Bible Journaling + Hand Lettering Inspo

Hello friends!

This is the last post before I take a break for the wedding + honeymoon, ah! More on that at the end of the post. Anyway, I decided to catch you guys up on some recent Bible journaling, and then realized that… I haven’t made one of these posts for a LONG time, oops. Scratch the “recent” part.

For years now I’ve been hand lettering my favorite verse or two from each chapter of the Bible as I read through it. I’ve made it to the book of Acts so far, but today we’ll just go through some of my favorite pieces from Daniel through Malachi.

Whether you’re here for the Bible verses or the hand lettering inspiration, I hope you enjoy this collection of journaling!

Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something through my link, the price won’t change for you, but I get a small commission for advertising and you get to support this blog for free! 

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I always make a cover page with the title, the journal number, and the contents inside. Sometime I might go back and add in the date I started and finished each journal. I’ve discovered my favorite Bible journal supplies (also the only ones I use now, ha) are these 4X6″ sketchbooks and these navy Pilot G2 pens.


We’ll start with one of my favorites. I really like the simple bold lettering with the doodled lion’s mane drawing around it.


This page has a lot going on! I broke up the text with small drawings (like the horn and the crown), as well as banners and arrows.


Another top favorite! I love the balance of the bold + regular lettering, the swirly script, and how well the words fill the page.


You can see how much more white space this piece has than the last, which isn’t my preference, but it does have a lot of different fonts.


This verse is amazing – God wants a relationship with us rather than just good works or checking off tasks. Although it’s easy for me to gravitate toward pride in productivity, it’s the relationships that are most rewarding to me long term, not completing my to-do list.


More banners! I filled in extra space here with sparkly stars and a flag banner at the bottom.


Ooh, I love this one – the verse and the lettering. This bold, swirly script is one of my favorite fonts to use for shorter verses.


The lettering isn’t my favorite ever but I love the verse. “Yet even now…” We are never out of reach of the God who abounds in steadfast love, no matter what we’ve done. Heartfelt repentance returns us to the Lord who is gracious and merciful.


The “filling in the waves” technique is one of my favorites, and it seemed especially fitting for this verse from Jonah.


Switching to my favorite pen! I really like the pizzazz this navy ink gives the lettering.


Isn’t this verse so, so comforting? It’s also from Nahum, one of the lesser-read books of the Bible. There’s so much goodness all throughout the Scriptures, and this method of journaling helps me realize that!


Have you read the book Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard? It’s such a good book, with a title and theme drawn from this verse.


One of my favorite verses in the Bible. It’s beautiful and awe-inspiring to think that God not only loves us, but delights in us! He rejoices and sings over His children. And, fittingly, this verse will forever be tied to memories of my mom singing this verse set to music for me at bedtime when I was little.


“I am with you” is possibly the most comforting and uplifting promise in the Bible. The Maker of the Universe came to Earth to be with us, to walk among us and then lift us out of our sin by taking it upon Himself so it would no longer be a barrier to our relationship with Him. How crazy and incredible is that?!


And following that, God gave us His Spirit to dwell in anyone who trusts in Him for salvation. I’m not sure how I can ever be afraid except by forgetting what precious grace He’s granted to me.


It was interesting to find all sorts of prophecies about the Messiah’s return throughout the Old Testament, like this one.


We’ll end with a final, hopeful promise: one day we’ll get to truly and fully be with the Lord for eternity.

As I write this post, there are so many wedding plans to attend to and events to juggle as the days count down to May 22. But as much as I look forward to being with Sully for the rest of my life, I have something far greater to look forward to – an eternity with the only Love that can truly fulfill me. It puts everything into perspective. Knowing that I’m accepted by my Creator through Jesus Christ and that one day I’ll live with Him means that even if my wedding, marriage, or life isn’t perfect (as of course they won’t be), my value, security, and future is as unchangeable and beautiful as God Himself. If I have any true joy or hope or love, let it be for that reason!


Thanks for scrolling through those pages and reading my thoughts, guys! I hope this post was an encouragement to you. I’m so excited to get married, enjoy our honeymoon, and return in a few weeks (the next post will probably be June 10th) with updates on how the wedding went and what my new life and house are like so far. 🙂

Until then, thank you ever so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely May!


40 thoughts on “Bible Journaling + Hand Lettering Inspo

    1. I know right? Sadly I had to schedule this post ahead since I’ve been really busy this week and couldn’t make a post with all the pictures I’ve taken. But I’ll definitely tell you guys all about the preparations when I return!


        1. Megan doesn’t really post much these days, but HEY, I’M BACK! It was a WONDERFUL wedding and honeymoon and I can’t wait to post about it next week!


            1. Yes! She’s actually relaunching her Kickstarter this week and you can keep up with it on Instagram or sign up for her email list on 🙂


  1. Big congratulations Allison. What a beautiful and inspiring journey you have taken us along with you. Seeing your beautiful art coupled with your beautiful faith, truly you have inspired me if not most. I am thankful to have come across your page. It was for the love of photography and art in general, but I learned so much from you. Have a beautiful wedding and a joyous honeymoon. We will be here when you return.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow, your lettering is so beautiful! I hand letter a little bit, but nothing like that! (I can’t draw, so that may be part of the problem. 😊) I look forward to the wedding posts in the future!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much, Lilly! Nah, you don’t have to be good at drawing to hand letter – or have nice handwriting, honestly. My normal handwriting is pretty messy. It just takes some patience and practice! Yes, I can’t WAIT to post about the wedding, ah!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t know what time it is over there but I hope that you’re having (or going to have) an amazing day🎉🎉. I like the doodled lion mane, especially the ears🦁. I also like how even though the page has a lot going on, all the different fonts and drawings still look so good together🌼. I got distracted by your ring so many times😂🤭. Yes, the filling in the waves technique does work well with the verse for Jonah🌚🌊. That verse really is comforting and the way you wrote it complements the verse well👐✨. Carry God along as you start this new journey Allison and enjoy your day❤.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww thank you for the sweet comment, Sabrina! I’m glad you enjoyed the post and I GREATLY enjoyed my wedding day. 😄😄 Can’t wait to post about it soon!


  4. Wow you are so amazing at hand lettering and I love the strong Gospel message all through your post ❤️ And many congratulations on your wedding today and blessings on your marriage! So excited to see your wedding post!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Allison, I happened to find your blog on random search on topics of interest. Read many many blogposts of yours last two days. I would say its full of happiness and joy around. Love the way you have photographed your farm and life around. Those photos with tiny descriptions along make them lovely. The way you have made Christmas tree, your vacations, barn, harvests, snow, autumn, your pond, farm animals – all gave such a nice feel like in some dreamland. Happy to see your siblings grow along your blogposts. Will surely wait for your posts. Wishing you and Sully a very happy married life ahead….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww I’m so glad you’re enjoying my blog! That makes me happy. It’s been a nice break from blogging and a fabulous wedding and honeymoon, but I’m excited to get back to posting next week.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you for these verses, I haven’t come across some of these before. Can you tell me please what version bible do you read?
    You’ll be on your honeymoon now & I hope it’s a joyous time for you both.
    I’m so excited to see all of your photos.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad I could share some new ones with you! I usually read the ESV version. I like my ESV Study Bible as it has lots of helpful notes!
      The honeymoon was so wonderful and I can’t wait to post about it soon!

      Liked by 1 person

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