My Summer Bucket List

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Quite a few bloggers have done summer bucket list posts lately, and I enjoyed reading them! I thought it would be a good idea to make one myself. Some of the things on my bucket list are just fun things to do, and some are more like personal goals. I am actually going to try to do these things! *Gasp* XD At the end of the summer I will tell you if I accomplished these goals or not. 🙂

1. Read the Bible every day. I’m definitely going to try and do this.

2. Go to a movie theater. Guys, this may shock you, but I have NEVER been to a movie theater! (Well, unless museum theaters count.) But this summer we might possibly go see Finding Dory! We also are probably going to a summer theater thingy where it shows movies that already came out for only $1 a person. I can’t wait!

3. Get more sleep. 😛 Heh heh. 😉 My bedtime goal is to read a chapter of the Bible before I go to bed, and then read other books only if it’s before 10:30. Or maybe Mom could let us sleep in more… Just kidding! XD We do sleep in already.

4. Do stretches more often. I am rather un-flexible. (Well, my elbows are double-jointed (or at least hyper-flexible), but that doesn’t really count. 😛 I can sort of twist them around so they stick out the opposite way. XD Yeah, very weird but true.) Annnnnyway, as I was saying… I hope by the end of the summer I can at least touch my toes! XD

5. Paint and redecorate my room. My sister and I have been wanting to redo our bedroom for a long time. The wallpaper is kind of old and doesn’t really match our bedspreads and decorations. After we paint, I want to redecorate our room with goodies from Hobby Lobby. I LOVE HOBBY LOBBY!

6. Improve my swimming. Especially my endurance and speed. I could practice more if the water wasn’t so cold! XD I do love swimming though. Our neighbor has a nice pool that she very generously lets us use.

7. Watch the Olympics! I love watching the Olympics – especially the gymnastics and swimming. It’s so much fun to eat snacks and watch the Olympics with my family.

8. Cook something weird. Maybe a strange-sounding ethnic dish or just something that I wouldn’t usually try. And then eat it, of course. XD Speaking of weird foods, here is a strangish food my family eats: carrot salad (grated carrots, orange Jello, nuts, celery, and crushed pineapple). It probably sounds really weird, but it’s delicious! Have you tried it before?

9. Decorate cupcakes with friends. My friend and my sister and I want to make one of the recipes in my friend’s special-cupcakes book.

10. Go fishing. I love fishing at my uncle’s pond!

11. Make “masterpieces” from my three favorite mediums. In other words, I want to create something really good from polymer clay, take some really good pictures, and make some really good art.

12. Have a shaving cream fight. This would be so fun! And then wash off and go swim in the pool.

13. Do a photoshoot with friends. I would love to do a fun, creative photoshoot with my friends or family!

14. Add more things to my Etsy shop. I haven’t done much with my Etsy shop lately. I hope to add some new products and even get a few sales over the summer. 😀

15. Take lots of pictures on our vacation. This year we’re going to see Niagara falls and travel up around the Michigan/Great Lakes area. There is going to be lots of water (my favorite!) and I really want to get some good pictures. I’m thinking sunsets on the lakes and definitely photos of Niagara falls. 🙂 Also as a side note: it might be helpful if I don’t ruin my camera this year like I did on our last two vacations! UGH! (Both times it was because of sand. 😦 )

There you go! What is the #1 thing on your summer bucket list? Are you going to do any of the things on my list?


P. S. I have some announcements from around the blogosphere to share with you. 🙂 Rutvi is having a writing contest! Check it out here. Also, Clara is doing a really neat blog scavenger hunt. Definitely go check that out too! (I helped with the prize. *Smug look* XD Ha ha!)

37 thoughts on “My Summer Bucket List

  1. Oooooh, those are great goals! 😀
    Thanks so much for mentioning my post! It had some mistakes, but they’re fixed now. 🙂

    -Clara ❤


  2. Reading the Bible every day is definitely something I wish I did!
    My sleep schedule has been knocked totally off-kilter for the past few weeks, so getting back on a regular schedule is definitely something I have to do as well.
    THE SUMMER OLYMPICS! I usually prefer winter, but any Olympics get me excited. 😀
    Ooh, that carrot salad sounds delicious!
    Have fun on vacation! I went to Lake Superior a couple summers ago and it was SO COOL. The hiking was just gorgeous.

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality


    1. Thanks for your comment, Ellie!
      Yep, I hadn’t been reading my Bible nearly as often as I should. 😦
      Ha ha, yep. 🙂
      YES AGAIN!
      YES YET AGAIN! XD Ooh, that sounds great! I’ll have to remember that. 😉


    1. Yeah, that’s a good one. It can be hard sometimes, especially when you don’t have any inspiration. Usually I just look through my pictures and I’ll find something there to post about. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hey, I’ve never been to a movie theater either! Unless The Planetarium and the Men in White shows in the Creation Museum count… 😛 And we don’t plan on going to one in the near future. 😉
    We’ve been swimming a lot already this Summer. 🙂 And the water can’t be too cold. Okay, maybe if it’s so cold that you can’t breathe while swimming, it might be a LITTLE cold. But any warmer than that, it’s definitely not too cold. 😀
    I look forward to watching the Olympics! (even though it’s over a month away…) That’s the month we never go to bed because the games are on really late at night. 😛



    1. Ooh, you went to the Creation Museum? So did I! And we saw both of those shows. I LOVED the “Created Cosmos” show at the Planetarium! It made me feel so small. XD It’s so amazing that God created such huge things as planets and such tiny things as atoms! I actually have the Created Cosmos DVD now.
      Ha ha! Well, I don’t have much insulation (in other words, I’m pretty skinny XD ), so I get cold rather easily. We went wading in a river at a park, and that was FRIGID! Like, melted ice. XD
      Yes! Ha ha, we stay up late, but not THAT late. XD
      Thanks for commenting!


      1. Yup! We just went recently. 🙂 Will you try to go to Ark Encounter? We are, and I’m really excited!! I know, the universe does seem huge when you look at it. That’s probably because it is. 😉



          1. That’s great! That would be awesome, but I doubt we’d even see each other, even if we were there at the same time. (Plus, you don’t even know what I look like… :P) Oh, and we’re going a day earlier than most, because we’re special people. 😉 We’re lifetime members. 🙂



  4. You’re not the only one who has never been to a movie theater! I haven’t either. 😉 I don’t mind, though, because I’m not really a movie person.
    Oh, and yes-the gymnastics and swimming are the best parts of the summer Olympics. 😉
    ~Christian Homeschooler


  5. I LOVE carrot salad!!! We usually only have it with grated carrots, orange Jello and crushed pineapples. But it’s SO GOOD!!! I’m glad someone else likes it too!

    I am trying to do my devotions every day. What are you reading in the Bible right now? I’m in Mark and Proverbs. I read Proverbs every month. I’m also doing two Bible studies. One I’m doing is called The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. She’s in War Room if you’ve seen it 😉


    1. Yay! Welcome to the carrot salad club! XD 😀
      I’m reading through Revelations right now. Your Bible studies sound neat! I’ve heard of War Room, but I haven’t watched it.
      Thanks for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Carrot salad sounds like something I might want to try! 😀
    Michigan is beautiful! I’ve visited my great grandparents there twice. I love it when the fog floats over the land, and I also got to see Mackinaw island.
    I would love to finish my animated music video this summer.


    1. Yes, it’s really good!
      Yay! 😀 Ooh, that does sound pretty. 🙂 What is Mackinaw Island like? We might possibly go there on our vacation.
      Ooh, that sounds neat!


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