΒ  thin, crinkly plastic-canvas material that seems disappointingly flimsy. I like the two little pockets a lot; I just wish the bag had fabric lining. I haven’t actually had trouble with it yet, though, so it may just be a preference thing. πŸ˜‰


Overall, I like this bag; it’s really cute; and I will definitely use it in the future, probably mostly as an overnight bag or to carry books/music/art supplies on trips and such. Man, that will come in handy! I love that you can close the top and that it has compartments inside like a purse. And Basil approves of the comfort level. πŸ˜€ Check it out here for more details and color options.


Now for THE BUJO, EEP! Isn’t it g o r g e o u s? You can tell this is a quality bullet journal the moment you pick it up. The cover is a luxurious-feeling, mint-colored vegan leather with white and gold accents (including gold-edged pages!). I especially love the tiny moon on the front. ❀


The first page has a label for your name…


And the last page has a little quote and a lovely expandable paper pocket! Those are always really helpful in a bujo. And look, they included some lovely flower stickers in the pocket! I can’t wait to use them.

Other features include the elastic band you see on the right and a yellow ribbon bookmark (both super handy features!).


Possibly the best part of this bujo is the paper. It is the thickest bullet journal paper I’ve seen: 160 GSM, which is heavier than a lot of sketchbook paper. This means there is NO bleeding – YAY! I did a little pen test to see how different ink worked with the paper. Nothing showed through at all except the two Sharpies, but, I mean, what really works with Sharpies? XD


Here’s the other side of the page. It’s rather hard to see, but you might be able to make out a veeeery faint outline of the gold Sharpie heading at the top, and then partial bleeding from the purple Sharpie. But WOW, guys, this is incredible!


For reference, here’s my current bullet journal with regular-thickness paper. I use a normal, water-based brush marker for my spreads and it ALWAYS shows through, and sometimes even bleeds a little. But it doesn’t come through at ALL on the Tsuki bujo.


I didn’t have time to sit down and set up the whole bujo, but I wanted to see how watercolor worked on this paper, so I made this quick cover page with watercolor clouds and my beloved gold Sharpie.


Let’s be real: watercolor doessn’t actually work well on anything but specifically watercolor paper. But this paper didn’t buckle much at ALL. It’s just really sturdy!


Overall, I absolutely LOVE this bullet journal and can’t wait to use it more soon! If you’re looking for a quality bullet journal, I’m not sure how you could improve on this one. πŸ™‚ Check it out here for more details and colors.


And that, my friends, concludes this review post! I had so much fun taking these pictures and trying out the products, and I hope you found it helpful. If you’re not looking for a bullet journal or tote bag, be sure and check out their website for more beautiful gift inspiration, as well as their Insta @notebook_therapy for everyday and bujo inspiration!

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that everything has free shipping, YAY! My order came in approximately 12 business days, so order soon to get your goodies in time for Christmas! πŸ™‚

Would you choose the bag or the bullet journal? Doesn’t Basil make a great bunny model? Should I do a bullet journal set up post for 2020 with my new bujo?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400 and a 35mm lens. Edited with picmonkey.com.

36 thoughts on “Bujos, Bags, & Bunnies {ft. Notebook Therapy}

  1. Ooh, this sounds like such an amazing business! I will certainly be checking out their products. πŸ˜€ Hehe, Basil seems rather perplexed at being toted around. XD And that bullet journal is really so gorgeous…


  2. OH MY. I LOVE THAT BULLET JOURNAL. Don’t you just love simple designs? Basil deserves a medal! How ADORABLE! Great job on this, I might have to do my Christmas shopping there! 😜


    1. EEP I DO TOOOO. Yes, I agree! Minimal yet beautiful. ❀ Hee hee, she does! She really was a great bunny model. Well YAY! I wish I could do all my Christmas shopping on there too – SO. MANY. PRETTY. THINGS.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The fact that next month is 2020 is mind-blowing. O.O How is that possible?! It feels like just yesterday it was 2010! Now it’s the end of a decade! A DECADE. Wow. *faints* I love your 2020 page in your bullet journal! (I think saying twenty-twenty instead of two thousand twenty is going to be really popular… I’ve always said two thousand whatever, but now I find myself saying twenty-twenty.)

    Oh my goodness that rabbit is the absolute cutest model!! I love how snuggled up it is in that tote. It is so precious. ❀ I love your bullet journal! Sturdy notebook paper is kind of hard to find.


    1. GAHHH I KNOW. O.o Sooo strange. HELP.
      Anyway. Thank you! (Huh, really? That’s an interesting thought… It definitely rolls off the tongue. :P)
      AHH I KNOW. *applauds Basil* I knooow, she looks so comfortable. XD Thank you so much! And I totally agree – that’s why I was overjoyed about this bujo. XD

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love all the products!! I would love to see more of basil, she makes a great bunny model πŸ˜‰ I love the bullet journal!! I think I’m gonna go look at Christmas gifts… XD


  5. Ohh!! Those are both so cool! THAT. PICTURE. IS SOOO CUTE!! ❀ ❀ AHHHH!! That 2020 drawing you did is so satisfying to look at! XD To answer your questions: I would choose the bullet journal! πŸ˜› YES. Basil is a wonderful bunny model!! Yesss!! I would love to see a 2020 bujo post! πŸ˜€ I really enjoyed this post!! πŸ˜€

    -Laura ❀ πŸ™‚


  6. Ahhh (I love that when I first typed that, it auto corrected to AHHH πŸ˜‚) Basil is so cute in that tote bag!! 😍 This looks like a really cool store!! πŸ™ˆ


  7. Ooohhh sooo sooo CUTE!!! 😍😍
    I adore these products…Never heard of them before but am WAY interested now!! πŸ˜„πŸ’•
    (Btw the bunny makes the most adorable model❀️)


  8. What is cuter than a little bunny in a bag? Basil is so adorable. I have a lot of bags, so I don’t think I need another one, but it does look nice (I’m with you on the quote on the front, though). I also don’t have the discipline for bullet journaling, so I wouldn’t use one of those. But your 2020 illustration is really pretty! πŸ™‚


    1. I HAVE NO IDEA. XD She really is! Yeah, I totally get that. We have tons of bags too, but most if not all of them are rather ugly and flimsy, so I’ll be glad to have a nice one. πŸ™‚ Thanks so much, Sassafras!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh my goodness that bujo is soooooo pretty!!!!! And Basil is sooooooo cute!!!!!!!! She’s always been my favorite of your bunnies ever since she was a baby. :,) ❀
    And I LOVE your 2020 page! I wish my bujo has nice paper in it but the pages are so thin. But that doesn't stop me from using watercolor anyway. XD


    1. GAHHHH ISN’T IT? And thank youu! Aww, really? She’s quite adorable. πŸ™‚ Why thank you! Yes, I KNOW. That’s why I love this bujo so much, because it doesn’t buckle like crazy or bleed. *nods* Hee hee!

      Liked by 1 person

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