Q & A: Part 3

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Welcome back! It’s time for another round of Q&A with Allison. (See the other parts here.) In case you’d forgotten, I did this Q&A post in celebration of the 100 followers milestone! Woop woop! 😀 Oh wait – now I have 112 followers. WOOP WOOP!! XD Thank you guys so much! You all asked so many lovely questions that I had to divide the answers into several parts. 😀 So now, without further ado, I present Part 3!


Michaila‘s Questions

1. Do you ever watch the news? If so, who do you want for future president? We hardly ever watch the news, but we do like to watch presidential debates! I’d definitely choose Ted Cruz out of the five remaining candidates. I think his policies are better than the other candidates (because he’s more conservative), and he seems to have a better character than… um, some other candidates. 😉
2. Ever worn bunny slippers?
Hmmm… I think I might have had bunny slippers when I was little, although I’m not sure. XD
3. What are your 5 favorite words?
I recently discovered that I like the word “allele” because it’s really fun to write in cursive. 😀 Look at all those loops! (I learned “allele” in Biology. 😉 It means “A different version of the same gene,” in case your biology was a little rusty. 😀 )


I also like the word “humuhumunukunukuapua’a” which is the Hawaiian name for a reef triggerfish. XD XD Can you imagine saying, “Okay, Mom, I’m off to go humuhumunukunukuapua’a fishing.”? XD In school we also learned about an Egyptian pharaoh named “Apeppi.” I just love saying that – Apeppi Apeppi, Apeppi! XD XD “Onomatopoeia” is also really fun to say… Let’s see, what else? I like the word “luxurious” as in “luxurious green moss” or “luxuriously plush pillows.” Even the word “luxurious” sounds luxurious.

4. What are your 5 favorite Disney characters? I like Anna, Olaf, and Kristoff from Frozen, the Incredible family from The Incredibles, and… well that was already more than five characters, so I’ll stop. 🙂


Clara‘s Questions

1. What was the name of the last unicorn you met? Hee hee! I’ve already answered this in the first part, so you probably already read it, but the name of the last unicorn I met was “Alice.” 😀 (You can see pictures of Alice here.)
2. Worst thing you ever tasted? Hmm… I’m not sure. It likely had something to do with either spicy things or mushroom soup. I do not like spicy things or mushrooms (although they’re okay raw), and I really don’t like mushroom soup! (You know, the sauce in some casseroles.) But for the most part, I’m not a picky eater. 🙂
3. What do you spend most of your time doing in the summer?
Umm… I can hardly remember! Well, here are some of the things I do: read, work in the garden, help can and harvest vegetables, swim at our neighbor’s pool, take walks around our farm with my family, go fishing at my uncle’s pond, watch fireworks, go on vacation, go to the fair (and enter things in it), weed the flowerbeds, and feel hot. 🙂
4. Favorite school subject?
I started to list my favorite ones, but the list was turning out to be pretty much everything. XD The ones I like a lot are Spanish, Math, the reading part of Literature, History (especially because we’re learning about one of my favorite time periods – Ancient Egyptian history!), and Geography. My worst school subject might be writing essays. 😦 I have a hard time starting them up.
5. Dream job?
I’m already doing one of my dream jobs – selling things I create! (On my Etsy shop.) I’m having lots of fun with that. 🙂
6. Favorite cartoon? 
Right now the only one I can think of is Tom and Jerry… They are funny, but maybe a little too predictable. 🙂
7. What exotic animal would you like to have as a pet? (Yes, unicorns count. 😉 ) If I wouldn’t have any trouble with where to put it and how to feed it, it would be fun to have a giraffe as a pet. And yes, a unicorn would be fun too. 😉


Abigail and Clara’s Questions (They’re my cousins, by the way. ♥♥)

1. When are you coming to Canada next?  What about… tomorrow! *Sigh* I wish! I don’t know when we’re coming to visit, but I hope soon! Last time we came was really fun. 🙂
2. What are your blog stats? Ooh! That’s a good question! Thus far I have…

  • 203 posts
  • 1,923 visitors
  • And here are two  picture of my stats page. The first one is by year, and the second is by day. stats 1.jpg (2)stats 2.jpgThe first year I blogged for about 7 months, the next year for a whole year, and this year for only 3 months so far, but this year is way ahead on everything! THANK YOU, DEAREST READERS! 😀 ♥

3.How many rabbits DO you have? I personally have 2 rabbits, Willow and Lily, and my siblings have 3 more bunnies: Clementine, Olaf, and Diamond. ♥
4. Can you do another close up picture and guess blog?
Oh yes, I certainly will! I love making them, but I haven’t collected enough pictures quite yet for another mystery pictures post. But don’t worry, there will be more!
5. Do you like photography more than bunnies?
Wow. That’s a hard question. The thing about bunnies is that they’re ALIVE and they’re ADORABLE, but the thing about photography is that you can take pictures that will last for a long, long time, plus it’s super fun. I guess I can’t choose because the two are so different. 🙂 But maybe… just maybe I like photography better, because the happiness and beauty you capture in a picture can be experienced (in a way) over and over again, throughout the years. *Sniff* I’m sorry bunnies – don’t worry, I l♥ve you too! ♥ ♥ ♥
6. How many times have you played I-spy? (Countless?)
I have no idea… XD
7. Would you rather live in a tree or on a roof?
Ooh! In a tree! Well, if it was a treehouse, anyway. That would be so neat! …Except for those times when it stormed, and except for the part about that I probably wouldn’t have air-conditioning or electricity… Um, I’ll take my house. 🙂
8. Would you rather have a ketchup, mayonnaise, hot sauce casserole or a deep fried cricket? XD XD XD Hee hee! Umm, since I don’t really don’t like mayonnaise or hot sauce, I think I’d choose the deep-fried cricket. If it was breaded, you probably could hardly taste it anyway. XD Ewww!


Britt‘s Questions

1. What is your favorite animal? Hmm… I really like bunnies, woodland animals, giraffes, and lots of others. 🙂
2. What are your hobbies? I like to read, make things from polymer clay, blog, photograph, and do pretty much anything craft-related. 🙂
3. Do you like to read? YES!
4. What is your favorite things to write about on this blog? My favorite thing to write about is probably funny pet stories/photostories, but my favorite thing to post about is probably photography. 🙂

That’s it for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about me. 🙂


27 thoughts on “Q & A: Part 3

  1. 😀 I loved reading! And congrats on 112 followers! 🙂
    I can’t quite remember the name of the last unicorn I met either… 😉 😛


  2. Fun! Oh, i have to do a lot of essays for my history tests! Starting them are really hard-but i’ll give you some advice. Try starting them the way you would start a conversation with someone! for example, when i talk i sometimes start with the words; ‘Alright, so- etc’ so then i copy that same opening for my essays! I’ve done that and my history teacher gave me an excellent! -My co-op teacher that is-………………. Muhahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Those are some fun words!!!!!


    1. Do you just guess!? XD You probably already know all the answers to the Q and A!! XD 😛 🙂 Heher! XD I didn’t even write that on purpose! XD XD The heher! 😮 XD 😛


  3. Ahh yes, I agree on Ted Cruz. He’s most definitely not perfect, but I do believe he’s the best out of the other republican candidates. Anyway, I loved this Q & A. It was hilarious. and for the record, I believe I’d rather have mayonnaise casserole than a deep fried cricket. Eating bugs just seems so…And wow, your stats are going crazy!


    1. Yes! Thanks! I’m glad you enjoyed this. 🙂 Yeah, well neither of those food choices would have been my first pick. XD I know, right? I’m so excited about that!


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