Cousin Photoshoots at Golden Hour

Hello, dears!

Is it a bit dismal outside where you live too? This winter has been pretty warm for us, but SO cloudy and rainy. :/ If you’re in need of some sunlight, I have just the post for you! šŸ˜€

I took these two sets of pictures with my Canadian cousins way back in October, at the 50th anniversary celebration, and just haven’t gotten around to posting this second part till now – oops! I LOVE both photoshoots, though, and I hope you guys will too!

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When Megan and I showed our cousins around the farm the first day, Abigail and I both agreed to come back to our huge hay barn later and take some photos. It’s such a gorgeous photography location at golden hour when the sunlight streams through the slatted walls. ā¤

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The barn floor is covered in a carpet of dust literally inches thick. While this isn’t too pleasant for walking, it adds a really neat effect when you stir it up and the sun shines through!


We took turns throwing handfuls of dust up in the air for each other while the other person took pictures. It didn’t work the best, but I really like this photo – the silhouetted effect and sun rays especially.

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After that, we scrambled up the piles of hay bales to get a different angle… and because it’s so fun to climb around in barns. šŸ˜€

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I love the warmth and light and the ombre effect of the wood walls in this one. Also it kind of reminds me of Noah’s ark for some reason? XD

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Ahh, isn’t this neat? The sunlight sprinkled itself everywhere in big golden drops, like being in a snowglobe with bokeh instead of glitter.

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I’m proud of myself – I finally got a decent-looking picture of square bales. XD Let me tell you, square bales are FAR less picturesque than round ones.


The right lighting can make even cobwebs beautiful, right? It looks like this spider spun its home with copper thread.

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After a long while, we decided we’d probably better head up to the house… but we got sidetracked by the beautiful light outside the barn too. Heh.

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Dying corn isn’t exactly as pretty as when it’s green, but it still looks nice in the evening hours. šŸ™‚ If you’re wondering why we let it die – you have to wait for corn to mature and dry like this if you’re harvesting it for grain, a.k.a corn kernels. If you want to harvest the whole plant, you chop it up while it’s green to make silage. (There’s your mini farming lesson for the day. šŸ˜€ )

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This photo interests me because of the contrasting dark shadows on the sides and bright light in the middle. Even though it was October, the leaves still hadn’t changed and it basically just felt like summer. Ahh, just remembering those days makes me feel warmer. XD

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That’s it for the first photoshoot! I only have a few good ones from the next set, but I love them even more.

My sister Megan, and our cousins Abigail and Clara and I wanted to have a photoshoot together the last day they were here. Unfortunately the sun was starting to fade, so only these first two test pictures really have good lighting. Megan kinda looks like she’s trying to smile through the pain of stepping on a thorn, which could very well be true. :’D We all went barefoot and were hard put to avoid the prickers.

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This photo might have the best lighting of all of them. SO PRETTTYYYY!

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It took us QUITE a few mess-ups to get any good pictures, and some of the mistakes were pretty funny. :’D I think we were trying to all jump at the same time but kind of utterly failed and HAHAHA IT WAS HILARIOUS AS YOU CAN TELL. We nearly collapsed with laughter. (By the way, the remaining pictures were all taken with my camera’s self-timer.)

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The original photos of us all together were pretty lackluster, but I mostly fixed them with some serious editing. Isn’t this one so cute? (Also as you can see, this was before I cut my hair. šŸ˜‰ )

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This one was the hardest to edit because our hair was over-exposed and the rest of us was dark. :/ Anyway, I love how we positioned our arms in this one. We look like either sisters or good friends – and by the end of their visit, Abigail and Clara felt like both. šŸ™‚ ā¤

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And here’s the last of the bunch. We’re probably sitting on more thorns. XDĀ  Ahh, we had SO much fun together, and I absolutely can’t wait till we see each other again!

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What wonderful memories of fun times with family and those marvelous days when you could actually sit on the ground and not get soaking wet! XD I quite enjoyed putting this post together and I hope you all enjoyed reading it!

Which photos were your favorite? Does the hay barn look like fun to you? Do you like doing photoshoots with friends or family?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


69 thoughts on “Cousin Photoshoots at Golden Hour

  1. That is so fun! šŸ˜Š It made me wish I had cousins around my age, and also so thankful that I have three sisters all at the same time! šŸ˜‚ You are so smart about taking photo shoots when people come over, I always either forget or itā€™s too cold out! šŸ˜‚ Loved this!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ahhhhhh! Those pictures are sooo pretty! I LOVE the barn pictures! šŸ™‚ I have definitely stepped on many pricky things in the grass. XD

    -Laura ā¤ šŸ˜‰


  3. Aww, these pictures are so pretty, and you guys look like you had so much fun! My favorite photos are Megan and her pained smile (that made me laugh out loud for some reason) and the ones of the sunlight coming through the barn walls – what a beautiful place for photography! ā¤ I love doing photoshoots with Laura, but we usually end up with a lot more weird photos than good ones. XD

    -Clara ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Ah, the hay bales and the lighting are beautiful. I just love your photography. You all look so happy and I love the way you’re all dressed similar. I was wondering why you looked slightly different, then I remembered you got your hair cut XD.


  5. I just love those hay bale photos! Also, the wood wall photo with the light streaming through it reminded me of Noah’s Ark after you mentioned it, too, which is kinda funny. šŸ™‚ I love the spider web photo, as well. The warm light hitting the web is so pretty.
    It looks like you had such a fun time with you cousins. I loved seeing those photos, as well. The only photoshoots I’ve done with family (or any people) were with my sisters. They were fun, but I’d love to do more different photoshoots. I really want to do a photoshoot with one of my sisters in the snow. I think it’d look so pretty.


    1. Ahh, thank you! Ha ha, really? That’s so funny. I love the spiderweb one as well! We sure did have a wonderful time. šŸ™‚ Sisters photoshoots are so much fun! Ooh, a photoshoot in the snow would be gorgeous! We’re actually supposed to get snow this weekend – are you, by any chance?


      1. You’re welcome!
        Yes, we did get some snow late this afternoon. I don’t know if it’s still snowing, but I hope it is! It got really cold today, and I’m excited for some Winter weather.


  6. Those first goldeny photos in the hay barn are so pretty, dear! I absolutely LOVE the spiderweb picture. The photoshoot turned out real well, and I love the coordinating plaid. šŸ™‚


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