♥Happy Valentine’s Day!♥ {Rose Photoshoot}

Happy Valentine’s Day, lovely readers! For your Valentine’s Day present, here is this photoshoot I took a few days ago  of some gorgeous roses that were my mom’s Valentine’s Day present from my dad. (Sorry about the pink words, you pink-haters, but hey! Valentine’s Day only comes once a year… XD )

I had entirely too much fun with this photoshoot, as you can see by the gazillions of pictures. XD But they were to beautiful to resist, especially when I misted them. Two notes before you dive in: #1. Hover over the pictures with your mouse to see any captions. #2. Click on a picture to enlarge it. If you click on one, it will let you scroll throughthe rest of them in that collage, enlarged. Okay, let’s do this!

Whew! That was nearly thirty photos! XD I hope you don’t see roses swimming before your eyes all day now… 

Thanks for reading! (And looking.)


P. S. This is a funny tweaked Valentine’s poem my dad told us a while ago. (I’m not sure if he made it up or not.)

“Roses are red,

Violets are purple,

Sugar is sweet,

And so is maple surple.” XD XD

P. P. S. Yesterday we had walnuts on our cereal and it was actually really good! Okay, that was random. XD

30 thoughts on “♥Happy Valentine’s Day!♥ {Rose Photoshoot}

    1. Thank you so much, Rebekah! I’m really glad you like them! (And that you saw the fizzlepot thing. XD) So do you mean that you like those things on cereal, or you just like to eat them?


  1. Fizzlepot!!! 😀 I LOVED them!!!! You are an amazing photographer!!!! I can’t take pictures like that even if I had a 2,000,000 dollar camera!!! XD 😛 🙂 Just kidding!!! 😀 I love doing photo shoots of things!!! They’re so fun!!!!


  2. I love roses and all…but now my brain is exploding with rose images! 😆. Awesome photos…fizzlepot!


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