Winter Palette {a Collection of Photos}

Hello, dears!

I’ve been taking lots of winter walks lately and getting pictures which are… kinda blah. Heh. It’s hard to find much variety and color in winter landscapes, you know? I think of blue and white as winter colors, but without snow, the palette is more like brown and gray. However, today I decided to try and embrace that, partially inspired by this lovely post, and pick out some of those photos to edit in a wintery, understated way.

Did they turn out aesthetic or just… brown? XD I don’t know, you’ll have to see what you think of my attempt! Read on for some interesting bits of winter I’ve collected for you. 🙂

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Winter has been unusually mild for us this year: the closest thing we’ve had to snow is a couple of frosts. Sadness. 😦 BUT, frost is so beautiful too! I love inspecting the intricate patterns it makes, like these tiny crystals edging an oak leaf.


For some reason whenever I look at this picture, I really want to crunch those seed pods or whatever they are. XD They look like… agh, some food I can’t recall. Maybe like roasted nuts or soybeans or something quite crunchy.


Ooh, I like the soft, ombre tones of this one. And Maggie just makes photos better, doesn’t she?


You have to be careful walking in the woods around our farm or you might trip over an old barbed wire fence, often partly absorbed by a tree in its path. O.o


These cocoons like rather like little, thatched houses to me. Except less appealing since they’re all spiderweb-like under the dead needles and house some sort of bug in some stage of life; I forget the details. XD


I found this brittle thing on our lane and took a picture with this editing style in mind.


I also took a picture of these cattails on a flat, dull day so I could edit it like this. Oops, I made it a little TOO brown, but I do like the simple, subtle richness this cozy style adds to bleak colors. *nods*


I noticed a couple of nails wedged in this trunk, clenching the faded remains of some old posters. What do you think they said? Probably something about no hunting or trespassing. Not very romantic, but likely, hee hee.


Isn’t this bark texture fascinating? It reminds me of a croissant with all those flaky layers and little “air bubbles.”


I wonder how long the pinecones have been stuck in this sapling’s web…


Ooh, yes, I love this photos! I found a neat grove of ghostly, blond-leaved beeches that turned the air into a pale sea.


Beeches are so photogenic, in my opinion. Especially when the light shines through them in winter.


I propped my camera in another tree and used the self-timer because I always want to BE in places like this, not just observe them, you know? And ha ha, I promise I don’t wear that sweater EVERY day – I just always seem to wear it when I take pictures of myself for this blog??


Aha, see! I’m wearing a brown sweater now. 😛 I attempted to get a new profile picture without using a tripod, but… it didn’t really work. XD I do have long arms, but not THAT long.

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Ahh, I wanted to capture the pretty sunlight shining behind me and through my fingers. I think the edits kind of blew that, but I still like this one.

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My hair and sweater and background are all brown. My my.

etcetera (4)

This reminds me of the B&W stories post.


We got three inches of rain in two days, so this a stream I didn’t know existed might have been a temporary one. *shrugs* It was also very brown and muddy. CHOCOLATE RIVER!


We shall end with a couple of more-green-than-brown pinecone pictures, because pinecones are yet another photogenic part of winter. The colors may be lacking, but I love the textures!


Ooh, I really like this one! It looks so simple, woodsy, and Pinterest-y. 🙂


And that, my friends, is all for my little “winter palette” collection. I hope you found the photos somewhat pleasing even if you, like I, usually prefer more light and airy photos. Wow, that sentence sounded so fancy and proper, hee hee!

Has this winter been extra warm for you? Do you like earthy tones or more vibrant photos? Which of these pictures did you like best?

Thanks so much for reading, dears, and have a lovely day!


42 thoughts on “Winter Palette {a Collection of Photos}

  1. Winter has been basically the same for us, only we just got a little snow yesterday. I love how you capture the beauty of God’s creation, even if everything does look brown. The last photo is definitely my favorite. Very Pinterest-y, and I’ve got a thing for pinecones. 🙂


    1. Ooh, snow! I mean, the warmth is nice, but… it’s kinda boring. Ahh, that means so much because that’s definitely what I try to do! Thanks so much – I love that one too. 🙂


  2. wait this isn’t drab and brown this is a really nice looking brown like if you were in a forest or in some old town long ago

    and also, your pictures are just wonderful period. 😊


  3. I love these pics! I think the seeds in the second one look remarkably similar to chickpeas 😜 The beech tree ones are so pretty, and I especially love the very last picture 😀


  4. Aww! 😦 How late into the year have y’all gotten snow before? Hmm, those kind of look like popcorn kernels? XD Aww! Maggie! ❤ I LOVE all of the beautiful brown colors! They make me feel all nice and cozy! XD Oh! A chocolate river sounds like my kind of river! 😀 To answer your questions, Winter in GA is always a roller coaster of temps so it have been pretty normal! 😛 I think I like earthy and vibrant photos equally but for different reasons! 😀 My favorite picture was the one of the chocolate river! XD These pictures are all beautiful! ❤

    -Laura ❤ 🙂

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    1. I knoooow, sadness! Well actually, we often get snow at the beginning of spring – sometime in March. SO THERE’S HOPE. Ha ha, they DO! Maybe that’s what I was thinking of. Aww, well yay! HAHA. XD GA winters sound interesting. O.o And yes, same here – I like seeing different styles of photography. Hee hee, thank you again, dear!

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