Etcetera #25 {Glowstick Gangs, Squishy Pets, & Emotional Support Dumplings}

Hello friends!

It’s time for another round of miscellaneous photos saved up on my phone and camera over the past few months. Today we have pretty golden hour landscapes, amusing portraits, and CATS.

Enjoy this scrapbook of randomness!

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pets & wildlife

Tom looks old and wise in black and white, even though he’s mostly just fat and lazy, hehe.


Bunny is a much brighter specimen. She’s doing well since Megan and Harrison rescued her from the middle of the road last year, though she’s still rather jumpy, and, for some reason, TERRIFIED of Jeff.


It’s been so long since I did an Etcetera post that some of these are from Christmas! Carmen brought one of her bunnies in to be enjoyed at my family’s Christmas celebration. Sadly, this is probably the last photo I have of Lavender as she has since passed on. 😦


I see various kinds of wildlife out my studio window as I work – deer, groundhogs, squirrels, stray cats, and this cute little chickadee. Sully found the nuthatch on our porch steps, looking like it had run into a window. Sadly it had expired by the time we returned from our evening plans so Sully buried it for me. Very sweet of him. πŸ™‚


landscapes & Nature

Oh wow, this picture was all the way from Megan and Harrison’s engagement photoshoot! The sun finally broke through at the end and turned the pond golden. ❀

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No Etcetera post is complete without sunset pictures, right? The first is actually a sunrise, which I rarely wake up early enough to see.


A few bonus flower photos from Megan’s bridal shower post. So bright and springy!


On one of our winter walks, I practiced with negative space and minimalist compositions. This one looks kinda cool and kinda boring, I dunno.


A grainy but neat-looking photo from a small cave we explored at Natural Bridge.


I’ve been taking so many walks around our neighborhood lately and enjoying the stunning array of spring blooms – cherry blossoms, wisteria, daffodils, dogwood, irises… They all bring me such joy.


A few landscape shots from a long drive. The last photo is a view of the farm I used to live on.


We’ll close out this section with an obligatory poor-quality phone photo of the solar eclipse a few days ago. Pretty cool how the sun turned into a moon for a bit! Did you see it?


portraits & people

HAHA I forgot about this. Megan got Harrison the randomest Christmas socks with magnetic elf “hands” that snapped together when they were close by. It was HILARIOUS.


A few of us went on a foggy adventure during Christmas vacation with Sully’s family. We got some epic photos, including a “casual selfie ft. a scary monster in the background,” which is kinda hard to see in the second photo. We laughed so hard at Harrison’s monster impersonation, haha.


Sully being Sully and wearing random things as dashing accessories. Such a cute husband, hehe.


We went on a farm walk with some cousins at Christmas at golden hour. I love this shot of Megan and Harrison and my cousin’s kid.

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Random selfie with the pretty light in my bedroom, featuring prism rainbows and blinds-striped afternoon sun.

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We went on another Green Truck ride with the cousins since it’s now an Easter tradition, making sure to stop at Dollar Tree to buy glow sticks and candy for the drive back. Some of the guys invented trendy new hairstyles, and Megan chained Harrison to herself with glow sticks. Oh myyy.


HAHAHA okay so one of my little nephews said he wasn’t feeling good on a long road trip and we all thought he was carsick. But when my SIL gave him the trash can, he just put it on his head to block the sun in his eyes since that’s what was actually bothering him. So funny.

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The local river has been flooding a ton this year, including a massive one that covered the “town lawn” and submerged most of the stage sometimes used for concerts and such. The riverbed normally runs behind the line of trees in this picture. :O It was quite a sight to behold.

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Sully always looks so photogenic in his trench coat and hat that I have to get some portraits. Especially cool under a tall bridge.


*insert cool sunglasses emoji* This is another hypothetical album picture for when Sully finishes his demos. I approve.



Starting the last section off with some sunny indoor photos. Few things delight my heart like peaceful sun streaming into my little house. ❀


We can easily walk to this adorable downtown area from our house. Sometimes we’ll spend part of a free Saturday exploring the little shops here.

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I forget the occasion of this cake but OH MY GUYS, my 14-year-old sister Carmen made this! Isn’t it incredible?? She is seriously a pro at cake baking. And her cakes even taste good as well as look good.


We shall end with the most random Walmart find. It was obviously out of place on the shelf but still, what even?! I guess everyone needs emotional support dumplings sometimes. :’D

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That concludes today’s collage! I hope you enjoyed scrolling through the pretty or amusing shots from these past few months.

Did you watch the solar eclipse? Would you rather have Megan’s elf socks or the emotional support dumplings?

Thanks so much for reading, my friends, and have a lovely day!


14 thoughts on “Etcetera #25 {Glowstick Gangs, Squishy Pets, & Emotional Support Dumplings}

  1. lovely pictures, Allison! I love the Etc albums! It feels like a glimpse of yours & Sully’s life❀️


  2. Oh my goodness! I love this sprinkling of people, pets and foods! I simply adore what you do and I know that if we physically met, we would yak for quite a long time. I am a lover of all the same and also, books…I have worked in the book industry for 30 years, library, selling, ordering…do you have time for a read? And if so, what? Blessings Allison!


    1. It sounds like we could have a lovely visit together. πŸ™‚ OOH BOOKS! I love books! I read voraciously when I was younger, then grew up and ran out of time, but recently I’ve been getting back into it. Some of my recent reads have been the Mitford series by Jan Karon (I’m reading it aloud to my husband πŸ™‚ ), Surprised by Oxford by Carolyn Weber, and a lot of Brandon Sanderson books from the Stormlight Archive. How about you?


      1. I just finished the Wolf Hall trilogy and it is not an easy read but so wonderful in describing the time. Hilary would be so proud and the final book is in production and will be on Masterpiece very soon! 


  3. Hi Allison! My comment from last week’s post didn’t post correctly. But I still want to say I enjoyed it! πŸ˜‰

    A great collection of photos! Love the picture of Tom the Cat. He has a look that says, “I can’t be bothered.” Ha!

    Great seeing more clips from Megan’s shower. Also love that golden pond!!!

    Wow, your sister Carmen is so talented!!! What a beautiful cake!

    Ha, the things people come up. Who knew we needed emotional support dumpling? πŸ˜‰

    Thanks for sharing, Allison! May God bless you, friend!


    1. Hehe that’s sweet of you. Thanks Valentine!

      Oh yes, that is the expression Tom wears most of his life – either that or “PANIC PANIC PANIC.” XD

      She is super talented indeed, with art and baking and more!

      I know, what will they think of next? :’D So funny.

      Thanks for the comment, friend! Have a lovely day.


  4. the fact that Megan is wearing the hilarious socks at the same time as she is wearing a shirt that says β€œI’d rather be barefoot” XD


  5. Hi Alison. The photo of the yellow line & leaf made me think of the warmth trying to cling on as winter trys to take over. X


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