Dewy Garden in Macro

My garden is soldiering on despite constant attacks from deer, groundhogs, rabbits, and slugs. I’m doing my best to help it along and surprisingly, the plants are still growing! I went out to do some weeding one morning, found each leaf dripping with perfect dewdrops, and immediately went back inside for my camera.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know how much I love photographing tiny waterdrops. I used my macro lens (aff. link) this time for extra refreshing sparkly goodness. Enjoy!

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I started out with my 50mm lens which is also great for nature close-ups. So much green!


I love how each tip of the tomato leaves ends in a silver pearl.


Then I pulled out my macro extension tubes (aff. link) for extra-close-ups. You guys know how much I love this inexpensive lens accessory! You can use it to create some stunning photos.


With this amount of zoom you can also see the tiny hairs covering the tomato leaves.


No dew, just a cute curlicue. 🙂 My butternut squash plant is already huge.


Another fun thing about photographing water drops is the neat bokeh and reflections you get in the background. See the tiny rainbow stripes here?


Ahh this is one of my top favorites from the shoot. So many perfect tiny droplets.


I made sure to photograph before weeding so I could capture the waterdrops on weeds as well.


I also found this miniscule mushroom. Look how tiny!


Now switching back to my regular lens to show you that I actually have tomatoes growing. Yay!


Tomatoes are probably my top pick for gardening since they taste a million times better than storebought ones. Do you agree?


We’ll end with an especially sparkly, sunny shot.


I hope you found those pictures as refreshing as I did. Taking time to stop and notice the tiny details always brings me a sense of peace and awe at God’s attention to detail. There is beauty everywhere, in grand scale and miniature.

Which photo was your favorite?

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


22 thoughts on “Dewy Garden in Macro

  1. Your pics are glorious. I love being in a garden. I can’t stay indoors. When it gets too hot, I dash in and out as long as I can stand it. I love the critters. I plant berries for them.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Allison when we look at the dew drops n the leaves,it leaves a refreshing feeling. We have to deal with Squirrels and cats tearing up everything.
    We can not stay in the heat and the sun we can not stay in it too much . We cover up because we all are sensitive to the sun.
    Have a wonderful week-end/
    P.S Hope you are feeling well
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion


    1. I am refreshed by them too! Oh dear, I feel for you. And yes, I can’t stay out in the heat either. But otherwise I am feeling well, thanks! Have a lovely weekend!


  3. What stunning photos. I have a Canon camera and have already been looking at extension tubes which are suitable. I already have a macro lens and my regular lens has macro capability but the tubes seem to make a lot of difference.


    1. Thank you! I highly recommend the ones I linked – there’s a set for Canon cameras too. The macro tubes aren’t autofocus so it takes a steady hand, but yields incredible results. So fun!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m in the UK but will look on Amazon. Do you attach them to a particular lens strength? I have my zoom lens which has macro at 0.85m / 2.8ft or my standard 18-55mm lens which came with the camera body with macro at 0.25m /0.8ft ? Not really sure how they work. Probably wouldn’t work with my macro lens with electronic focus. Macro photography isn’t my forte


  4. How beautiful! I love pictures of water droplets! I have often tried to get droplets pics, but don’t have a very nice camera, so it doesn’t turn out how I would like them to. Your pictures look so nice! Have a lovely day!



  5. Amazing photography once again Allison! I love your close ups of water drops on nature and this group of pics is particularly beautiful and really impressive!


  6. So pretty-it’s like stepping into a sparkly world! I love them all! The one that was your favorite reminded me of a beaded necklace. God is such a wonderful, beautiful Creator! How loving He is to show us such beauty!

    Thank you for sharing, Allison! Many blessings to you!


    1. I love that – it *does* look like a beaded necklace. And yes, what a blessing it is to have a God who is so generous with sharing His beauty. 🙂

      Blessings to you too, friend!


  7. So pretty, Allison!! I love the dew pearls on the end of each leaf. I got pictures of a bunch of bachelor’s buttons this morning, so fun! =)


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