Best Friends Q&A + Pictures

Hello, dears!

Did you have a good Thanksgiving? I did! So far we’ve had one out of four celebrations, and for the rest we’re going to our old farm for the weekend for fun times and delicious food with friends and family. 🙂

Anyway, back to the post. About a month ago I got the chance to visit my dear friend, Aria, and see her family’s lovely farm. We had a wonderful time together, and this time we made sure to take PLENTY of pictures. XD Aria suggested doing a BFF Q&A to go along with them, and I agreed it sounded fun. And here we are! Get ready for some pretty fall photography and answers to a selection of you guys’ questions. 😉 After you’re done here, make sure and hop over to Aria’s blog to check out fifteen more questions and answers!

Continue reading

{Summer 2018}

Hello, dears!

Oh my, it was VERY hard to restrain myself from starting this post with the overused “I can’t believe summer went by so quickly!” (Wait, but what did I just do…? XD) Instead… let me think. Oh! I saw a marquee sign the other day that said “Summer should get a speeding ticket.” Much more original, right? AND TRUE.

ANYWAY. I seriously am having a hard time believing it’s September already, especially since this is the first year after graduating when I don’t have school! :O It feels strange, but it’s exciting. Even though it’s not technically fall yet, it doesn’t quite feel like summer anymore. Maybe it’s… fummer. NOPE, THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE. Maybe it’s just September. Let’s go with that.

Ahem, what I was TRYING to say was that this post will be about 20+ things I did this summer, in no particular order. Not an exhaustive list, but a good summary. (Or rather, summery. SORRY I COULDN’T RESIST.)

Wow, I really better start using pictures instead of words, now. This is getting out of control. O.o Heh, let’s begin. Continue reading

Bits & Pieces #1

Hello, my dears! Welcome to yet ANOTHER random photography post, where Allison dumps all the miscellaneous orphan photos that she couldn’t fit in any other post. XD I am waaay backed up with extra photos so I hope you’re ready for a lot of photography posts! 😀

Ahem. Let’s begin.

The Eclipse

I still haven’t shown you my pictures from the eclipse? Dear me, I AM behind. XD Anyway, I didn’t get any spectacular pictures, but I did get a few through welding glass to at least document what happened. The welding glass made everything look green, but I managed to edit out most of the color except that one green guy over there. XD As you can see, we weren’t in the path of totality.

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I thought the eclipse looked really neat through clouds!

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And here’s just a bonus picture I took that day. So pretty!

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The Enormous Bonfire

We occasionally burn a heap of brush or extra wood piles and such on our farm, and I got these pictures from one of those times. Dad pushed the pile around with the telehandler which made the bonfire practically explode in a column of glittering orange sparks. It was breathtaking!

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Bonus picture of the cows that watched the bonfire with us. XD There were a bit confused about what was happening, as cows usually seem to be.

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There were actually a few bulls in the pasture, and one started sort of stomping and bellowing. O.o Thankfully nothing bad happened. Isn’t it funny how he has a heart on his forehead? You can’t see it too well in this picture, but he really does!


Megan’s Birthday Party

We had a lot of fun decorating the front porch and outside table for Megan’s party. Aren’t the colors pretty?

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We used zinnias from our garden for some of the decorations, and I got some lovely pictures of the bouquets. ♥

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Megan wanted to have doughnuts instead of cake, which was quite a good idea in my opinion. 😉 We made the doughnuts the previous day and I also made a little happy birthday banner for the top.

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Yum, fresh lemonade!

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Grandma brought Megan a beautiful rose from her house along with her gift.

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We had a water balloon fight for one of the party games. It was so fun, AND I didn’t get very wet, which was good since it wasn’t that hot. XD

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A bonus picture of the gorgeous spreading maple in our front yard…

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Bonus picture #2 of an adorable fuzzy caterpillar we found before the party.

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Isn’t it cute? 😛

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Moving a Piano + Another Bonfire

One night we went to our grandparents’ house to help move their piano from the basement to their room. 🙂 It was quite hard work… well actually I didn’t do much but stay out of the way and document it for posterity, but it looked like hard work. When they finally brought it to my grandparents’ room, it wouldn’t fit through the door. But then they tried turning it on end and thankfully it just fit. Phew! The poor piano.

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I also got some super neat pictures of the piano without its top on. I love them, especially after they were edited!

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After we got the piano all figured out we had a bonfire and picnic. Fire is so fun to watch, isn’t it?

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I got a really good picture of my grandpa smiling when he didn’t know I was taking a picture. I edited it a good bit, as you can tell, but isn’t it neat?

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Freshly Picked

I took these photos for my sister’s photo contest, BIBPC. I think they turned out rather pretty!

