Photography Prompt #2

Hey, guys! Clara alerted me to the very important fact that this is National Photography Day. Of course I had to do something for such a day. So instead of a planned recipe post (which I think you’re going to like, girls and book lovers), I’m going to do a photography prompt to get your creative juices flowing. If you have a camera, this is the day to use it! XD

Photography Prompt 2

Here is that bubble picture that I’ve put on my blog I-don’t-know-how-many-times. XD

bubbles (1280x960)
Look at these reflections! I’ve never quite figured out what the reflections were…
-Allison(pond, geese) 014.JPG
I was so excited when I got this almost-perfect reflection of a Canadian goose at our pond.



Rural Rockingham (1280x960)
Water is a really fun reflective thing. Especially mountain lakes, or ponds at sunset.


2014-8-4-Allison 041 (1280x960).jpg
This is a picture of my Dad’s eye. You can see the reflection of my camera lens and finger poised to click the button. You can even see the scene from our window! (I think there’s the cornfield and the leaves of a walnut tree.)


-Allison(garden game) 045 (1280x960)
I just took this one recently. You can see a distorted reflection of our house and me sitting awkwardly on the steps holding the sprinkler between my knees. XD
mallory 3 (1280x960)
I really love this one! I took this picture of my friend on our Amelia Island vacation. I edited it (if you haven’t noticed) to make her hair and the reflection in the sunglasses stand out.


Which was your favorite reflections photo? Are you going to “celebrate” National Photography Day? Do you think you’ll use this prompt?


P. S. The baby bunnies are one week old! They are also THE CUTEST THINGS THAT EVER LIVED OH MY GOODNESS HELP! Don’t worry, I’ve been taking lots of pictures. 😉

P. P. S. You only have two days left to do the garden guessing game!

22 thoughts on “Photography Prompt #2

  1. Wow!!! National photography day!? How NEAT! 🙂 😀 😛 I loved those pictures!! 😀 I once got this REALLY cool picture of my reflection in a HORSE’S EYE! :O It was SO COOL!!!! But it was like.. of ME so I couldn’t post it.. it had my camera (obviously! XD), me and dad’s truck IN THE REFLECTION OF THE HORSES EYE! it was cool! 😉 To me! 😀 I loved your pictures, Allison!


      1. Aww, thanks! 🙂 😀 Yeah.. I guess I COULD show you ! 🙂 I was looking at it again..and it’s not as good as yours..but it’s alright! 🙂 😀
        No problem!


  2. This was cool, my favorite was the eye one, but they’re all good! 😀 I wish I had know about National Photography Day on the day, LOL! I’m late to the party as usual, LOL! :D:D


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