Art Lab, Episode 16

Methinks it’s past time for another Art Lab episode, don’t you agree? Quite, quite. 😀

Well, today I have a fun “two-player” art prompt for you to do with a friend or a pen-pal (or of course you could draw the whole thing by yourself).

Art Prompt: Here’s a mandala I really like.

Henna on Canvas by KeepAustinDreaming on Etsy, $40.00:

{from this Etsy shop}

And here is a bunch of inspiration for mandala-type doodles:

50 Hand Drawn Vector Pattern Brushes - Brushes Illustrator:


Technique: Two-Player Mandala

My pen-pal Grace and I made this mandala together. We took turns adding a section each time we sent our letters until it turned out like this! Isn’t it pretty? 😀pen-pal-mandala-poster

Mandalas don’t have many rules. The basic idea is to create a symmetrical,  circular design by adding consecutive rings of doodles. It’s fun to play with the position of the mandala – you can have it in the center of the page, running off the page, or in the corner, which is what Grace and I did. This is how the mandala looked from start to finish:


Wow. I realized this post is really short. XD Heh heh, oh well! I hope you enjoyed it, short though it may be! If you made some art inspired by this post, we’d love to see it! Visit this page to see how to help fill our art gallery.

Do you like doodling mandalas? Do you have a pen-pal?


55 thoughts on “Art Lab, Episode 16

  1. This was so much fun to make with you, Allison! I’m so happy we’re pen pals. ❤
    And it's so neat to see how our mandala has developed! Since we're going to make another one, I was wondering…would you be okay if I kept this one and you can keep the next one we'll do? I think it would be neat if you had the one I started and I had the one you started. 🙂
    But whatever you prefer is fine with me! 😀
    ~Grace ❤


        1. I know!
          P. S. Yep… well actually I got it working. XD Heh heh, nah, it was probably just a coincidence, but it’s working now anyway! I shall skedaddle and let you chat with her… 😉 By the way, I love your blog design so far! Lookin’ good!

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed this post! What a fun and creative idea. I did have a really good penpal for years, but we got out of touch in the past year and I don’t have her address. I keep hoping to reconnect. Have a lovely weekend!
    ❤ Alana


          1. That’s true! I was obsessed with decorating envelopes. And loved picking out a new set of stamps from the post office 🙂


  3. I loved this! What a great idea! I have over 25 pen-pals if you can believe it! LOL! 😀 I think I might try this with one of them! Thanks for the great idea! 😉


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