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Also isn’t this tomato HILARIOUS?! It looks like it’s sticking out its tongue at you.

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The Rest of Them

THESE COOKIES ARE DELICIOUS! I took pictures of them because I wanted to submit the recipe to Olivia Bell’s wonderful magazine. Be sure to check it out (and make it) when the next issue comes out here soon! You can subscribe to her magazine through the contact form in this post.

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Random picture of the details on one of my Sunday dresses…

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I edited this one a LOT to get rid of the power lines crisscrossing it, but this is the view from one of our upstairs windows. 🙂

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There we go! That was pretty much a whole bunch of mini posts smushed into one huge one. XD I hope you enjoyed! Which topic was your favorite?


Summer 2017 {Memories + Photos}

Heh heh, I know this is rather late for a summer post, but hey, we haven’t fallen too far into autumn yet, right? (See what I did there?) Anyway, I loved Clara’s summer recap post, so I decided to do one of my own!

Here’s a recap of this summer’s happenings in pictures.

Raising and selling a litter of darling baby bunnies. ♥


Taking a lovely trip to Assateague and Chincoteague Island.


Writing and illustrating letters.

Playing piano at the nursing home and filling in for the pianist at church. O.o


Finding barn kittens.


All the flowers.


Watching a cardboard boat race. XD

Working on a project I will hopefully reveal soon… (Here’s a sneak peek:)

the color box button

Hayley’s ATC Trade.


Playing Gaga Ball on the trampoline with my siblings.

Swimming at our neighbor’s pool.


Re-designing a board game I created. (Sneak peek:)

alphabet spinner 3

Playing games with family and friends.

Saying goodbye to Clementine. 😦

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Making lots and lots of art.

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Taking lots and lots of pictures.

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Pizza and movie nights.

Watching sunsets.

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Helping out at a wedding.

Celebrating fourth of July with family. (Photo credit to my aunt.)

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Going camping in tents with cousins and grandparents.

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Meeting new people and making new friends.

Hatching swallowtail butterflies.


Cutting and creaming 150 quarts of corn from our sweet corn patch. O.o



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Watching the eclipse (even though I got rather poor photos XD).


Having simply splendid time at Amelia Island with friends.


Finally watching Star Wars. 😛

The County Fair.


Starting WordCrafters 3.

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Gardening and canning produce.

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Consuming many 50 cent Frosties at Wendy’s.

Sewing class.

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Video-chatting with a blogger friend.

Making decorations for our monthly church meals.

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Emailing, writing to, and debating with blogger friends. 😀 ♥

CWWC (see my entries here) and BIBPC, (this my latest entry).

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Nature Study with friends.

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Bonfires, big and small.

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Gathering eggs. :/

Megan’s birthday (which included a water balloon fight).


Family reunions.

Labor Day adventures.

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Making memories. ♥

It was a lovely summer. 🙂 I had a lot of fun but I also learned a lot, I think more in practical knowledge than book knowledge. It’s been good.

How was your summer?


Raindrops {Photo Dump} + A Favor?

Some days I step outside, look around, and go right back in for my camera because it’s too beautiful not to. I love just walking around, taking pictures of the little beauties I find. Because that’s how to be a good photographer, you know. You have to go looking for photo opportunities, not just wait for them to find you.

Sometimes the best photos are of the little things no one else takes time to notice. I like to think that through your camera lens, anything can be beautiful. ♥ Even thorns.

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I love how these pictures turned out! Who knew raindrops on asparagus plants could look so neat? 😀

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Beautiful zinnias…

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I’m a little proud of these next pictures. XD I just LOVE how the raindrops reflect color onto the Japanese beetles!

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Sparrows on a barn roof. 🙂

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Phew, that was a lot of pictures! I hope you enjoyed them, dears. 🙂

BUT WAIT! Before you go, could you do me a favor? I’m entering some photographs in our county fair, but I can’t decide which of these to enter in each category. Would you mind voting for your favorites in the comments?


Should I do…

1. The butterfly?

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2. The snail?

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Rural _________

1. Mountain?

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2. Golden dust? XD

rural rockingham 3 (656x437)

3. Fall evening?

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1: My dad?

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2. My sister? (I would crop and edit this a little bit more.)

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Should I do this sunset…

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Or one of the Rural ______ ones?

Thank you guys so much!

Would you like to see a post of the rest of the pictures/items I’m entering in the fair?

Do you like photographing little things and raindrops?


Random Photography Part 2

I have a bunch more stray pictures for you today! (23 to be precise. XD ) You’d better warm up your scrolling finger…

First we have some flower pictures:

Sunflowers are such sunny things!


