A Collection of Spring Blooms

Hello friends!

I don’t know about you, but one of the things I most look forward to about spring is THE FLOWERS. Winter is sadly lacking in the area of blossoms, so I’ve been thrilled to finally see bright colors popping out of the earth these March days.

Today I have a colorful, sun-soaked post to brighten your heart. πŸ™‚ Enjoy this little nature photoshoot!

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Last year I got a small pot of purple crocuses from Walmart for $2. This year they came back, hooray!


It’s as if spring flowers try to make up for winter’s dullness by packing as much color as possible into their petals.


Some mini daffodils started blooming near the crocuses, also a $2 purchase from Walmart last year. Worth it. ❀


So many houses in our neighborhood have daffodils blooming right now, including one that’s being fixed up. I wished to go pick a luscious bouquet, but of course I respected the “no trespassing” builder’s sign in the yard. πŸ˜›


Our little town LOVES pansies. While they looked a bit peaked over winter, they’re finally starting to perk up and blaze happily in all their many colors.


I love this picture – the sunlight, the color… it makes me so happy!


How much more yellow can you get than these vivid pansies??


I had to stop for more crocus pictures with their dramatic cups of light against the dark mulch. Stunning.


Such cheerful, tiny things.


Crocuses would make a lovely bouquet except their stems barely lift off the ground. Maybe a mini bouquet…


We explored further, walking into the woods where cultivated blooms were mostly nonexistent. I did find this flowering vine thing which I remembered seeing at Natural Bridge too!


These flowers are much less showy, but still pretty with their delicate white sprays.


Not a flower, but these cute puffs of grass looked so vibrant in the sunlight I couldn’t resist snapping some pictures of them too. πŸ™‚


Along with a holly bush merrily greeting the spring warmth with its wintry berries.


We’ll end with one more daffodil photo. I think daffodils are the quintessential spring flower; what about you?


Hopefully those photos could convey a bit of the delight andΒ sunlight I felt while taking them. πŸ™‚ *happy sigh* Going out and looking at flowers always brightens my day.

What is your favorite spring flower?

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D7200 and a 35mm lens. Edited with Lightroom.

10 thoughts on “A Collection of Spring Blooms

  1. My favorite spring flower is definitely the daffodil! It’s so cheery! πŸ™‚ Beautiful pics, Allison!!


  2. Oh, Allison! This was just what I needed! I love flowers so much!!! πŸ™‚
    My all-time favorite is the tulip. And daffodils are probably a close second. We grew both last year. Haven’t seen any come up this year though…I know the drought in 2023 was terrible and some of my other flowers withered and died.
    Those daffodils are so pretty! My favorite picture is the close up of the sunlight on the pansies. Oh, it just made my day! I don’t think I’ve seen much of crocus flowers in Texas, so it was a treat seeing them in your post. πŸ™‚
    I did see the first bluebonnets on the side of a highway today! Though windy and we had thunderstorms for 2 days, spring is here!
    Thank you for sharing, Allison! Hope you have a blessed day and week!


    1. Aww yay, glad you love flowers too.
      Ooh yes I actually forgot about tulips! Aww shucks, I hope the tulips and daffodils come back.
      Yesss the sunlit pansies bring me joy too. So glad it made your day, friend. ❀
      OOH how lovely! Sounds beautiful.
      Thanks, friend! You too.


  3. Allison your pictures are a bright spot of Spring. We had some crocus” boom but are gone already. Some Spring flower are ready to come out of hibernation. We are going to order Pansies from Walmart. our mom always wanted Pansies because they were her father’s favorite.They seem to have a personality of their own.
    Happy Spring
    Marilyn,Joan and Marion


  4. I do love the holly and the berries. I am with you. Spring flowers are the best. You are ahead of us. There likely won’t be flowers for another few weeks!


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