Hunting for Fall Foliage

Hello friends!

The autumn leaves this year are more stunningly colorful than I ever remember seeing them. I so wish I could completely capture the beauty in photos for you, but the best I can do is share the few pictures I have from several weeks ago at my family’s farm. I hope these colors brighten your day and inspire you to find loveliness wherever you live too. 🙂

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I took these back as the color was just starting to show. Most of the time I see the best trees as I’m driving or riding along without my camera – such sadness! So we’ll make do with what I captured here. Like this yellow tulip poplar leaf.

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The sweet gum and maple trees by my family’s pond are always some of the first to turn. Fall foliage + water = perfection.

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The best angle for capturing fall leaves, in my opinion, is facing toward the sun so the light shines through the colors.

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I’ve decided that maple trees are one of my top favorite trees, if not my favorite. They’re pretty all year ’round, but particularly breathtaking in the fall. (Also look at the pretty background bokeh!)

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The cattails guarded the view like stiff and somber sentries.

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What is your favorite color of fall foliage? Yellow? Orange? Red? I like an orange-red mix.

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Although sweet gum leaves turn nearly a rainbow of different colors, they often have lots of spots and speckles which slightly dim their glory. Or I suppose instead that could add interest if you saw them the right way.

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Vultures wheeling above a gold-tinged sycamore tree.

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Yep, this was before the leaves started turning much. But you can still sense that golden hue of leaves on the brink of bursting into flames – you know what I mean?

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Ooh I like this landscape shot. Nothing like a sunny autumn day.

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The vines climbing the barns are bursting into berry. That’s not a real phrase but it’s fun so I’ll pretend it’s one.

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The Virginia creeper vines covering this barn always turn striking shades of red and orange in the fall.

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The soybean plants carpeted the fields in brilliant yellow this year, as if maple leaves had covered the ground. The fields were just starting to turn here – I’ll post brighter pictures of them later.

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My family’s house nestled between golden fields and golden redbud trees.

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I took a walk along a gravel path and found so many acorns.

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I’ve heard people saying it will be a bad winter because of the bumper crop of acorns. I wonder if that will prove true. 

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I mainly took this walk to get a good shot of this glorious tree. It caught my attention every time I drove down my parents’ lane with the sun shining on it.

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The blue sky peeking through the yellow leaves… ahhh.

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I’m not sure what kind of tree this is but it sure was beautiful. Anyone have an idea?

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More acorns, but make them black and white.

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And look, it’s another vulture. One of the less appealing parts of farming is spreading litter to fertilize the fields which ends up also attracting unsavory birds. Bleh. But it made for a good picture!

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A few more fall foliage shots. Look how translucent the holes in these leaves are. You can still see the structure of the veins and texture of the leaf, but without color. Kinda like a butterfly wing with its scales rubbed off.

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Sometimes the color of the leaves shine brightest against a dark background.

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Well, there’s my selection of shots for the week. I hope you guys enjoyed scrolling through that collage of colors and sunlight. I’m sure I’ll have more fall foliage pictures in upcoming posts; I just can’t resist capturing the beauty of this season. Praying you’ll find beauty in whatever season you’re in right now, my friends. ❤

Which picture(s) did you like best? Is it a beautiful fall where you live too?

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D7200 and a 35mm lens. Edited with Lightroom.

22 thoughts on “Hunting for Fall Foliage

  1. These are absolutely BEAUTIFUL! ❤ The pictures of the golden trees are my favorites, but it's hard to choose! It is a great gift to be able to photograph the beauty that God gives us. Thank you for sharing!


  2. Allison the pictures are all so beautiful and gorgeously brilliant of a variety of Autumn colors. too hard to choose a favorite. Thank You for sharing.
    Happy Fall
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion


  3. Gorgeous pictures! Fall is one of my favorite times of year, and you’ve captured it really well. 🙂 Have you taken lessons on photography? I like taking photos myself, and I’ve been wondering if I need to go to a photography course to really make my photos look pretty and professional…


    1. Thanks so much for the sweet comment! I actually haven’t really taken photography lessons (well, a little on portrait photography online). Mostly I’ve been practicing for about ten years and learning from experience, tips on the Internet, and friends who are also photographers.
      – I made a post with photography tips here you can check out:
      – Mango Street is a good YouTube channel to learn more about photography concepts.
      – You can totally take good photos with little editing and non-DSLR cameras, but if you’re really interested in taking more professional photos, probably the best way to do that is to invest in a DSLR as well as Lightroom editing software and learn how to use both. Using professional equipment has, unsurprisingly, improved my photos. It’s a shame though because camera stuff is so expensive!
      I hope those tips helped. 🙂


      1. Thank you for replying!! I had never seen your previous post before or heard of Mango Street, and they were both very informative. 🙂 (I especially loved the light and shadow portion because I’ve noticed it makes SUCH a huge difference in my photos!) I’ll definitely check out if there any good DSLR deals out there, and look into the Lightroom editing software. Thanks again for the tips and taking the time to reply!! I appreciate it.


        1. You’re most welcome! Well yay, I’m really glad they were helpful to you. Yesss light and shadow are key elements in my photography. My pleasure! I love talking about photography, so feel free to chat anytime. 🙂


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