I love looking closer at things, like this zinnia. The centers are so pretty!

A little crab spider (I think) came in with our bouquet. But he was tiny, so it was okay. XD

Does anyone see any evidence that maybe the crab spider was here? I do!



And then a bunch of Nature pictures:

This is a gourd tendril. Aren’t they so pretty? They look like curly green hair. 😀


Such a picture-perfect tomato. 🙂 It had a lovely cross in the middle.

I took this picture on Corn-Creaming Day when we harvested our sweet corn.

I love this shot! After I took it I noticed the fly. XD Can you find it?

I was trying to get a picture of the bird taking off, but it didn’t work so well, so I finally stooped to taking a still out of a video. XD



Does anyone know what this beetle is called? It was on the side of our car.

Ohhh I love dew drops!

Butterflies’ eyes are weird.

Look at all the teensy-weensy baby spiders! They were way tinier than this in real life, but my camera has good zoom. I don’t know if they’re cute exactly, but I think it’s the closest spiders can get. XD

This guy is NOT so cute. But he is beautiful! Isn’t it amazing how God creates even the tiniest creatures with such beauty and intricate detail? I mean just look at all the different markings!

And last but not least, a sunset. ♥ It was oranger than this in real life, but my camera was on Dawn/Dusk setting which always makes the sky pinker than it is.

Are you still with me? Oh good. 😀 Then which picture was your favorite?


P. S. Ahh, it’s so beautiful outside today! It’s really starting to feel like fall, even though not many leaves have turned color yet. How’s the weather where you live?

Let’s Play a Little Game Answers + News

Ahem. This post is scheduled because I am getting my wisdom teeth out on Monday morning! *Sniff* It’s kind of exciting, but… yeah. 😦 I would appreciate prayer for a quick recovery. ♥

Also, I have exciting news that is way happier and not as painful. XD My blog and I are going to be featured on Discover today! (This post was featured before, but this time they’re featuring my whole blog.) I’M SO EXCITED OH MY GOODNESS YAY! Check it out here on the Discover page. It’s not up yet, but it should be sometime today. 🙂

Okay. Now that the news part is done, we can move on to the game answers.

I simply matched up the vegetables with the correct number of flower. (Heh heh, that’s more confusing than simple I guess – just look at the pictures instead. XD )

Garden Game Answers 1Garden Game Answers 2

And the extra flower is…

-Allison(garden game) 036 (1280x960).jpg

A nasturtium which incidentally can be eaten too. XD

I think garden flowers are neat because some (like the okra flower) look like real flowers, and others (like the lettuce flower and asparagus berries) I was surprised to see at all! You don’t really think of lettuce having a flower (at least I don’t).

And the winner is…










CutePolarBear! You officially get the Green Thumb Award. XD

This was a pretty hard game, but you did a great job guessing, CutePolarBear! 😀

Thus ends your before-school nature lesson. XD


P. S. One last piece of news. We got our entries and ribbons back from the fair! My sister and I were pretty successful this year. 😀 I always love entering things in the fair!

Let’s Play a Little Game…

I was out taking pictures of the garden this morning when I had an idea. It’s garden season, so let’s play a little garden game…

The Rules:

Your job is to match 9 different flowers to the 9 different vegetables they produce. For instance “tomato and __ (insert number)” match, or “#1 and #__ ” match. One vegetable can match a flower from either collage. BUT! I’ve included one extra flower that does not match any of the vegetables to make things more interesting. 😛 Next Monday I shall reveal the answers and the winners (see below). It’s kinda similar to my sister’s “Name that Flower” game. As in Mystery Pictures, I won’t approve guess comments until I reveal the answers.

*Update* Oops! The 4th and 8th flower pictures were actually the same. Sorry about that! I fixed it, though. Thank you for telling me, Rapunzel!

The Points:

  • 1 point for each pair you match correctly
  • 1 bonus point for correctly telling me which flower is the trick flower
  • 2 bonus points for correctly identifying the trick flower
  • And no going outside in your garden to check your answers! (Or looking them up on Google. (Or Bing, Megan.) *Shakes finger*)


I’ll tell you the vegetables, and you tell me their matching flowers:

  1. Okra
  2. Cucumber
  3. Green Bean
  4. Tomato (I hope you knew that already)

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5. Lima bean

6. Lettuce

7. Asparagus

8. Corn

9. Butternut Squash

Garden Game 1 (621x1280)

And here’s the extra flower which may either match one those vegetables up there, or it may be the trick flower. Who knows?

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I hope you enjoyed this slightly strange, random game; I know I’ll enjoy reading your guesses! 😀

Do you have a garden? Do you like gardening? What is your favorite of those veggies up there?
