World of Glass {Icy Photoshoot}

Hello, dears!

I realize I just posted kind of a wintry photoshoot, but AHH, I love these pictures too much to save them for later! I’d say this is one of my favorite photoshoots I’ve done in a while. 😀

We were supposed to get a bunch of snow last week, but it ended up mostly turning to ice. I was rather disappointed at first, but when I actually went outside, oh my goodness it was STUNNING. It looked like everything was coated in glass, every twig was dripping crystal. Enjoy these photos of an icy wonderland!

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Since there are a bunch of pictures that don’t really require a description, I think I’ll let them speak for themselves sometimes. 🙂

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I love this one! The seed pod from this locust tree caught a thorny branch and froze that way, like a sculpture.

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The gate to the graveyard looked really strange – kind of like when you put submerge something in water and it gets all silvery with bubbles.

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EEYORE! She always hurries over to the fence when I walk anywhere near her pasture. XD

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The pond was GORGEOUS surrounded by lacy, icy trees. I love taking pictures by the pond because any beauty is doubled in reflections.

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Okay, now we’re getting to my real favorites! Don’t ask me why, but I absolutely love getting pictures of water drops falling or splashing. And just pictures of water in general. 😉 AHHH I CAN’T BELIEVE I GOT THIS.

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As you can imagine, it took TONS of misses to get a good picture. I stood at the edge of the pond for ages, switching between branches to find a drop that was about to fall, or waiting for one that wasn’t. BUT IT WAS WORTH IT! I have to admit – I’m really proud of this picture, even though it’s simple. 😀

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I wanted to get a picture of a drop falling into the pond, but I always snapped too late. :/ These ripples are pretty anyway.

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I’m not sure why I love this one (maybe it’s the airy, bright lighting), but I DO!

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Ahhh, these pictures just make me happy. 😀 Don’t you love when you find something beautiful and are satisfied with how you captured that? I hope you guys enjoyed these photos as well!

Which picture was your favorite? Are you fascinated with water too? Do you prefer ice or snow photography (yikes, that’s hard)?

Thanks for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


69 thoughts on “World of Glass {Icy Photoshoot}

  1. Oh my goodness, these are beautiful! I think my favorite is the one of the dead grass with the lake and trees in the background. I really like the contrast of the angular, sharp grass and the puffy, soft trees behind it. And the water droplet falling is amazing! I wish I could put these on my wall!


  2. Simple? Even though it’s simple? This is intricate utter beauty!! 😀 I love these pictures! The last time we had an ice storm was way back in 2013. No electricity on Christmas day. XD It was fun!


    1. Aww, you’re so sweet – thanks, dear! Well, owning a DSLR sure helps the picture quality, and editing helps them pop even more! (Although I didn’t edit these pictures as much this time.)

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I guess this is one of the best ice photography I’ve ever seen. It must be so very nice to be able to see such beauties of nature. Really these are fabulous. I like them all.😵😭😊


  4. I wish we had legit ice and snow here 😦 but it’s okay, pictures work too. Ahaha if I were you I would shake the branches a little to get the droplets to fall off 😂


  5. WOAH!!!!! I LOVE these pictures!!!!!!! 😀 They make me feel like I am in a winter wonderland! * looks at weather * * temperature is 70* 😐 XD XD I really really love the last picture!! It is so beautiful!! 😀 AND THAT DRIP PICTURE!!!!!! I would not have enough patience to take that. XD I would have gotten cold and gone inside to cuddle up in a blanket. XD XD I really enjoyed reading this post!!! 😀

    -Laura ❤ 😉


    1. AHHH THANK YOU! HAHA, oh my goodness, I wish it was 70 here! It’s chilly and gloomy, sadly. :/ Aww, I’m so glad you like it! I do too. Heh heh, well I BARELY had enough patience, but I was determined to get a good picture. :’D Thank you so much for the lovely comment, Laura!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. WHOA! 😍 Goodness, that icy wonderland looks so beautiful. ❤ My favorite photos are the stunning ones of the water drops! It seems like your new farm is just full of wonderful photography opportunities – and you always do an incredible job of capturing them. 😀

    -Clara ❤


    1. Ahh, thank you, Clara! It was beautiful, and those are my favorites too. 🙂 YES, that’s one of my favorite parts about living on a farm – there’s never a lack of things to photograph! Aww, thank you again. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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