Fields & Forests Sisters Photoshoot {Part 1}

Hello, my friends!

Remember sisters photoshoots? It’s only been, like… a year since we did one! 😛 Megan and I finally got around to taking more portraits and I’m quite pleased with how they turned out. As usual, Megan took all the pictures of me and I took all the pictures of her + edited all the photos I used. We got so many good ones that I decided to post the photoshoot in two parts. This is mostly the “fields” portion. Stay tuned for part 2 next week with some forest pictures! 🙂

I hope you guys enjoy scrolling through these photos as much as we enjoyed taking them!

Note: This post contains affiliate links. If you purchase something through my link, I get a small commission for advertising and you get to support this blog for free! (The price won’t change for you.)

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Megan said she’d start with being the photographer. I’m guessing some of you guys will wonder where my dress is from, so let me get that out of the way before we get started. I removed the buttons on mine so it looks a little different, but you can shop my dress at the link below.

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I really like the one on the left, despite the slight oddness of me… um, inspecting a corn leaf for some reason? I was probably holding it like that to keep it out of my face; I honestly don’t remember. I also brought a big straw hat along for a photo prop.

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I’m kinda surprised we haven’t done many or any sisters photoshoots in a cornfield before because we have an abundance of them on our farm. The denim dress goes well with the country setting, hm?

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Speaking of country, this top picture makes me look like I’m wearing a cowboy hat. I may live on a farm but I am not the cowgirl type. 😛 Honestly I’m not a floppy hat girl either, but it’s fun for pictures.

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Do you ever see yourself in a picture and go like, “Wait, do I actually look like that?” :’D Somehow I look like a different person here to me. *shrugs* I like this picture though.

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Oh dear, my hair does NOT do well with summers where I live. It’s awfully hot and humid and my hair just poofs up. Girl problems, right? Hehe. Oh well, enjoy pictures of me with frizzy hair! 😛

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Sometimes if I get tired of smiling, I do the face on the left which always makes me laugh again.

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These turned out so cute! The hat gave me sun freckles – probably not what they’re called, but it should be!

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Anyone else have the problem of thinking hats are cute in theory but then never actually wearing them because, like, why would you wear this to go shopping or something…?

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Okay, now it’s time to switch to Megan! And Maggie. Maggie kept photobombing our pictures, especially Megan’s because she loves Megan. :’D

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A twirling picture… sort of! I told Megan this looks like the classic dress shape you’d draw as a kid. Her dress is also from Amazon, and you can also check it out it at the link below. 

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It was so fun finally doing a sisters photoshoot after an entire year! (I’ll have links to our old sisters photoshoots at the end of the post.) I enjoyed taking portraits where I’m not the one doing the posing and the shooting.

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Corn leaves make great pictures frames. *nods*

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I really like this one. I like how the path leads you through the picture but also frames Megan and makes a little world inside the photo.

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Guys, Megan’s dress has pockets! 😀 Haha, I think it’s funny how that’s always such a big deal to girls. Like, “Ooh, I like your dress. Wait, it has POCKETS?! OH MY GOODNESS I NEED IT.”

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Next we moved to the path that leads to “Rivendell,” as we call a certain hunting stand on our property. You can see it in this post.

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Isn’t this picture so pretty? I really like the pose she’s doing, which she probably did more or less accidentally. Those are often the best kind. 🙂

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Megan’s cute haircut with the cheery dress and pretty landscape framing her just looks so pretty.

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Another favorite. ❤ Cottagecore, anyone?

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Annnnd Maggie appears again. I’m pretty sure Megan is keeping her distance here because this was just after Maggie had relaxed in a large mudpuddle. :[]

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Here’s me again. This is the only picture of me walking away I saved because AHEM, Megan accidentally focused the camera on the landscape and not on me in the others so I’m just a blur. :’D She said she’s a bit rusty on using DSLRs; she always uses her Google Pixel phone now since it has such a nice camera.

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In which I’m happy because I found a purple flower.

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Attempting to put it in my hair…

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Apparently that failed, hehe.

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I’ll just twirl around instead! Most of these pictures didn’t turn out either, but that was my own fault because I twirled so enthusiastically. 😛

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We’ll end the photos of me with another I really like. Thanks to Megan for photographing me! I needed some updated headshots.

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Back to Megan for the last section of the photoshoot I’ll share today. It had just rained like two inches a couple days before, so we brought a blanket along in case we wanted to sit down. 

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Another accidental pose I think looks pretty. 🙂 Megan looks very model-y in this one to me.

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This blanket would be an even better photo prop in fall or winter, but it’s still cute for summery photoshoots.

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Aww, I love Megan’s smile in this one. This may have been when she found a thorn under the blanket and I brought up a funny memory relating to that which I now can’t recall. You never know what we’re smiling about in these photos. It could be thorns! 

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Ah, I love this setting so much! I miss the beautiful mountain views we had at our old farm, but at least we have a little bit of hills and forests in the background here.

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One of my favorites. ❤ 

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Megan is good at serious faces. I can do them when I’m taking self-portraits, but when someone else is taking my picture it’s hard for me not to smile the whole time.

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Contemplating the meaning of life… or corn… or something…

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We’ll end this post with a happy photo because why not? 🙂

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There we go! I hope you guys enjoyed scrolling through those portraits. Just for fun, I went back in the blog archives and found a sisters photoshoot from each year all the way back to our first one in 2016. Click the links below to see what little(ish) Allison and Megan looked like and how much our photography skills have improved in the past five years, yikes.

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


P. S. Photos taken with my Nikon D3400 and a 35mm lens. Edited with Lightroom.

50 thoughts on “Fields & Forests Sisters Photoshoot {Part 1}

  1. Aw, these are such beautiful photos, Allison!! And I love both your dresses, they’re super pretty! (And yes, for some reason dresses that have pockets are instantly better 😂)


      1. lol honestly I rarely use the pockets except for when I’m stuffing my hands into them randomly, but otherwise nope! Which is really funny because for some reason they make the dress better…and yet they have no effect on anything 😂


  2. Love these, Allison!! (Btw I love all your posts ❤ ) And yes!! Happy dogs are notorious for photobombing people they love & YES dresses with pockets are automatically a win-win lol 😉 ❤
    The scenery is so lush and vast and yet so intimate…God's creation is worth capturing!


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